


The Home Tab--Employees

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 Clock In/Out Records

This button gives you instant access to times and dates that your employees clock in and out.  This is particularly useful if an employee is unable to Clock In/Out or forgets to do so.  You, as supervisor, can enter the record and modify times.  The process is very easy.

  Adding A Missed Clock-In/Clock Out

  1. Click the Clock In/Out button.

  2. Once you click the button, the following window will appear.  This window allows you to either search for your employee or type in the name you need in the Employee Box.

  3. If you need to search for the employee, click the button immediately to the right of the Employee Name box.  

  4. Clicking this button will bring up a list of all employees.  You can scroll through the list until you find the employee you need.  If you wish to only see the employees you supervise, click the box that says "Only Show My Supervisory Groups."  This can cut down on the search time considerably. 


    The employee screens shown in this manual have blurred employee data to protect the privacy of workers.  You will see complete names and primary job codes of your employees.

  5. Select the employee you wish to view and click Ok.

  6.  After you click Ok, the following screen will appear.


    The window will default to today's date for searches.  The red arrows show you where you can modify the searches to include multiple days, weeks, months or more.

  7. Select the date(s) you wish to search and click Refresh Search.  This will bring up all dates that the employee Clocked In/Out during that time.

  8. Once you have clicked Refresh Search, you will see a list of times the employee has worked.

  9. Simply select the date you wish to modify and click Edit Event.  The following window shows a common mistake–an employee forgot to sign out.  We'll take care of that problem quickly and easily.

  10. Once you click Edit Event, the follow screen will appear.  The two red arrow show the missing Clock Out.  You'll need to correct it at the top of the screen.  Once you do that, the time you added will be inserted into the bottom of the screen.

  11. Once you click in the Clock Out Time box, a screen will appear asking you to select a terminal for the Clock Out.  It defaults to the terminal that the employee used to clock in on that particular day.  In this case, the terminal defaults to Site (38), the FSWarehouse.  Click Ok.

  12. Click in the box that contains the Clock Out Time.  It defaults to the time and date that you are accessing the screen.  This will need to be changed.  You can select the month, year, date, hours, minutes, seconds and AM/PM to modify with the small up/down arrows.  Enter the correct time that the employee should have clocked out. 

  13. In this screen, the employee's Clock Out time has been changed to 1 pm on the same day he clocked in. Before you click Apply, you must place a reason for the edit in the Change Reason box.  In this case, it was a simple mistake on the part of the employee.

  14. Click Apply.  The record will be updated with the new information.  The box at the bottom will show the original Log In/Out and the correction.  This is very important because the mistake is recorded should an employee question why his records were modified. 

  15. Click Ok

  16. Click Ok and you will be taken back to the list of the employee's Clock In/Out events.  If there are no more changes to be made, you can click Close.

Add Both a Clock-In and Clock-Out Event 

What if an employee forgets to log in and log out?  Solving this problem will take a few extra steps.  Instead of Editing an Event, we'll have to Add an Event.

  1. Click the Clock In/Out Records button.

  2. This will bring up the Review Clock In/Clock Out window.

  3. Type in the name of the employee you wish to modify or search by clicking the small button to the right of the Employee Name Box.

  4. Select the employee you wish to modify.

  5. Click the Add button.

  6. Once you click the Add button, you will see a window asking for a terminal.  Choose the appropriate one and click Ok.

  7. The employee's record will appear.  Select the correct time for the Clock In. Modify the time and date of the Clock In Time.


    The time and date in the window will default to the current time and date.

  8. Click the small box by Clock-Out Time, select the terminal, and enter the correct time for the employee's Clock Out.

  9. Here is a screen with the times entered for Clock-In and Clock-Out. 

  10. Add a comment on why you are changing the record and click Apply.

  11. Once you click Apply, you'll be brought back to the Clock-In/Clock-Out window and the record will be visible in the employee's work history.

  12. If that is the last modification you need to complete, click Ok.

Removing a Clock-In/Clock-Out Event

Occasionally, you will need to remove a Clock-In/Clock-Out event all together.  This is usually due to employees accidentally Clocking-In/Clocking-Out twice.  It is a very easy fix.

  1. Click the Clock In/Out Records button.  

  2. Clicking this button will bring up the Review Clock-In/Clock-Out window.

  3. Either type the employee's name in the box or click the small button to the right of the box to search for the employee. 

  4. Search for the employee you wish to modify. 

  5. Double click on the employee you wish to modify.

  6. The Review Clock-In/Clock-Out window will appear containing that employee's information. Select the dates you wish to search and click Refresh Search.


    The search dates default to the current date.  You can easily change these by clicking on the date and modifying as needed with the small arrow keys at the end of the box.

  7. Select the date you wish to remove and click the Remove button.

  8. A window will appear asking why the Clock-In/Clock-Out event is being removed.  Type a short reason and click Ok.

  9. The database will update and you will see the Employee's Clock-In/Clock-Out history.  If you wish, you can scroll to make sure the date you just removed is gone. If there aren't any other modifications to complete, click the Close button.

Absence Records

Time Keeper gives supervisors the ability to view and modify employee absence records as well.

Adding an Absence

When an employee calls in sick, requests a personal day or any other of the reasons they might miss work, the supervisor must modify the employee's record.

  1. Click on the Absence Records button. 

  2. This button will bring up the following window where you are able to type the employee's name into the Employee box or search for it by clicking the small button to the right of the Employee box. 

  3. Select the employee's name and click Ok.

  4. Once you click Ok, the following window will appear.

  5. To add an absence, click the Add button.  You will see the following window.

  6. Select the date of the absence.  The window defaults to today's date.  Once you have chosen the date, you need to select an absence code from the pull down menu.

  7. Once you have found, and selected, the appropriate code, you will need to add in the appropriate number of hours.  This depends on how long the employee's shift lasts and how long the employee was absent.  Generally, if an employee misses an entire day, the missed hours are 8.  Our example has missed an entire day of work due to sickness. 

  8. You can add comments into the comments box if there is something associated with the absence that you wish recorded.  Click Apply and then Ok.  You may then close the Add Absence Record window.

  9. You should see the newly added absence in the employee's list.

  10. You have added an absence to an employee record.  You can click the Close button if no more absences need to be recorded.

Editing an Absence Record

Sometimes, you may wish to edit an Absence Record.  With the Edit button, you can change dates, times or remove an absence all together.  This is quite easily accomplished.

  1. Click the Absence Records button.

  2. The following window will appear.  You can type in the employee's name in the Employee box or click the small button to the right of that box to search all employees.

  3. Locate the employee you wish to modify. Click on their name and then click Ok.

  4. Once you click Ok, the employee's record will appear.  Change the dates to include the date you are seeking and click Refresh Search.  You will see a list of all of the absences for that employee that occurred between the dates you specified.

  5. Select the date you wish to modify and click the Edit button.

  6. Once we are at this window, we can edit the absence or remove it.  We'll start with removing an absence.  If you wish to simply modify an absence, click here.
    To Remove An Absence:
  7. Double check to make sure that the date in the date box is the absence you wish to remove and click Remove.

  8. The following window will appear asking you if you wish to delete the record.  Click Yes.

  9. The absence will be removed and you will be back at the original list of the employee's absences.  If you are done modifying the records, click Close.
      To Modify an Absence
  10. Once you are at the Absence Record Page, you can easily modify an absence.

  11. The following arrows show the data that can be modified.

  12. Note that you may click and modify the Absence Code, the Absence Date, the hours and add/remove/modify comments.  Once you have made the needed changes, click Ok.  The record will be saved and you will return to the employee's list of absences.  

Find Employee

Searching for a particular employee is very easy using Time Keeper.  All of your employees, and their records, are at your fingertips. 

  1. Click the Find Employee button.

  2. The following window will appear.  It will list all employees.


    If you wish to only see the employees you supervise, select the box that says "Only Show My Supervisory Groups" and click refresh.  This will only show employees you supervise.  This is a great way to make a large list much more manageable.

  3. Simply select the employee you wish to find and click Ok.  A screen will appear showing the Employee's number, name, status, site and job code.  If this is all you need, click close and you will be returned to the list of employees.  If you need further details, click View Details.


  4. The View Details button will take you to the Review Clock-In/Clock-Out window. 

  5. From this window, you can search for the Clock-in and Clock-out events of that employee.  To learn how to modify these events,  click here

Enroll Employee

The Enroll Employee button allows you to do three basic things.  Once the employee is selected, you can edit the employee's log in/password, add a fingerprint to the fingerprint scanner and add a palm print to the palm scanner.  The three tasks are all accomplished from one window.  First, though, we must access the window.

  1. Click the Enroll Employee button.

  2. You will see a window appear with a list of all employees.  If you wish to narrow the list to just your employees, click the button that says "Only Show My Supervisory Groups" and click refresh.

  3. Select the employee you wish to modify and click Ok.

  4. The following window will appear.

  5. From this window, we can modify the employee's Username/Password, Fingerscan or Palmscan.  


  1. Click on the Username/Password button.  The small triangle should be pointed towards Username/Password. Click Edit.

  2. The following window will appear.  You will be able to modify the employee's username and password.  Make the needed changes and press Ok.  The password and username will be updated.

  1. To edit the Fingerscan preferences, your terminal must be attached and have a fingerscanner present.  If so, click on the Fingerscan row.  The small triangle should be pointing towards Fingerscan.  Click Edit.
  2. The following window will appear.
  3. Click Enroll Fingerscan to begin the enrollment process.

    The enrollment screen will vary depending upon enrollment devices. For information about installing and using specific authentication devices, refer to the Peripheral Configuration Setup & Usage Guides.

  1. To configure a palm scanner, your terminal must be attached and have the palm scanner present.  If so, click on Palmscan.  The small triangle should be pointing towards Palmscan.  Click Edit.

  2. The following window will appear.

  3. Click Enroll Palmscan to begin the enrollment process.

The enrollment screen will vary depending upon enrollment devices. For information about installing and using specific authentication devices, refer to the Peripheral Configuration Setup & Usage Guides.

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