If you have previously imported the Colorado Plugin, you may import the latest version within Franklin. Establish export criteria. Filename The file name must be DISTRICT.txt for this process to work. If your filename is not DISTRICT.txt, highlight the filename before the .txt extension and type DISTRICT. Then, click Save. In the Export Criteria window, choose a designated location on your workstation by clicking the ellipses If this is the first time you are logging into the website, continue with the following instructions. You will need to change your password. If you have already logged in and changed your password, skip to the CDE Direct Cert Process section of this document. Change the password. In the New Password field, type in the new password. Password Requirements Keep in mind you will need to use both upper and lower case alpha characters as well as at least one (1) numeric character and one (1) symbol. The uppercase and numeric characters cannot be the first or last character of your password. e.g. State*1 is not acceptable; however, sta*1Te is acceptable. If the upload is successful with no errors, you should receive a message stating Congratulations! File upload successful. You will receive a notification message if you have errors. Please refer to your State and District policies for regulations on how to handle this type of issue. If you believe the error is related to MCS Software, please contact Support by logging a case in the customer portal. After you have successfully downloaded the District file, click on the Matches Detail Report and select the Save button. This step is required by the State. From the Utilities tab, select the Direct Certification menu and choose the Import File option. If you already have DC Import Configurations established, you may be asked to select which one to use. Choose an Import Configuration and click Ok if this is the case. In the Confirm DC State Match Results window, you will receive a message as to the percentage of correct matches. Questionable matches appear in red. If you are sure a student in red is a match, click the apply box to include the student in the match. When you are done, click Ok. (All names have been changed to protect the identity of students.) Choose which letter type to print and how to sort the letters. When you have completed setting up print options, click Ok. Kinds of Letters to Print - If you have setup a separate template for DC Letters, use the drop-down menu to select the correct letter, otherwise, leave the Normal Letters default selected. Letter Sort Order - Use the drop-down menu to choose how letters should be sorted for printing. The print batch window will appear notifying you of the number of letters that remain to be printed. Click OK to open the print preview screen. Selecting Cancel in the Print Next Batch window or clickingClose Print Preview prior to printing letters will leave the unprinted letters in the queue. Letters will only move out of the print queue when a print job is executed.Download the Latest Plugin
Administration and Maintenance > Advanced Setup > External Plugins >Check for UpgradesDownload the Export to State .xml File
Establish Export Settings
Export Data from Franklin
Password Change
CDE Direct Certification Process
Importing and Running the DC File
Print DC Notification Letters