MCS Edison User Guide |
This guide is intended for users of different degrees of knowledge and experience with the Edison - Menus and Inventory system. It provides detailed instruction, guidance, and explanation of the system and the tasks necessary to complete your job in the most efficient manner possible. As staff roles may vary from District to District, Daily Operations has been broken down to reflect job requirements. |
MCS Navigation
Tabs are located at the top of the ribbon menu for quick navigation between major operations within the system. This allows you to toggle between tabs to perform other actions.
⛔ Note: If you do not see all of the tabs as shown in the image below, it means your system role does not have permission to access or perform tasks in these tabs.
Ribbon Menu
The ribbon menu consists of icons to allow quick access of tasks and daily operations. Ribbons are typically broken down into groups of actions that are performed in a sequence.
You'll find a search field at the top of the ribbon menus. Click Search to enable the search field, then type a topic to display Edison navigation options.
User Guide Navigation
As you read through this guide, you should see the majority of instructions broken down into steps. Many words have been noted in bold to assist in locating the appropriate action in a step. Images contain highlights, arrows, and notations to assist in proper understanding and navigation while performing tasks.
All expansions are visible when exporting a page or space to MS Word or PDF formats. For details on exporting documentation, refer to Printing & Exporting in Confluence in the Tips section of the Knowledge Base.
Expandable Details
Some sections of the documentation are expandable to provide added detail while saving space. Click on the arrow > or link next to the arrow to expand/collapse details.
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents provides links to sections in the page to allow for quick navigation and access of information. Additionally, Return to Top functionality redirects you to the Table of Contents at the top of the page. As we continue to make improvements to our documentation, you may see either of the following types of Tables of Contents.
Additional Links
Additional links are provided in the documentation. The links are to additional pages within the Edison space, other reference material in the Knowledge Base, external websites, and email contacts. Links have blue text.
Navigation of the Edison space can be accomplished through links, the sidebar, or the breadcrumb trail. You may also use the Recent or Spaces drop-down menus at the top of the page to find what you’re looking for.
Opening Edison
From your desktop, locate and double-click on the Edison icon.
Enter your username and password. Then, click Ok or press the Enter key.
Edison Icon
Select/Unselect a Site
A "Site" is a considered a school, central kitchen, warehouse, vendor, or unmanaged site. When connecting to a "site", you may only choose those internal to the District - school, central kitchen, warehouse. It may be necessary for you to connect to a different site; however, this should not occur on a regular basis.
Select a Site
Click on the Edison icon in the top, left-hand corner of the screen. Then, choose Select Site.
If you prepare, order, receive, manufacture, and/or produce meals for more than one site, you must select each site and start the day in order to complete daily tasks.
Select a site location. Then, click Ok.
Once a site has been selected, it will be noted at the bottom of the screen.
Unselect a Site
Once you have finished tasks for a site, you can unselect the site without logging out of the system.
Click on the Edison icon in the upper left-hand corner of the program.
Choose Unselect Site.
Recent Items/Recipes
The Recent Items/Recipes option saves any recent Items and Recipes that have been accessed.
Click on the Edison icon button, then hover over the Recent Items or Recent Recipes options to view a list of the most recently viewed items or recipes.
Click on an Item or Recipe to visit the edit screen.
My Profile
The My Profile option allows you to change your password and customize your user settings.
Change Password
From the Edison icon button, select the My Profile option. Then, click Change Password.
Establish your new password. Then, click Ok.
Password Requirements
Your password must contain at least one (1) letter and one (1) digit or punctuation and must be at least six (6) characters. e.g. Edison1
Old Password - Enter your old password.
New Password - Enter your new password.
Confirm Password - Enter your new password again for confirmation.
User Settings
From the Edison icon button, select the My Profile option. Then, click User Settings.
Establish user settings. Then, click Ok.
Default Site Filter - Select the default filter to display when running reports.
Specific Site - Use the drop-down menu to select a specific site.
By Category - Use the drop-down menu to select a category and subcategory from the list.
Named Site Filter - Not selectable.
All Sites - Select all sites within the District.
Default Language - Select a language from the drop-down menu to translate Edison to the selected language. You may also leave the language at Windows Default and Edison will default to whichever language your computer is set to. Options are English (US) or Spanish (Puerto Rico). Notify me when pending Permission Override Requests exist - A notification box will appear when a user has requested an override request.
Use wizard when starting production - By default, the wizard tool guides you through the production process. If you do not wish to you the wizard, uncheck the box.
Reset news and announcements - If you have chosen not to display News and Announcements upon startup, select this option to return to the default setting.
Warn me when closing Edison if tabs are open - Produces a pop-up window warning that you are about to close the program.
Barcode Scanner
From the Edison icon button, select the My Profile option. Then, click Barcode Scanner.
Select the barcode reader configuration to use on the current machine. Then, click Ok.
Online User Guide
The Online User Guide links directly to the overview page for Edison online documentation. Follow the directions above to learn how to navigate and utilize the online guide.
Closing Edison
Option 1
Click on the Edison icon button located in the upper left corner of the window.
Click Close Edison.
Option 2
Close Edison by clicking the X button in the upper right corner of the window.