The Prepayment History Page displays the prepayment history of a specific customer. The prepayment records are listed by date with the most recent information listed first. If no prepayment history is available, in lieu of information, a message stating "No Prepayment History Found" is displayed.
Customer Name
Customer Name displays the name of the customer selected.
Customer ID
Customer ID displays the ID of the customer selected.
Bar Code
Bar Code displays the bar code of the customer selected.
Date is the date the prepayment was entered into the system. WinSNAP uses the system date on the
computer that entered the prepayment as the date.
Applied Amount
Applied Amount is the total amount that was applied to the customer's account for this prepayment transaction.
Brk Credits
Brk Credits are the total breakfast credits applied to a customer's account for this prepayment transaction.
These credits can only be used to purchase a full breakfast meal.
Lun Credits
Lun Credits are the total lunch credits applied to a customer's account for this prepayment transaction. These credits can only be used to purchase a full lunch meal.
Account Cash
Account Cash is the total cash amount applied to the customer's account cash. Unless noted on the account,
customers can use account cash to purchase either full breakfast or lunch meals as well as a la carte items.
Credit Repaid
Credit Repaid notes the payment of credit that was extended to a customer. Credits are usually issued when students receive food but do not have enough cash, account cash or breakfast or lunch credits to cover the purchase.
Check #
Check # is noted if the prepayment was in the form of a check. The check number on the check can be noted in this field for future reference.
Applied informs the viewer if the prepayment has been posted or applied to the customer's account. If prepayments are entered at the Central Office there may be a slight delay in the posting of the information at the customer's site, so this field is used to note if the money/credits have been applied to the customer's account.
Credit Card
Credit Card notes if the prepayment was a credit card transaction.
Select Reverse to reverse this prepayment.
Continue Button
The Continue Button closes the topic and returns you to the Customer Information Page .
Heartland School Solutions
1620 W Fountainhead Pwky Ste 501
Tempe, AZ 85282 (800) 423-2113
All Rights Reserved © Heartland School Solutions, 2016
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