The Advanced Search link displays the Order Search page with several extra fields available to help filter the search criteria when search for an order.
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The Source drop-down box allows you to search for orders from a specific source.
Order Stage
The Order Stage drop-down box allows you to filter search results by a specific order stage. Options are
Saved, Submitted, Approved, Released, Released – In transit, Received – Partial, Received.
Order #
The Order # field allows you to search for a specific order number.
Need Date
The Need Date allows you to filter search results based on the need date. Enter the From and To dates to identify the range that should be searched.
Delivery Date
The Delivery Date allows you to filter search results based on when an order is to be delivered or has been delivered. Enter the From and To dates to identify the range that should be searched.
Creation Date
The Creation Date allows you to filter search results based on when an order was created. Enter the From
and To dates to identify the range that should be searched.
Receive Date
The Receive Date allows you filter search results based on when the order was received. Enter the From
and To dates to identify the range that should be searched.
Item ID
The Item ID field allows you to search for orders that contain a specific item.
Item Desc
The Item Desc field allows you to search for orders that contain a specific item description.
ASAP Orders
The ASAP Orders checkbox allows you to filter search results to show only orders that have ASAP items.
Commodity Item
The Commodity Item checkbox allows you to filter search results to show only orders that contain commodity items.