MSA Client 5.0 Release Notes

MSA Client 5.0 Release Notes


Release Goal

The goal of this release was to prepare for the MSA Client End-of-Year 2020 process.

MSA Client 5.0.1 - June 24, 2020

MSA Client 5.0.1 - June 24, 2020

The following enhancements and modifications were made since MSA Client 5.0.0.


Query End of Year date when uploading Schools

We have added logic when uploading schools to query the End of Year date established at www2.myschoolapps.com. If the End of Year date is in the past, Schools will upload to www.myschoolapps.com.

MSA Client 5.0.0 - June 8, 2020

MSA Client 5.0.0 - June 8, 2020

The following enhancements and modifications were made since MSA Client 4.1.

New Features

New Search Tab

You'll find a search field at the top of the ribbon menus. Type in the search field to display MSA Client options related to your search topic.


Suspicious Student Import Changes

MSA Client has been updated to allow a higher threshold for suspicious import activity.
New thresholds are as follows:

  • District Intervention Required (A user from the District should spot check the import and manually run the job) - 60% changes, 20% insertions/adds, 20% deletions/inactivations

  • HSS Support Intervention (The District must contact HSS Support so that Support can review and approve changes) - 50% insertions/adds

Dev Express Update

Updated Dev Express to 17.2.7.

.NET Update

Updated .NET Framework to support 4.5.0 or higher.