Verification Reports

Verification Reports



The Verification Reports section allows you to create Verification Final Changes, Verification Samples, Verification Sample Pools, and Verification Summary FNS-742 reports.


From the Reports tab, locate and click on Verification Reports. You may choose to print or export the report. After you have finished printing or exporting, click Close Print Preview.


Verification Final Changes

  1. From the Reports tab, select Verification Reports. Then, click Verification Final Changes.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

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Verification Final Document

  1. From the Reports tab, select Verification Reports. Then, click Verification Final Document.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

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Verification Paper Worksheet

  1. From the Reports tab, select Verification Reports. Then, click Verification Paper Worksheet.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

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Verification Sample

The Verification Sample will generate a report of all students in all sample sets determined by date and date range options. The report will include 3% of the sample pool as required by USDA regulations which may range from a few students to a few hundred students (depending on the size of the the student population). Siblings and For-Cause Households may also be chosen to be included in the report. 

  1. From the Reports tab, select Verification Reports. Then, click Verification Sample.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

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Verification Sample Pool

The Verification Sample Pool will generate a report of all students who have the possibility of being selected for verification. Students who have a paid benefit status are not included in the verification process. 

  1. From the Reports tab, select Verification Reports. Then, click Verification Sample Pool.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

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Verification Summary FNS-742

  1. From the Reports tab, select Verification Reports. Then, click Verification Summary FNS-742.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

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