System Settings

System Settings


System Settings is where the client will set the parameters that will be utilized throughout the system. 

Opening System Settings

This procedure is used to access all processes in the System Settings section.

Locate and click the Admin and Maintenance tab. Next, click on the System Settings option.

For changes in multiple areas click Apply after completing modifications in each tab. Clicking Ok will save changes and close the window.

District Info

The District Information Section is where you tell the system about your district.

Select the District Info tab. Enter necessary District information where applicable.

District Name
- The name of the District.
District Code
- Abbreviated code for your District (Not editable. Set by MCS/DataCenter).
- A numeric identifier for your District (Not editable. Set by MCS/DataCenter).
Address Line 1
- District's mailing address.
Address Line 2
- District's mailing address continued.
- District's city.
- District's state.
Zip Code
- District's zip code.


The Miscellaneous section contains information that does not fall under the other categories.

Select the Miscellaneous tab to enter the miscellaneous setup information.

Backup Path Relative to Client

Some users may not have a backup path due to rights established by the District.

Backup Path Relative to Server

If a network path is used, be sure the SQL server user log being utilized has the appropriate permissions to write to the chosen network location. 

Max Parallel Database Connections

Increasing this number may improve performance on some processes, but may also increase the load on the SQL server.

News and Announcements can be blocked for individual roles by revoking their permissions to News and Announcements under Admin and Maintenance → Security Permissions.

Current School Year - Use the drop-down menu to select the current school year.
Backup Path Relative to Client - Enter the location where the system will place backups relative to the workstation.
Backup Path Relative to Server - Enter the location where the system will place backups relative to the server (usually a folder on the server's local drive).
Skip alert check for users that cannot see details - Select this option to skip Alert Checks at startup for users who do not have access to the alert details.
Database GUID - The GUID for the current database (not editable). 
Max Parallel Database Connections - The maximum number of database connections to use when processing parallel operations against the database. This number is not editable.
Current CN Database Version - Displays the CN Database version used when determining nutritional factors (not editable).
Show News and Announcements on Startup - Select this option if you want News and Announcements to be displayed when starting the program (leave unchecked to disable this option).
Breakfast : Lunch Meal Equivalency - Percentage of meal reimbursement per Breakfast a la carte sale.
Snack : Lunch Meal Equivalency - Percentage of meal reimbursement per Lunch a la carte sale
Supper : Lunch Meal Equivalency - Percentage of meal reimbursement per Supper a la carte sale
Extra Sales Meal-Equivalency Factor - Dollar figure amount for extra sales (a la carte, second meal, etc.) that constitutes a meal equivalency.
Manufacturing Value per Labor Hour - The value of one (1) labor hour.
Shrink the log after database upgrades - By default, the database and log files are shrunk after upgrades.
Target maximum space allowed for database shrinkage - Specify the maximum space allowed for database shrinkage. In most cases, the default value, 100 MB, is sufficient.
Convert all scanned images to black & white - Converts scanned images to black and white to conserve colored ink usage.


DataCenter is used to house student information and pass and accept information between MCS programs.

Select the Datacenter tab to review/update Datacenter options.

 Database Guid

If your District has begun Edison implementation during the middle of a school year and did not complete the Edison End of Year process, it may be necessary to change your Database GUID to reflect the current school year in DataCenter. You must contact Support in order to request the change and for authorization.

    1. Click on the ellipsis icon.
    2. Select the DataCenter database in which to attach. Then, click Ok.
    3. Click Submit Request.
    4. Enter a comment as to why the request is being made to attach to a different DataCenter database. Then, click Ok.
    5. Once the request has been approved, the progress will close and changes will be applied.

Database Guid - The identifier of the currently attached DataCenter database (not editable).
Next-Year Guid - Next year's DataCenter database identifier. This field will be blank if the End of Year is not enabled in DataCenter (not editable).
Force Full Refresh on Next Sync - Select this option to sync site information with DataCenter.


The Reports section allows you to set custom headers that will appear in all reports and select how report types should be sorted.

Select the Reports tab to select the appropriate reports options. 

Delete text in the Report titles that will not be used.

Report Title 1 - Enter the first default title line that will appear on all reports.
Report Title 2 - Enter the second default title line that will appear on all reports.
Report Title 3 - Enter the third default title line that will appear on all reports.
Sort Items by - Use the drop-down menu to select an item sorting option.
Sort Recipes by - Use the drop-down menu to select a recipe sorting option.
Sort Menus by - Use the drop-down menu to select a menu sorting option.
Sort Sites by - Use the drop-down menu to select a site sorting option.
Hide Site Code/School Number - Hodes the site code/school number from reports.
Production Report Format - Use the drop-down menu to select your custom Production Report format for your District.             

 Click the gear icon to Setup Production Report

Configure your Production Report. Then, click Ok.

Served by Site - Select the checkbox to use the user's default site filter or select from the drop-down menu to choose specific site filters.
Served in Date Range - Select a served in date range from the drop-down menu.
Meal - Select the checkbox for the desired meal(s).
Options - Select additional options to include in the report.

Production Worksheet Format - Use the drop-down menu to select a Production Worksheet format for your District.

 Click the gear icon to Setup Production Worksheet

Configure your Production Worksheet. Then click Ok.

Prepared by Site - Select the checkbox to use the user's default site or select from the drop-down menu to choose a site.
Serve Date - Select a serve date from the drop-down menu.
Meal - Select the checkbox for the desired meal(s).
Group Records by - Select how you would like your production records grouped by selecting from the drop-down menu. Select the Page Break check box to insert a page break between records.
Then by - Select an additional way to group your production records by selecting from the drop-down menu. Select the Page Break check box to insert a page break between records.
Options - Select additional options to include in the report. 

Production Report Menu Item Types - Place a checkmark in the box to include one or more additional menu item types in your production report.


The Email section allows you to configure your email settings. Contact your IT department for SMTP setup details.

Select the Email tab to enter the appropriate email data.

Relay to SMTP Server - Select to send email messages utilizing a SMTP Relay Server.
Hostname - Enter the SMTP Relay Server hostname or IP address.
Port - Enter the SMTP Relay Port Number (typically 25 for non-SSL, and 465 for SSL).
Enable SSL - Select to enable SSL Communication with SMTP Relay.
Authentication Mode
Send to Pickup Directory - Select this option to send email to the user-specified folder instead of relaying through a SMTP server.
Email on Failure Address - Select this option to send an email to the email address listed when a job fails. You can add multiple addresses by separating them with a comma.

External Integrations

The External Integrations section allows you establish real-time communication with Artemis. In addition to establishing communication, safety checks are in place to ensure communication does not occur in the Edison database if copied into a test environment.

Expected SQL Server Instance

If the SQL Server Instance name does not match, such as when the Edison database is copied to a test server, communication will automatically be disabled.

Select the External Integrations tab to enable/disable external integration sources.

Enable Artemis Integration - Place a checkmark in the box to enable Artemis integration.
Artemis Server URL - Enter the URL of the Artemis server in use.
Integration ID - The Artemis integration ID for your District.
Password - The password associated with the Artemis Integration ID.

Safety Checks - Safety checks ensure communication does not occur if the Edison database is copied into a test environment.
Expected SQL Server Instance - Enter the SQL server name used in your production environment. Use the drop-down menu to select how SQL Server should be compared to the running server.
Normal - Use this option if you only have one SQL server that could be considered correct. The SQL Server instance must match the text entered verbatim.
Reg. Ex. - You may use this option if you have multiple SQL servers that could be considered correct. The SQL Server instance must match the regular expression entered.
Ellipsis - Clicking the ellipsis icon loads the information from the currently running SQL Server and quickly sets the correct values above for running in the current environment.

MealViewer Integrations

The Mealviewer Integrations section allows you establish real-time communication with MealViewer.  In addition to establishing communication, safety checks are in place to ensure communication does not occur in the Edison database if copied into a test environment.

Select the MealViewer Integrations tab to enable/disable MealViewer sources and configure MealViewer settings.

MealViewer Server URL - Use the drop-down menu to select the URL of the MealViewer server.
API Key - The MealViewer API Key for your District. Select Test Connection to ensure the connection between Edison and MealViewer is setup correctly.

Enable MealViewer Integration - Place a checkmark in the box to enable MealViewer integration.
Full-Refresh on Next Sync - When checked, a Full-Refresh will be performed on the next sync.

A Full-Refresh syncs all Site data for each Site.
Note: Any words in italics indicate MealViewer Terminology.

  • Recipes (Items) including nutrition, allergens, and serving sizes.
    Note: Nutrition should always be recalculated for a recipe if items/ingredients have been changed.
  • Recipe Categories (Item Types)
  • Menu Count Types (Age Groups)
  • Site name
  • Menu planning data listed above (and in accordance with the Exclude 0 Planned Counts and Do Not Display Externally settings) including MealViewer Display Groups and MealViewer Blocks (if established).

Sync Interval - Enter the number of minutes between synchronizations. To disable automatic synchronization, enter 0. By default, the system will send a MealViewer sync every 15 minutes.
Synchronize Dates - Enter XX (the number of) days in the past (if you would like to send records for days prior to today) through XX days in the future - Enter the number of days in the future you would like to send records.
Synchronize Sites - Use the ellipses icon to open the MealViewer Site Filter and establish sites for synchronization.

 Synchronize Sites

In the MealViewer Site Filter window, establish use the magnifier tool or drop-down menu to select a Specific SiteBy Category, or Named Site Filter. You may also select All Sites.

Synchronize Meals - Select one or more meal types to sync.

Safety Checks - Safety checks ensure communication does not occur if the Edison database is copied into a test environment.
Expected SQL Server Instance - Enter the SQL server name used in your production environment. Use the drop-down menu to select how SQL Server should be compared to the running server.
Normal - Use this option if you only have one SQL server that could be considered correct. The SQL Server instance must match the text entered verbatim.
Reg. Ex. - You may use this option if you have multiple SQL servers that could be considered correct. The SQL Server instance must match the regular expression entered.
Ellipsis - Clicking the ellipsis icon loads the information from the currently running SQL Server and quickly sets the correct values above for running in the current environment.

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