Auditors - Franklin Review Guide
Auditors - Franklin Review Guide
This document is designed to assist the auditor(s) with navigating exported audit files supplied by Districts utilizing Franklin - Free & Reduced.
Step 1: Locate and open the file from the District.
Step 2: Locate the file named index.html and double-click to open.
Step 3: Review the Audit/Application file.
- The file should open in an internet browser window. The following columns should be listed:
- Application ID - The link will bring you to the Application Detail report for the student.
Image - The link will either bring you to the information submitted via an online application (View Xml) or an image of the submitted, scanned application (View). If the column is blank, the application was keyed by hand. Click in the blank to bring up the keyed application information.
- Reference # - Refers to the number assigned through the online submission, the printed application number, or the number assigned internally by Franklin.
- Batch Code - Refers to the batch when pulled into Franklin while processing online applications or the batch assigned by Franklin when scanned into the system.
- Student Number - Refers to the student number assigned at the District.
- Student Name - Provides the student's First and Last name.
- School - Refers to the site code assigned to the school in which the student is enrolled.
- Grade - Indicates the grade in which the student is currently enrolled.
- Total income - Indicates the total household income and the income frequency.
- Total Members - Indicates the total number of household members on an application.
- Case Number - If the household member has submitted a SNAP or TANF case number, or if the student was listed as a Direct Certification, the case number is referenced.
- Application Approval - Indicates the student's approval status and reason behind the status.
- Current Eligibility - Indicates the student's current eligibility status.
, multiple selections available,