Employee Import Specification

Employee Import Specification


TimeKeeper Employee Import Specification

The TimeKeeper Employee Import requires one XML file properly formatted to the specification described in this document. Each employee record found in the file will be created in the TimeKeeper database. If an employee record already exists, it will be updated with the information provided in the import file. A sample file is shown below followed by specific details about each field. All XML tags are required unless specifically noted as optional. The fields must appear in the specified order.


     <FullName>Doe, John F Jr.</FullName>
     <Inactive />

Employee Update

This XML tag should start and end the import file


There should be one Employee tag for each employee to be imported. It should surround all of that employee's data. All Employee records should be between <EmployeeUpdate></EmployeeUpdate> tags.

Employee Number

-32 alphanumeric characters

This is the primary identifier for employees. Duplicate employee numbers are not allowed. If an employee number in the import file matches an employee number already in the TimeKeeper database, the employee record in TimeKeeper will be updated with the information in the import file.


– XML Empty Tag - Optional

This tag contains no data. If this tag is present, the employee will be marked as inactive in the TimeKeeper database. If the employee currently exists in the TimeKeeper database, the record will be updated and activated/inactivated based on the existence of the Inactive tag.


Employee names may be listed in either full or partial format (see example). A FullName tag may be used in place of the individual name tags and vice versa. Each part of the name is limited to the size listed below. The FullName may be listed as “Last, First Middle Suffix” or “First Middle Last Suffix” with only the first and last names being required.

  • FirstName – 64 alphanumeric characters
  • Middle – 1 alphanumeric character – Optional
  • LastName – 64 alphanumeric characters
  • Suffix – 3 alphanumeric characters – Optional


– 32 alphanumeric characters

This code must match an Export Code in the TimeKeeper Job Code Maintenance screen. Job code descriptions are not allowed.


– Optional

This tag is used to assign additional job codes to an employee. All additional job codes must be listed within this tag using JobCode tags described below.


– 32 alphanumeric characters – Optional

The data format of this tag is identical to that of the PrimaryJobCode tag. The code must match an Export Code in the TimeKeeper Job Code Maintenance screen. If no match is found, the additional Job Code is not imported. Job code descriptions are not allowed.


– 32 alphanumeric characters – Optional

There are no formatting requirements on the phone number. It is stored and displayed as a direct copy of the data in the import file. For example, (555)-555-5555 will appear as (555)-555-5555 and 5551234567 will appear as 5551234567. Since TimeKeeper applies no formatting to the phone number field, uniformity within the input file is encouraged.


– 9 numeric characters – Optional

This optional field will be visible only on the TimeKeeper Employee Maintenance screen. It is not used within TimeKeeper and exists strictly for the benefit of payroll systems that require it.


– 64 alphanumeric characters – Optional

This optional field is not used within TimeKeeper, but exists as an alternative way to identify employees in 3rd-party payroll systems.


– 64 alphanumeric characters – Optional

This optional field is not used within TimeKeeper, but exists as an alternative way to associate an employee with a cost center in 3rd-party payroll systems.

All character counts are maximums.


TimeKeeper Employee Import Specification.zip

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