Reimbursable Meals allow you to set up each reimbursable meal so that they may be served on a menu and analyzed to confirm that all minimum component contributions have been met. The menu plan template, cycle forecast, and menu plan functions will analyze items to determine what reimbursable meals are being offered on the menu, and these items can be further analyzed in a meal pattern analysis. In order to set up reimbursable meals, you must have breakfast and lunch menu types conducive to meal pattern grade
ranges, and items with meal contribution defined.
Menu Type
Reimbursable meals require menu plan types that are broken down into three grade ranges: K-5, 6-8, and 9-
12. In addition, you can add a "blanket" menu type that encompasses the meal session for all grades. For
example, you can have the menu types "Lunch K-5", "Lunch 6-8", "Lunch 9-12", and the general use "Lunch
Click here to learn more about adding menu types.
Meal Contributions
Each item in a reimbursable meal must contain meal component contributions. The contributions are Meat/Meat Alternative, Grain, Fruit, Vegetable, and Milk. The contribution information is linked to each item in a meal, and can be used in multiple reimbursable meals.
Click here to learn more about adding contributions to an item.
Adding Reimbursable Meals
With applicable menu types and menu items, you can add items to a meal to create a reimbursable meal. Click here to learn more about adding a reimbursable meal.
Adding Reimbursable Meals to Plans and Templates
Once reimbursable meals have been created, they can be added to menu plans and menu plan templates. Click here to learn more about adding a reimbursable meal to a menu plan.
Click here to learn more about adding a reimbursable meal to a menu plan template.
Video Demonstrations
How to add contributions to meal items . How to set up reimbursable meals .
How to add reimbursable meals to menu plans and cycles .