MySchoolApps Start of Year (Test Mode)

MySchoolApps Start of Year (Test Mode)

The contents of this page explain the general process for preparing your District's online application for the new school year. It is a general guide and may change year to year. If you have any questions regarding setup and customization that is not explained by this process (or the contents of this page), please contact Support for further assistance.

Once the MySchoolApps End of Year (and Start of Year) process has been run on the MySchoolApps website and the newest version of MySchoolApps has been released, your District will be automatically reset to Test Mode. This hides the online application availability from parents and only allows access to the application via a special Test URL, which is defined in the bottom of the District settings page ( District ). This allows you to make customizations in a protected pre-release sandbox. In order to review your changes, access the aforementioned special test URL.

The 'test mode' section is displayed at the bottom of the 'District' page when your District is in this mode. You can use the URL displayed to test a live scenario of your application while you make adjustments and obtain approval for the new school year's application format.

Test application data will be recorded on the MSA website admin portal but will not be sent to the Franklin/MSAClient program.

Overview of Basic New School Year Procedure

  • MySchoolApps is taken offline on or around June 8 to perform End of Year procedures and upgrades to the newest version of MySchoolApps to occur.

  • Review your custom strings for current languages and make any changes as needed.  This is also the best time to activate and modify any new languages you may wish to use in the upcoming school year.

  • MySchoolApps will be updated with new Income Eligibility Guidelines provided by the USDA and will be made available with the newest release in June.

  • Establish Start and End Dates if your District would like to control when applications can be submitted and when they are no longer accepted.

Note: The software treats the Start and End Date settings as the date on which to START / STOP accepting applications. So if a district wants to accept applications up to and including June 15th, they should set the EOY date to June 16th.