TimeKeeper 3.0 Release Notes

TimeKeeper 3.0 Release Notes

TimeKeeper 3.0.10 - 4/25/2016


  • TK-13 - Sort both lists on Time Sheet screen alphabetically - Changed the way both the Employee Cost Center and the Work Site Cost Center lists are sorted. Changed the lists from sorting numerically to alphabetically.


  • TK-28 Remote assistance link directed to old MCS url - The remote assistance button located in the Utilities Tab is still linked to the url for the old MCS remote assistance landing page. Would like to give the customers the ability to select remote assistance for either Mogle or Heartland depending on what company is assisting in support.

Updated the Remote Assistance button to link to either Mogle remote assistance or Heartland Remote assistance. Also added the same options for connecting to the Customer Portal through the Utilities Tab. Customer can now choose to connect to the Mogle Customer Portal or the Heartland Customer Portal.

  • TK-29 - Reports not honoring supervisory group filter - All of the reports in Time Keeper seem to not be honoring the Supervisory Group filtering option. When you select a specific Supervisory Group to view the reports it displays all employees regardless of what supervisory group they are a part of.

Fixed a bug that was not displaying reports by supervisory group selected.

  • TK-30 - User defined reports not displaying data - When trying to run a user defined report created via a generic sql data set from the report menu selection, the report viewer displays the following message, “The document does not contain any pages”.

Fixed a bug that was causing certain user defined reports to not display any data.

  • TK-33 - Error when trying to print reports - Error message is displayed when trying to print reports using the Select Printer option in the report preview screen.

Not able to reproduce this issue, but suspect that it was caused by an older version of Dev Express. Upgraded Dev Express to the latest version to see if this resolved the issue.

TimeKeeper 3.0.9


  • TK-2 Unable to unlock pay period - User is unable to unlock a previously locked pay period.

    Fixed bug that was preventing a user from unlocking a pay period to make corrections.

  • TK-3 Duplicate Employees - When running the Clock in/out activity report if you select a date range and then look by All Employees it will put employees with the same first and last name into the same group.

    The report was grouping by name only. Changed to group by name and record ID.

  • TK-5 Error running Daily Hours Report via datapipe connection - When Time Keeper is configured to connect via datapipe, an error message is displayed when trying to run the Daily Hours Report.

    Changed the way the query is run for this report via a datapipe connection.

TimeKeeper 3.0.8


  • TK-1 Inactive Employee Search Error - Receiving error message when trying to search for inactive employees by primary job code

Fixed bug that was displaying an error message when trying to view inactive employees of a specific primary job code.

TimeKeeper 3.0.7


  • New Time Change Report - Implement a new report under the Change Reports section that  would change date filter to include time; change display to show date/time of change; add column for old value (clock in time - clock out time); add column for new value (same format). Shrink font/landscape/squish to fit. Move comments to separate line

Added the new Detailed Time Changes Report to the Change Reports section.

  • Enhancement to Lock Pay Periods feature - Need to remove the ability for a user to access the clock in clock out utility and edit an event or absent record from a previously closed pay period.  The exception being a System Admin.

Added check for locked pay periods when attempting to add/edit clock-in/out events and absent records (validation on save)



  • Command Syntax Login not functioning - When attempting to login to Timekeeper using command line syntax, the login screen will appear, but the login will not complete.

Fixed bug that was preventing /autologin command line switch from working

  • Job Code filter issue - When searching for an employee from the Clock in/Clock out utility screen to add/edit/remove a record the search is automatically filtering by the first job code in the list. This is causing only the employees with that job code to be displayed. This was a result of feature # 7 in version 3.0.6.

Changed employee search to default to filtering by pay period "(any job code)"

  • Multiple Cost Center approval issue - Issue with approving multiple costs center employees if an event had been adjusted from the original time.

Changed recalculate time-sheet operation to preserve approval information if hours didn't change

TimeKeeper 3.0.6


  • “Recalculate Selected” button to Time Sheets - New function that would allow all selected time sheets to be recalculated from the main Time Sheet screen instead of having to click on each record to recalculate. 

    Added new “Recalculate Selected” button to Time Sheets

  • New Job Code filter option - Extended the existing job code line item in employee filter to have a second drop down that has choices for primary, secondary, or both. Defaulted to primary to match existing functionality.

    Added the ability to filter by primary, secondary, or both job codes.

  • Job Code search field on Employee Maintenance Screen - New field that would allow user to search through employees by Job Code as well.

    Added the ability to search by Job Code from the Employee Maintenance Screen.  Also included the new functionality of searching by primary, secondary, or both Job Codes.