This option allows sites to enter a total bank deposit by entering a breakdown of each cashier's total.
Note: For WinSNAP users, this option is similar to the concept of selecting a cashier on the Point of Sale |
Bank Deposit | Deposit Breakdown tab. 1.
- From the WebSMARTT Home page, select Point of Sale.
- Select Bank Deposit Management. The Deposit Start page opens. Select the correct date for the deposit.
- Use
- the left arrows to move to a previous deposit. Use
- the right arrows to move to a forward date. The
- date listed when the screen first appears is today's date (system date). Use Reset to return to today's
- date.
- Once the date is correct, click Next. The Deposit
- Adjustment page opens.
- Enter any applicable revenue, expense, or user field information.
- Revenue and expense entries affect the bank deposit, but the user field entries do not affect the bank
- deposit. The field names for this page are defined within WinSNAP EZ Views on the Setup | District |
- Financial Tab. Use the Reset button to bring all the field totals back to 0.00. To enter a dollar amount
- into a field, simply click in the field and begin typing the amount.
- Once the applicable revenue, expense, or user field information is entered, click Next. The Deposit Select Type page opens.
- Select By Cashier.
- Click Next. The Deposit Select Cashier/Terminal page opens.
- Select an option from the active cashiers for this date window.
- Click the Enter Deposit button. The Deposit Entry page opens.
- Enter the deposit breakdown.
- Click the Enter Deposit button once the deposit entries have been made. The Deposit Select Cashier/Terminal page will open.
- Repeat steps
- 9-
- 12 for each option listed within the active terminals for this date window. You can also enter a separate deposit for money taken in by the manager. The system totals all the deposits
entered. - Once all the cashier and or manager deposits have been entered,
- click Complete Deposit.
- The Deposit Summary page opens.
- Review the information.
- If there are any changes needed, click Change.
- Click Continue to save the entries and return to the WebSMARTT Home page.