1. On the WebSMARTT Home page, select Customers .
2. Select Customer Management .
3. Find the desired customer .
4. Select Prepayment . The Prepayment Page opens.
An error message Warning, you are making a prepayment for an withdrawn or inactive customer appears if you attempt to make a prepayment to a customer who is inactive or withdrawn.
6. Enter the total amount of the prepayment in the Total Prepayment Amount field.
7. TAB to the Type field and select whether this payment is Cash, Check or Promotion (depends on user permissions).
8. If you want all of the cash to go into the customer's cash account , click Confirm . If you want to enter meal credits , select either the Number of Lunch (Breakfast) Credits OR Cash used for Lunch (Breakfast) Credits, enter the amount of credits or cash before confirming. The Prepayment Confirmation Page opens.
9. Verify the Account Cash, Lunch Credits and Breakfast Credits.
Check the Print Receipt? box if you would like to print a receipt for this prepayment.
If the amounts are correct, click Submit . If they are not correct, click Change . Submit takes you to the
Prepayment Complete Page .
Clicking Change takes you back to the Prepayment Page .
Click Continue . The Customer Information Page opens.
If you want to split a prepayment with another account, see How to split a prepayment .
If you want to make an adjustment to an account, see How to make an adjustment to an account .