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The Attributes tab allows you to indicate various possible characteristics of the item not covered in the
other tabs, such as being Kosher or Certified Organic. To assign attributes, check any boxes that apply to the item and click Save. Image RemovedImage RemovedITEM ,
Image Removed
0100% WhOle Grain
0Antibiotic free

Foods that contai't 100% whole grafl; a cerealgrai1that contails the
germ,endosperm. and bran.
Food raised without the use of products classified as antibiotics for anknal health maintenance,disease prevention or treatment of
0Certified Grasa-fed foods that are soureed from farms and ranches a.pproved by the by the
American Grass-fed Assodation.
0cenified OrganicFoods that are sourced from certified prOducers of organic fOO<I and other organic agric-ulturalproducts.
Foods that exckl<le the gklten protein found in gralns suc-h nwheat.
0Gluten free

bar1ey, rye, and triticaM.
0Halal foods that are pemas.sible to use acoOfdftg to lslarlic law.
0Koaher Foods that conform to the regulations of tashrut (Jewishcf.atary law}.

Foods that are not genebealy modLfied in alabOratory using genetiC
modificatlon/e neemg leehrjques. Image Added