Advanced Setup

Advanced Setup


This section demonstrates how to configure the more advanced features supplied with Franklin. Some of the options may require assistance from Support.

Opening Advanced Setup

Locate and click on the Admin & Maintenance tab. Next, click on the Advanced Setup option.

Report Menu Configurations

Report Menu Configurations allows you to create groups of reports that can be assigned for different roles with set report criteria (optional).  Additionally, reports may also be suppressed if it is not necessary for the user to have access.

Template changes to the layout and fields are modified through the Report Designer.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Advanced Setup. Then, choose Report Menu Configurations.
  2. Select a Menu Configuration description and click Edit. To create new report menu configurations, click the Add button.

    Stock Reports

    System (Stock Reports) are system-defined reports and configurations and cannot be edited.

  3. Select how you would like to create a new configuration. Then, click Ok.
    You may create a copy of a selected configuration or create a new configuration. 

  4. Establish Custom Report Menu configurations. When you are done, click Save Changes.

    Existing report items are setup through the system and cannot be removed; however, you may choose to suppress those items from the final report.

    1. Enter a Description for the configuration.

    2. Add Section to add new report configuration categories/sections.
    3. Add Report to select from a list of all available Customized Stock Reports or User-Defined Reports. Be sure you have the correct Category section selected before adding a report.  Each report selected will pop up a configuration window. To edit existing configurations, choose the item you would like to edit and click Customize Criteria. Establish set report criteria configurations for each applicable report. Then, click Ok.

      For specific details about report criteria, refer to criteria details in User-Defined Reports.

      DISTRICT DEFAULT STOCK REPORTS (* denotes reports without configurable criteria)
      Student ReportsApplication ReportsManagement ReportsAudit Reports & ToolsVerification ReportsOther Reports
      • Direct Certification Summary
      • Households with Benefits Differences
      • Percent of Enrollment
      • Eligibility Details
      • Eligibility Summary
      • Prior-Year Status Comparison
      • Master Student List
      • Application Detail
      • Application List
      • Application Pipeline
      • Application Review Reason Details
      • Application Review Reason Summary
      • Applications by Language
      • Scanned Application List
      • Processed Application Details
      • Processed Application Summary
      • Batch Pipeline
      • Application Processing Productivity
      • Online Application Trend
      • Scanning Q/A Time by User
      • Duplicate Students
      • SIS Overrides
      • Title 1 Details
      • Title 1 Summary
      • User Activity Log
      • Adds & Drops
      • Independent Application Review Details
      • Merged Students
      • Status Changes
      • Verification Final Document
      • Verification Final Changes
      • Verification Sample
      • Verification Sample Pool
      • Verification Summary FNS-742
      • Verification Paper Worksheet
      • *Exclude Schools and Grades
    4. Create Caption Overrides for custom sections and Other Reports.

      The text entered for a caption override will appear in the ribbon of the Reports tab.

    5. Include New Reports - If the box is checked, new stock reports (program standards or plugins) will automatically appear to the user in the established report category.

    6. Click on the plus sign (+) of a category to view available reports in that group. 

      1. You may wish to add report Caption Overrides for customized stock reports and user-defined reports.

      2. Hide a report by placing a checkmark in the Suppressed box.

  5. In the Report Menu Configurations tab, select your new Report Configuration and click Test to apply a preview to the system.

    1. Click on the Reports tab to review Report Configurations.
    2. When you are done reviewing report configurations, click Previewing Report Menu Configuration at the bottom-left of your screen to return to cancel previewing the selected configuration. Click Yes to return to your default Report Configurations.

User-Defined Reports

The User Defined Reports section allows you to customize the layout and fields of a report utilizing the Report Designer. Reports can be created containing specific data regarding Students, Verification Samples, Title 1, etc. This section gives basic information on created a custom report. Please contact Support for more information.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select the Advanced Setup menu and choose User-Defined Reports.
  2.  Click Add to create a new user-defined report.
  3. Select a User-Defined Report type to use for the new report. Then, click Ok.
  4. Select Setup Data Set and establish dataset options.

    Click on each user-defined report type below to view Data Set Options.

    Filter options and Advanced Filter Expressions are available for some reports. The available options may vary depending on the type of report.

     (Advanced Users) How to configure Advanced Filter Expressions.

    Advanced Filter Expression - Select the ellipsis icon to the right of the Filters section to access the Advanced Filter Expression area.

    • Double-click filters in the list to add them to your filter expression. You can combine multiple filters using AND, OR, and NOT. An Order of Operations can also be specified by using parenthesis.
    • Be sure to click the Check Syntax button before selecting Ok.

     View Historical Student Data instructions.
    Configure Dataset - Select Dataset filters and options. Then, click Ok.

    Students As Of Date - Select which date/data to use.
          Report Current Data - Reports the most current information.
         Report As-Of-Date - Use the calendar tool to select a date and time.
    School Filter - Use the magnifier tool to locate and select a Specific School or By Category. You may also choose All Schools.
    - Select filter to be used by placing a checkmark in the appropriate boxes utilizing the up-down arrows. You may also click the ellipsis icon to create Advanced Filter Expressions.
    Options - Place a checkmark in the box to Include Inactive.

     View Direct Certification Details instructions.
    Configure Dataset - Select Dataset filters and options. Then, click Ok.
     View Merged Student Data instructions.
    Configure Dataset - Select Dataset filters and options. Then, click Ok.
     View Title 1 Detail instructions.
    Configure Dataset - Select Dataset filters and options. Then, click Ok.
     View Verification Sample instructions.
    Configure Dataset - Select Dataset filters and options. Then, click Ok.

     View Generic SQL Data Set instructions.

    Configure Dataset - Select Dataset filters and options. Then, click Ok.

    Generic SQL Data Set is for users who have knowledge of SQL database and SQL query language. If you do not have an understanding of SQL database and SQL query language, contact Support.

     SQL Statements

    a. Edit SQL Statement - Select the ellipsis icon to the right of the SQL Statement section to access the Edit SQL window.
    b. Edit the SQL Statements.

    c. Once you have completed making changes to SQL Statements, click the Test button or use the F5 key.
    d. If the test functions properly, click the red "x" at the top right-hand corner of the window. Then, click Ok on the Edit SQL window.
    (The names and student numbers have been changed in the below screenshot to protect identities.) 

     View Student Data instructions.

    Configure Dataset - Select Dataset filters and options. Then, click Ok.

  5. Configure the Report Designer - To configure the layout of any User Defined Report, select Edit Layout to open the Report Designer.

    For more information on how to create and adjust report templates, click on the links below to visit DevExpress. Please note that some topics may not apply; however, these tutorials and documentation should give you a better understanding to designing reports.

    Video tutorials: DevExpress Reporting

    Documentation: End User Report Designer Online Help

    Some User-Defined Reports may prompt you to adjust criteria.

     Dataset Criteria - Click here to expand Dataset Criteria options.

  6. Edit the report in the Report Designer. You can rearrange, delete or add to the template.

    1. The Report Explorer tab shows the band and band details. Click the (+) to expand the areas.

    2. Locate and click on the Field List tab.

    3. Choose from the list of Field Parameters you would like to include in your report by left mouse clicking on the parameter and dragging it onto the report template.

    4. Use the Preview button to review your report.

    5. Once you are done creating your report, click the Save icon. Then, click the red X to close the Report Designer window.
    6. Click Ok to apply changes.

You should see your new report.

Scheduled Jobs

This option allows you to create and schedule the triggering of re-occurring procedures. The jobs are a series of predefined tasks that can be scheduled to occur on a specific schedule.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select the Advanced Setup menu and choose Scheduled Jobs.
  2. Select the Add button.
  3. Enter the Scheduled Job information. Then, select Add Task to place tasks in the Scheduled Job.
    1. Description - Enter a description of the new Scheduled Job.
    2. Expected Period - Enter the Expected Period that the work schedule should be performed.
    3. Inactive - Select this option to make the Scheduled Job Inactive. 
    4. Agent Mode Scheduled - Use the drop-down menu to establish a frequency and complete details in order for the process(es) to be executed without using the Windows Task Scheduler.
    5. In the event of a failed job, select the Email on Failure checkbox to send an email to notify the user(s) defined in System Settings > Email about the failed scheduled job.
  4. Tasks can be added or edited when adding a new Scheduled Job, or when editing an existing Scheduled Job. Choose a Task and select Ok.

    Certain Tasks will require added information. 

  5. Configure Tasks. Once you have configured all tasks, click Ok.

     Lookup-Not-Found Auto-Match

    Configure between automatically applying and processing confident matches, and updating statistics only. Then, click Ok.

     Import DC File

    Choose the DC Import Configuration. Then, click Ok. DC Import Configurations are setup from the Administration and Maintenance tab → Miscellaneous Setup DC Import Configurations.

    Check Alerts - No configurable settings.
    Apply DC State Match - No configurable settings. 

     Run External Program

    If you have an external program you run in conjunction with Franklin, complete the requested information. Then, click Ok.

     Run Report

    Establish Run Report criteria.  Then, click Ok.

    MySchoolsApps Integration - No configurable settings.

     Export Data

     Select the Data Export from the list. Then, click Ok.

     Datacenter Synchronization

    Establish how to synchronize data with Datacenter. Then, click Ok.

    Datacenter Synchronization Type - Select how to synchronize data.
    Both - Includes an Upload and a Download.
    Upload Only - Only uploads to DataCenter.
    Download Only - Only downloads from DataCenter.

     Import Data

    Choose which importer to use. Then, click Ok.

     Run DC District Auto Match

     Select the Match Type for the Direct Certification Auto Match. Then, click Ok.

    Recognize Scanned Batches - No configurable settings.
    Queue Warning Letters - No configurable settings. 

     Process Applications

    Select which applications to process. Then, click Ok.

    Expire Temporary Status - No configurable settings.

     Backup Database

    Choose the options for database backups. Then, click Ok.

    Use Strong (AES) Encryption Password

    If you choose to use a strong (AES) encryption password and forget your password, backups will be unusable. No password or database recovery is possible. 

  6. Select Ok on the main task page to save the new Scheduled Job.

  7. Run Scheduled Jobs by selecting Run Now.

Alert Types

The Alert Type maintenance section allows you to ignore specific system alerts and establishing configurations when certain alerts should trigger.

Configuring an Alert

At present, the only configurable alert is Applications in Review.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select the Advanced Setup menu and choose Alert Types.
  2. Select Application in Review from the list. Then, click Configure Alert.
  3. Configure alert criteria. Then, click Ok.

Ignoring an Alert

You may elect to establish a time period to ignore an alert. E.g. Old Version of SQL Server during a period of transitioning to a newer version of SQL server being setup.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select the Advanced Setup menu and choose Alert Types.
  2. Select an alert from the list. Then, click Ignore Alert.
  3. Enter a date to re-enable the ignored alert. Then, click Ok.
  4. A reason for the alert ignore can be entered in the field provided. After you have entered a reason, click Ok.

Once you have made necessary changes, click Close in the Alert Type Maintenance window.

Test Databases

Test Databases allow you to enter the program in a mode that does not change current settings and affect student records. Once a database is created, you may wish to use it to test functionality and results prior to applying those changes to the system.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select the Advanced Setup menu and choose Test Databases.
  2. Select Add New to create a new Test Database.

    You may create a copy of an existing Test Database by selecting the database you would like to copy before selecting Add New.

  3. Select the which type of test database you wish to create. Then, click Ok.
  4. Enter a name for the Test Database. Then, click Ok

Advanced Test Database Options

You have the ability to Deploy a Specific Program Version of the software for testing purposes. For example, you may wish to run some tests on a newer release of the program prior to committing the latest version to the entire system.

  1. From the Test Database Maintenance tab, select the test database you would like to make program version changes.
  2. Click Deploy Specific Program Version and select an option.
    1. Check the web for latest - Allows you to run the test database in the latest public release.

    2. Upload a specific version from a file - Allows you to select a file from your local or network drive. Typically this would occur for private Beta release versions.

    3. Reset to using production version - Allows you to revert the test database from latest available or file-submitted version to the current "Live" version.

  3. Once you have selected how you want to proceed, you will see a series of processes running while the selected Test Database is upgraded/downgraded. The changed program version will appear in the list.

Student Data Importers

This section demonstrates how to configure the system to import student data from legacy systems.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select the Advanced Setup menu and choose Student Data Importers.
  2. You may choose to add, edit, remove, import, or export setup options for Student Data Imports.

    To edit or remove Student Data Imports, choose the Setup Student-Data Import file from the list and select the appropriate task. The directions below will help guide you through the editing process.


    Student Data configurations can be imported and exported utilizing the Import Settings and Export Settings options.

  3. Add a Data Import.
    1. To add a new Student-Data Importer, select Add New.
    2. Select the type of importer to add. Then, click Ok.
  4. Configure the Importer.

    1. Description - Describes the Importer you are creating.

    2. Import Type - The import type is automatically displayed depending on which importer you have chosen.
    3. Match Mode - Match Mode is only available for Generic Text File importers.

    4. Inactive - Lets you choose whether to make the importer inactive or not.

  5. Setup legacy options by clicking the Setup button.

    1. As current-year legacy status - Imports current year statuses from the previous system used by the District.

    2. As prior year legacy eligibility - Imports prior year statuses from the previous system used by the District.


Exports allows you to configure specific data within Franklin for exporting. Knowledge of SQL is necessary in order to establish some aspects of exports. Contact your IT support staff member or Support for assistance.

  1. From the  Admin & Maintenance tab, select the Advanced Setup menu and choose Exports.
  2. You may choose to add, edit, remove, import, or export.

    To edit or remove Exports, choose the Export file from the list and select the appropriate task. The directions below will help guide you through the editing process.

    Export configurations can be imported and exported utilizing the Import Settings and Export Settings options. 

  3. Choose which type of Export to add.

    1. Letter Tokens Text File - Allows you to designate which types of letters to export (normal, direct certification, incomplete application) and establish filter formulas.

    2. User-Defined DataSet Export - Adds a blank Export to be built from scratch.

    3. Email Letters - Allows you to designate which types of letters to export for email (normal, direct certification, incomplete application).

  4. Configure the export settings.
    1. Description - Assign a name to the export file.
    2. Export Type - Notes which type of export file you are creating.

    3. Inactive - Makes the export Inactive, but saves the configuration.

    4. Automatically overwrite existing files - Automatically overwrites any existing export files.

  5. Select Setup to configure the Export.

     Letter Tokens Text File - Click here to expand Letter Tokens Text File details.

    Export Filename - A file name cannot be added. Only use this tool if you have previously exported the file. Click on the ellipsis icon to locate the file you wish to save over.

    File Layout - Click on the ellipsis icon to setup export specifications. You can chose a file format, text qualifiers, headers & trailers, and edit and filter formulas. Click Ok when you have completed setting specifications.

    • Letter Batch Kinds - Select the type of letter batch kind you would like to establish to export (Normal LettersVerification Letters, DC Letters, Prior Year Letters, Verification Selection Letters, Verification Warning Letters, Application Processed, Incompleted (Paying)).
    • Click Ok when you have completed making changes.

     User-Defines DataSet Export - Click here to expand User-Defined DataSet Export details.
    • Export Filename - Enter an export filename. Click on the ellipsis icon to locate and save over an old file.
    • Data Set - Designate the type of Data Set you wish to establish for export (Historical Student Data, Direct Certification Data, Merged Student Data, Title 1 Details, Verification SampleGeneric SQL Data Set, Student Data).
    • Configure Dataset by selecting the gear icon to the right of the Data Set type.
      Configuring the Export Data Sets is identical to the Generic SQL Data Set process in Advanced Setup#User Defined Reports. Please refer to that section for additional details.

    • Edit Layout - Click the Edit Layout button. You can choose a file format, text qualifiers, headers & trailers, and edit and filter formulas. Click Ok when you have completed setting specifications.

    • Click Ok when you have completed making changes.

     Email Letters - Click here to expand Email Letter details.

    Designate the type of batch letters you wish to export for email from the drop-down menu (Normal Letters, Verification Letters, DC Letters, Prior Year Letters, Verification Selection Letters, Verification Warning Letters, Application Processes Letters, Application Letters, Incomplete (Paying)).

External Plugins

External Plugins are accessible for download and allow you to add, remove, and maintain plugins for your State, District, or a 3rd Party Integration. External Plugins are a custom creation for functions such as imports, exports, or other custom settings. For more information, contact Support.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select the Advanced Setup. Then, choose External Plugins.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    1. Check for Upgrades - Checks for plugin upgrades.
    2. Add - Allows you to add a new plugin from your computer or network.
    3. Remove - Removes the selected plugin.
    4. Enable/Disable - Turns the selected plugin on or off.
    5. View Details - Displays the details of the selected plugin.
    6. Close - Closes the window.
  3. Locate the downloaded plugin on your local or network drive and click Open.
  4. A confirmation window will appear notifying you of the version of plugin you are about to install. Click Ok to install the plugin.
  5. After processes have run, notice the plugin status is Not loaded. Click Close.
  6. You must restart Franklin for changes to take effect.
  7. After restarting Franklin, access external plugins to ensure the status has changed to loaded.

Plugin Upgrades

Newer versions of a plugin may be available. If upgrades are available, there will be an upgrade notification in the bottom right-hand corner of the window.

  1. From anywhere in the program, click on the Plugin Upgrade Available. This will redirect you to the Admin & Maintenance → Advanced Setup → External Plugins screen.
  2. Click on Check for Upgrades.
  3. The system will detect which plugin(s) you have installed. Click Yes to proceed with downloading the upgrade.
    Note: If multiple upgrades are available, you may choose which ones you would like to install. Click No to skip upgrading a plugin.

A notification window will be displayed with the name of the plugin(s) installed along with the old and new version numbers. You must restart Franklin for the changes to take effect. Click Ok.

Custom Table Schemas

Custom Table Schemas work in conjunction with some external plugins. Custom Table Schemas allow you to install custom tables in SQL server. For more information, contact Support.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select the Advanced Setup menu and choose Custom Table Schemas.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Select the custom file to install from the list. Then, click Ok.
  4. You must contact Support by submitting an install authorization request or entering the authorization code through Manual Approval to complete the installation process.
  5. Once you have received approval, you must restart Franklin to apply the changes.

Online Applications

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select the Advanced Setup menu and choose Online Applications.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Enter integration information. Then, click Ok.

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