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\\ *Step 1* \- Print the Inventory Report by selecting {color:#000099}{*}{+}View Inventory{+}{*}{color} from {color:#000099}{*}{+}Quick Launch{+}{*}{color} and the following form will be displayed:\\ !worddav544b3bb594b346da5e27a8137de562ec.png|height=463,width=585!\\ Notice that the dates are not automatically selected. If you want *all* in Inventory On-Hand to be listed on the report, then you would *not* want to select any dates. *{+}For example{+}*: If you selected *{+}Received on or after{+}* 04/01/2011, then none of the inventory received in April would be included in the report. \\ \\ \\ \\ *Step 2* \- Select the desired options and click the *{+}View Inventory{+}* button to the print the report. \\ \\ *{+}View Inventory with History{+}* \\ \\ Use the *{+}View Inventory with History{+}* option to print a history of *{_}all{_}* *{+}transactions{+}* (Receiving, Production, Issue Adjustment, Transfer, Physical Inventory, etc.). This report is very *useful* when looking for *mistakes*. \\ \\ \\ \\ *Step 3* \- Select the *{+}View Inventory{+}* button from the *{+}Quick Launch{+}*. \\ \\ \\ \\{pagebreak} *Step 4* \- Type a *few characters* to search for the item. !worddav22a60914626a4e2c82b99bd98f24b980.png|height=64,width=414!\\ \\ \\ {pagebreak} \\ *Step 5* \- Click the *{+}View Inventory{+}* button or just press the *{+}Enter{+}* key and the following form will list all items matching the characters you typed. !worddava08cf4217d652d16476fe2e22b18ff7c.png|height=303,width=676!\\ \\ \\ \\ *Step 6* \- Choose the *{+}Item{+}* and click *{+}OK{+}*. {info}They may be several items listed with the same *{+}Catalog Number{+}* because they have different *{+}brands{+}* or *{+}packing{+}* information.{info} \\ \\ \\ *Step 7* \- Once the item description has been displayed in the *{+}Specific Item{+}* box, click the *{+}Catalog Number{+}* box. !worddav771af2fdc8591c800bf5320d7fdf0b36.png|height=110,width=589!\\ \\ \\ \\ *Step 8* \- Review the report for any mistakes: \\ * If you discover you have a mistake in the *{+}Issue To{+}*, then select one of the following to correct your mistake: {color:#000099}{*}{+}Actions > Review Production{+}{*}{color} or {color:#000099}{*}{+}Actions > Review Issues{+}{*}{color} * If you discover you have a mistake on an I{*}{+}nvoices{+}* or a *{+}Transfer{+}*, then select one of the following to correct your mistake: {color:#000099}{*}{+}Actions > Review Receiving{+}{*}{color} or {color:#000099}{*}{+}Actions > Review Transfers{+}{*}{color}\\ \\ \\ \\ |
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