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| Key Stroke | Description | Function | F1 | Free Student | Allows the sale of a meal/item to a free student that has not been entered into the system or the student's application qualifies him/her as Free. This should not be used unless there is unquestionable proof of the student's benefit status. Select all necessary items sold and click Ok twice to complete the sale. You must enter the student's name to complete the sale. Expand |
title | Name required for function key sale - Review the Name required for function key sale window. |
| F2 | Reduced Student | Allows the sale of a meal/item to a reduced student that has not been entered into the system or the student's application qualifies him/her as Reduced. This should not be used unless there is unquestionable proof of the student's benefit status. Select all necessary items sold and click Ok. Collect payment, give change, and click Ok to complete the sale. You must enter the student's name to complete the sale. Refer to the F1 details to view the Name required for function key sale window. | F3 | Paying Student | Allows the sale of a meal/item to a paid student that has not been entered into the system or the student's application qualifies him/her as Paying. This should be used if there is any question to the student's benefit status not already in the system. Select all necessary items sold and click Ok. Collect payment, give change, and click Ok to complete the sale. You must enter the student's name to complete the sale. Refer to the F1 details to view the Name required for function key sale window. Anchor |
| NEWTON11671LO |
| NEWTON11671LO |
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title | Multiple Options for Paying Student Key |
| In cases where more than one more than one price category is needed for a paying student, the end-user will be prompted to make a selection. (i.e. Hometown Middle feeds grades 5-9; however, 9th grade is charged $3/meal versus $2.50.) Additional Paying Student function keys are established in Customer Maintenance → Status at the Back Office and Central Office level. Image Added
| F4 | Helper Student Sale | Allows the student to eat a reimbursable meal without being charged. F4 should be selected prior to entering a student worker's number. | F5 | Adult | Allows sales to teachers to be recorded. Select all necessary items sold and click Ok. Collect payment, give change, and click Ok to complete the sale. | F6 | At Cost Meal | Allows the sale of At Cost items. Select all necessary items sold and click Ok. Collect payment, give change, and click Ok to complete the sale. | F7 | Catering | Allows catering sales to be recorded. Select all necessary items sold, collect payment, give change, and click Ok to complete the sale. | F8 | Employee | Allows sales to cafeteria employees to be entered. Select all necessary items sold and click Ok. Collect payment, give change, and click Ok to complete the sale. | F9 | "Special" Adult | Allows sales to adults other than those already stated to be entered. Select all necessary items sold and click Ok. Collect payment, give change, and click Ok to complete the sale. | F10 | Toggle Customer Input | Toggles the customer input devices (peripheral devices) on and off. | F11 | Toggle Images | Toggles customer images on and off. | F12 | Alacarte Sales | Brings up items for à la carte sales to be entered. Select all necessary à la carte items sold and click Ok. Collect payment, give change, and click Ok to complete the sale. |
![](https://mcssoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/12582992/NewtonPOSLO7a.png?version=3&modificationDate=1455147209503&cacheVersion=1&api=v2) |
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| Key Stroke | Description | Function | Shift F1 - F12 | Quick Sale #1 - #12 | Allows the sale of an established meal/item. This function can be performed from the main screen or while in the sales screen. |
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| Key Stroke | Description | Function | Ctrl F1 | Function Key Help | Brings up the Special Keys (also known as Function Keys) window. | Ctrl F2 | Skip Auto Sale | Allows skipping an automatic sale if the Auto Sale feature is turned on. | Ctrl F3 | Print Receipt | Allows a receipt to be printed for the last transaction (payment, sale, refund) if a printer is connected. Expand |
title | Print Receipt - Review the Print Receipt window. |
| Ctrl F4 | Open Cash Drawer | Opens the cash drawer. | Ctrl F5 | n/a | | Ctrl F6 | Display Line Totals | Brings up the Line Totals window to show descriptions of reimbursable, at-cost, and other items sold as well as payments and the total number of meals and items sold on the serving line. When the serving line has been shut down or the program is restarted, a new batch is created; therefore, line totals only reflect the current batch and may seem inaccurate. Expand |
title | Line Totals - Review the Line Totals window. |
| Ctrl F7 | Add Customer from Other | Brings up the Add Customer Subscription window. This allows you to search for a customer/student fed at another location and subscribe that student to your cafeteria as a Regular Attender or Guest. Expand |
title | Add Customer from Other - Review the Add Customer from Other process. |
| Enter the name, student number, SIS data, school, and/or POS ID in the Search fields and click Refresh. Then, select the appropriate student and click Ok. ![](https://mcssoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/download/thumbnails/12582992/NewtonPOSLO7c3.png?version=2&modificationDate=1381180703048&cacheVersion=1&api=v2&width=500)
In the Customer Subscriptionwindow, select if the student is a Regular Attender or a Guest.
Complete the sale.
| Ctrl F8 | Reset input devices | Resets input devices in cases where there is an error. If the error continues to occur, the device options may need to be revisited to ensure accuracy. Expand |
title | Reset Input Device - Review the Reset Input Device window. |
| To complete resetting the device, click Ok. ![](https://mcssoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/download/thumbnails/12582992/NewtonPOSLO7c4.png?version=1&modificationDate=1381181117999&cacheVersion=1&api=v2&width=300)
| Ctrl F9 | Pause serving line | Allows the serving line to be paused in order to access the computer's desktop or other programs. You must re-enter your password in order to access Newton POS again. Expand |
title | Serving Line Paused - Review the Serving Line Paused window. |
| Ctrl F10 | Quit Serving-Line | Brings up the Quit Newton POS window to begin the process of quitting the serving line at the end of meal sales. Expand |
title | Quit NewtonPOS - Click to review the Quit NewtonPOS window. |
| Ctrl F11 | n/a | | Ctrl F12 | n/a | |
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title | Alternate (Alt) Keys |
| Key Stroke | Description | Function | Alt F1 | n/a | | Alt F2 | Group Search | Lists students by groups or homerooms. | Alt F3 | Change Commonly Sold Item | Brings up the Pick Auto-Sale Item window allowing you to change the most commonly sold item. (e.g. Hot Line Lunch to Salad Bar Lunch) | Alt F4 | Quit Serving Line | Brings up the Quit Newton POS window to begin the process of quitting the serving line at the end of meal sales. | Alt F5 | Set Auto-POSID-Prefix | Allows the user to select and keep the first numbers of the student POS ID. | Alt F6 | Review Transaction | Brings up the Pick a transaction to review window to show all transactions that have occurred on the serving line. Expand |
title | Review Transaction - Review the Review Transactions window. |
| The window shows the transaction date/time, POSID, name, number of items sold, and amount tendered. You may also choose to search by POSID or name. Select the correct customer or transaction. Then, click Ok. ![](https://mcssoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/download/thumbnails/12582992/NewtonPOSLO7d1.png?version=1&modificationDate=1381267713818&cacheVersion=1&api=v2&width=500)
In Transaction window, you may Edit or Void a transaction or choose the Print Receipt button.
- Edit - Select a transaction and click the Edit button. Enter a comment for why a sale is being edited. Then, click Ok. Complete any necessary sales, voids, payments in the transaction window as you normally would.
- Void - Select a transaction and click the Void button. Next, confirm you wish to void the selected transaction by clicking Yes.
Enter a comment as to why you are voiding a sale. Then, click Ok.
- Print Receipt - Select the Print Recript button to print a receipt for the sale.
| Alt F7 | Toggle Fast-Sale | Toggles Fast Sales on and off. Fast Sales allow you to complete a sale without selecting an item, receiving payments, allowing charges, or giving change. This is ideal for cafeterias in which meal numbers are counted and it does not matter to whom the meal is served. | Alt F8 | n/a | | Alt F9 | Transfer Money | Allows you to transfer money between siblings. Expand |
title | Transfer Money - Review the Transfer Money window. |
| Enter Transfer Money information. Then, click Ok. - Amount to Transfer - Enter the amount of funds to transfer.
- Transfer money FROM customer - Click the Pick icon to access the Pick Customer window. Enter the name or POS ID in the Search box. Select the correct customer and click Ok.
Info |
Unallocated - Shows the old balance of unallocated funds available, the adjusted amount (+/-), and the new balance after the transfer is complete. |
- Transfer money TO customer - Click the Pick icon to access the Pick Customer window. Enter the name or POS ID in the Search box. Select the correct customer and click Ok.
- Transaction Comments - Enter any comments in regards to the transaction.
| Alt F10 | n/a | | Alt F11 | Toggle Single-Click Select | Toggles the ability of a single-click and double-click when selecting a customer from the serving line. | Alt F12 | n/a | |