Cashier Summary
The Cashier Summary prints the amount of cash taken in by cashiers by terminal. The report includes a breakdown of free, reduced, paid, second meals, and adults. Each individual meal session will print on a separate page.
The Cashier Summary report is useful for comparing the actual cash in a cash drawer against the cash total field for each terminal. This report tracks the number of transactions per cashier. The number of transactions should closely correspond to the number of customers passing through the line. If there is a large discrepancy, this could indicate an issue with the cashier.
Operator is the cashier identification number. Each cashier who logs on to the Point of Sale terminal is assigned an identification number through Point of Sale | Cashiers. The ID number can be from one to four digits in length.
Cash Expected is the total amount of cash the system expects to receive based on keeping track of the sales during the meal sessions for the day.
Entered Cash is the amount manually entered into WinSNAP.
Cash O/S is the potential difference between the Cash Expected and the Entered Cash amounts.
The 2nds column on this report shows second meal purchased by a Free, Reduced or Paid status customer on the same day.
The Grand Total field reflects the sum total of all cash (prepayment cash and item cash) received from all terminals for one particular session. Each session (breakfast, lunch or other), will display on a separate page.
Note: A Free customer's meal transaction will not have any money exchanged, but the transaction will be counted towards the total for reimbursable meals.
The report can be run daily from the site after one or all meal sessions have ended.
Note: The Bank Deposit needs to be entered before the Cashier Summary report will print with correct information.
When to Print this Report
The report can be run daily from the site after one or all meal sessions have ended.
Note: The Bank Deposit needs to be entered before the Cashier Summary report will print with correct information.
Primary Table Source
This report is generated from the POSTransHist table.
The Cashier Summary prints the amount of cash taken in by cashiers by terminal. The report includes a breakdown of free, reduced, paid, second meals, and adults. Each individual meal session will print on a separate page.
Page 1
Site-: 220 !Martin utf'lerKing El!!mlaty
Seulon Oatt: 12103/1001
Session Type: 8reakfast
Opentot |
Cash |
Free Reduc:ed |
tnds |
AdUlt #OfT s. |
2020 |
$232.1$ |
t 0 |
23 |
0 |
0 30 |