Other Reports

Other Reports


Other reports include reports that do not directly relate to inventory, production, or Nutrient Analysis reports. These include menu templates, reports in relation to bids, item usages, meal costs, recipe allergens, recipe instructions where planned counts are not utilized, and override requests. Additional custom reports may also appear in the menu. Reports require you to establish criteria in order to obtain the report results you are seeking.

From the Reports tab, select Other Reports. Then, select the appropriate report you wish to create.

You may choose to print or export the report. After you have finished printing or exporting, click Close Print Preview.

The following Other Reports now have the ability to "Run for each school in the school filter." This allows the report to be run separately for each school while grouping the entire District together in one file for ease of printing and distribution.

  • Automatic Order Discrepancies
  • Menu Template Details
  • Ordering Status
  • Recipe Allergens

Filter by Item - Report Criteria Enhancements (Edison 5.1)

Updates to the Filter by Item report criteria have been made to support selecting multiple items when filtering for a Specific Item and the ability to filter by Brand.

Specific Item:

  1. In the criteria screen, select Filter by Item: Specific Item.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon.
  3. Use the Search field to locate one or more items.
  4. Place checkmark in the box for the appropriate items. Then, click Ok.
  5. Note that the number of items selected is noted in the Specific Item field. Click Ok once you have established all report criteria.

The following Other Reports have been updated with these features:

  • Catalog Numbers without Price Contracts
  • Item Usage

Automatic Order Discrepancies

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Automatic Order Discrepancies.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

    Ordered By Site - Select a Specific Site, By Category, Named Site Filter by using the magnifier icon or the drop-down menu to locate the correct choice. You may also select All Sites.
    Ordering Groups - Select one or more ordering groups to include in the report. You may also use the Select All and Select None buttons.
    Requested Delivery Date - Use the calendar tools to select a From and to date range.
    Options - Select one or more options to include in the report.
    Run for each site in the site filter - The report will run separately for each site while grouping the entire District into one printable file.

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Bid Quotes

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Bid Quotes.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon to select a bid period. Then, click Ok.

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Catalog Numbers without Price Contracts

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Catalog Numbers without Price Contracts.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

    Price Contract As-Of-Date - Use the calendar tool to select an As-Of Price Contract date.
    Filter by Item - Select how you would like to filter items for the report.

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Incomplete Orders

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Incomplete Orders.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

    Order Delivery Dates - Use the calendar tools to select a From and to date range.
    Order By - Use the magnifier icon or drop-down menu to select a Specific Site, By Category, or Named Site Filter. You may also select All Sites.
    Run for each site in the site filter - The report will be run separately for each site while grouping the entire District into one printable file.

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Item Allergens

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Item Allergens.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

    By default, all allergens are selected. You may choose Select None to clear all allergens quickly.

    - Select one or more allergens by placing a checkmark in the appropriate box. You may also click Select All or Select None.
    Report Format - Select the report format you would like use for the report.

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Item Usage

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Item Usage.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

    Filter by Item - Select how you would like to filter items for the report.
    Options - Select different options to include in the report by placing a checkmark in the appropriate box.

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Menu Template Details

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Menu Template Details.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

    Show menu template for site - Use the drop-down menu to select a site.
    Meal Types - Select one or more meal types.
    Menu Days to Display - Use the calendar tools to select a From and to date range to include in the report.
    Options - Select different options to include in the report by placing a checkmark in the appropriate box.

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Ordering Status

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Ordering Status.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

    Ordering Group - Use the drop-down menu to select an ordering group.
    Ordered by Site - Use the magnifier icon or drop-down menu to select a Specific Site, By Category, or Named Site Filter. You may also select All Sites.
    Requested Delivery Date - Use the calendar tool to select the requested delivery date.
    Options - Select which additional options to include in the report.

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Permission Override Request

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Recipe Allergens.

  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

     Requested Permission Options

     Requested Site Permission Options

    Request Date Range - Use the calendar tools to select a From and to date range for requested releases.
    Requested by User - Use the magnifier icon to select a user from the list or leave the default as (all users)
    Released Date Range - Use the calendar tools to select a From and to date range for users requesting a release
    Released by User - Use the magnifier icon to select a user from the list or leave the default as (all users)
    Requested Permission - Use the drop-down menu to select from a list of permissions or leave the default as (Any Permission)
    Requested Site Permission - Use the drop-down menu to select from a list of site permissions or leave the default as (Any Site Permission)
    Options - Select different options to include in the report by placing a checkmark in the appropriate box.
    Grouped By - You may choose to group records by selecting the best option.

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Projected Meal Cost

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Recipe Allergens.
  2. Establish source criteria. Then, click Ok.

    Date Range - Use the calendar tools to select a start through end date range.
    Meal Type - Select one or more meal types.
    Source - Select a source to analyze meal costs.

  3. Review and edit (if applicable) menu counts. Then, click Print and select Projected Meal Cost Analysis.
    • For manual entry, you may enter counts one of two ways:
      • Enter total meal counts for the day.
      • Enter serving counts for each menu item.
    • Additional Options - You may also select Add Menu or Remove Menu and follow the search and selection options.

    Change Source

    If the Analysis Source options are incorrect, you may choose Change Source to change selection criteria.

  4. Establish report options. Then, click Ok.

    Contract Date - Use the calendar tool to select a contract date.
    Use Prices for Site - Use the magnifier icon to select a site if it differs from the attached site.
    Favor Donated or Purchased - Select which type of item to favor.
    Favor Price - Select which price to favor.

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Recipe Allergens

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Recipe Allergens.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

    Options - Select different allergen options to include in the report by placing a checkmark in the appropriate box,
    Report Format - Select the format for the report.
    Planned Date Range - Use the calendar tools to select a From and to date range.
    Served at Site - Use the magnifier icon or drop-down menu to select a Specific Site, By Category, or Named Site Filter. You may also select All Sites.
    Meal Type - Select one or more meal types.

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Recipe Cost per Serving

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Recipe Cost per Serving.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

    Filter by Recipe - Select a Specific Recipe, Recipe Category, Menu Item Type, or All Recipes by using the magnifier icon or drop-down menu to locate the correct choice.
    Menu Count Date - Use the calendar tool to select a contract date.
    Use prices for Site - Use the magnifier icon to locate a specific site.
    Favor Donated or Purchased - Choose the type of item to favor.
    Favor Price - Choose a price to favor.
    Sort By - Select how the report should be sorted.
    Run for each site in the site filter - The report will be run separately for each site while grouping the entire District into one printable file.

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Recipe Instructions by Manual Counts

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Request for Bid Quotes.
  2. Use the Search tool to locate and select a recipe. Then, click Ok.
  3. Enter the number of servings. Then, click Ok.

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Request for Bid Quotes

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Request for Bid Quotes.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

    Only bids that have been awarded may be printed.

    Bid Period - Use the ellipsis icon to select a bid period from the list.
    Report - Use the drop-down menu to select a report layout (if applicable).

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Request for Bid Quotes (Alternate)

  1. From the Other Reports option, select Request for Bid Quotes (Alternate). 
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

    Only bids that have been awarded may be printed.

    Bid Period - Use the ellipsis icon to select a bid period from the list.
    Report - Use the drop-down menu to select a report layout (if applicable).

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User Activity Log

  1. From the Other Reports option, select User Activity Log.
  2. Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.

    Date Range (Inclusive) - Use the calendar tools to select a From and to range.
    Filter by User - Select how to filter users.
    Options - Select additional options to include in the report.
    Include Actions - Select which actions to include in the report.

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