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The Sites & Categories section will take you through the process of editing and adding sites, site templates, site categories, named site filters, and mass updates for site locations.

Opening Sites & Categories

This procedure is used to access all processes in the Sites & Categories section.

Locate and click the Admin & Maintenance tab. Next, click on the Sites & Categories option.


A Site can be defined as a school, central kitchen, warehouse, vendor, or an unmanaged site. The Sites section will take you through the process of adding information to and modifying individual site information and options.

  1. From the Sites & Categories option, select Sites.
  2. Click Add Site to add a new site to the system. Click Edit Site or double-click on an existing site to edit a site.
    Click on the image below for larger view.
  3. Establish site information and settings in each tab. Then, click Save Changes.



It is recommended that all school sites in a District that manufacture, produce, and have inventory on-hand should attach to DataCenter.

        Site Name - Enter the name of the site (school, vendor, warehouse, kitchen name).
        Site Code - Enter the school number for the site.
        Inactive - If a site is no longer active, click in the inactive box.
        Site Kind - Use the drop-down menu to select a type of site.
              Central Kitchen
              Unmanaged Site
        Export Code - Enter an export code to have authorized exports sent to the site (if applicable).
        Site Template - Use the drop-down menu to select a template for the site (e.g. A school and a central kitchen may have different report templates).
        Ordering Send Method - Use the drop-down menu to select how vendor and unmanaged site orders should be sent.
        Ordering Group Config - Use the drop-down menu to select an ordering group configuration (if applicable).
        Tax Region - Use the drop-down menu to select a tax region for the site (if applicable).
        Manufacturing Config - Use the drop-down menu to select a manufacturing configuration (if applicable).
        Allowed Ordering Restrictions - Use the drop-down arrow and place a checkmark in the user-defined order restriction tag(s) to restrict ordering of items.

 Contact Info

        Address 1 - Enter the primary address.
        Address 2 - Enter the secondary address.
        City - Enter the site's city.
        State - Enter the site's state.
        Zip Code - Enter the site's zip code.
        Manager's Name - Enter the site manager's name.
        Phone Number - Enter the site phone number.
        Email Address - Enter the email address for the site location or manager.
        Fax Number - Enter the fax number for the site (if applicable).


Max Number of Open Days - Determines the maximum number of days allowed open at any given point.
Enable Receiving Source: Order from Vendor - Displays option to receive order from a vendor.
Enable Receiving Source: Transfers - Displays option to receive transfer.
Enable Receiving Source: Price Contract - Displays option to receive order from a price contract.
Enable Receiving Source: Ad Hoc - Displays option to receive ad hoc items.
Receiving Order Default Fulfillment Disposition - Determines how orders are handled when incomplete upon receiving (Close, Backorder, Reorder).
Enable Issuing Type: Fill Order - Displays option to fill an order.
Enable Issuing Type: Transfer - Displays option to transfer to another site.
Enable Issuing Type: Return to Vendor - Displays option to allow items to be returned to vendor.
Enable Issuing Type: Adjustments - Displays options to issue adjustment items.
Enable Issuing Type: Consumed - Displays option to issue as consumed.
Allow Donated Inventory: USDA Commodity - Allows the site to order/receive inventory donated by the USDA Commodity program.
Allow Donated Inventory: DOD Produce - Allows the site to order/receive inventory donated by the DOD Produce program.
Allow Donated Inventory: Other - Allows the site to order/receive inventory donated by other programs.
Allow Over-Issuing - Allows the site to issue more inventory than the quantity on-hand.

Use Ready-to-Serve Recipes - Use Ready-to-Serve Recipes instead of Ready-to-Assemble Recipes.
Recipe Scaling Rounding Method - Establishes recipe scaling rules.

Round (midpoint away from zero) - Recipes with fractional measures will round up from zero.
Round (midpoint to even) - Recipes with fractional measures will round to an even number.
Ceiling (round up) - Recipes measures will round up.
Floor (round down) - Recipes measures will round down.

MeasurementRound (midpoint away from zero)Round (midpoint to even)Ceiling (round up)Floor (round down)
1.0 oz1 oz1 oz1 oz1 oz
1.5 oz2 oz2 oz2 oz1 oz
2.2 oz2 oz2 oz3 oz2 oz
2.7 oz3 oz3 oz3 oz2 oz
4.5 oz5 oz4 oz5 oz4 oz
5.1 oz5 oz5 oz6 oz5 oz
7.0 oz7 oz7 oz7 oz7 oz
7.6 oz8 oz8 oz8 oz7 oz

Auto-Fill Production Quantities - Automatically fills production quantities.
Default Prepared Count to Planned - Defaults the prepared serving counts to the planned serving counts when starting a new production record. When unchecked, default prepared counts to 0.
Produce Menus Separately - Allows recipes planned on separate menus to be split during production versus combining them into one production recipe.
Require Issuing in Production - Requires the user to have at least one non-zero issuing when saving a production record with non-zero prepared counts.
Automatic Leftover Quantity - Allows leftover quantities to be displayed automatically.
Require Planning for Leftover Servings - Requires the user to use the leftover quantity in a menu plan.

Require Meal Counts to Close Day - Requires the user to have at least one non-zero meal count before closing a day.

Meal Planning

Auto-Apply Menu Counts to Recipes - Automatically applies planning counts to all recipe items planned on a menu.
Auto-Calculate Menu Counts from Entrees - Automatically calculates menu counts from the total entree recipe counts (excluding extra sales planning counts).
Auto-Expand Menus - Automatically expands menus in the meal planning menu to show all menu/recipe components.
Auto-Expand Extra Servings Rows - Automatically expands the extra serving rows in the planning menu.
Default Offer-vs-Serve Meals - Allows each planned item count to be adjusted by popularity.
Show Long Menu/Recipe Descriptions On Serving Plan Screen - Displays long descriptions/information in the meal planning option.
Menu Planning Minimum Date - Displays the earliest date when entering menu planning for the site and is used in conjunction with menu template dates to display a limited date range if applied.
Menu Planning Maximum Date - Displays the latest date when entering menu planning for the site and is used in conjunction with menu template dates to display a limited date range if applied.
Consider Zero-Planning as IncompleteRecipes/menus with zero-planned counts will be suppressed from various reports and screens. By default, the setting is enabled and zero-planning indicates planning has not been completed. If unchecked, unplanned meals will not display on the Production Worksheet.

If you are logged as an administrator, the menu planning minimum and maximum dates are overridden by admin permissions and you will be able to view planning outside the limited site setting.


Order Filling
Favor Specific Item over Expiration Date - Selects the favored item versus the upcoming expiration date.
Favor Auto-Order Quantity when Changing Items - Keeps the automatic order quantity when substituting with a similar item type.
Include All Available Inventory for Catalog Number - Lists all available inventory for a catalog number.
Default Order Fulfillment Disposition - Determines how to handle filling orders when quantities available are less than quantities ordered.


Allow Broken Case for Internal Order List - Allows partial quantities to be ordered.
Consider Current Inventory when Automatic Ordering - Considers inventory on-hand to prevent over-ordering and spoilage.
Show Items with Zero Quantity Needed when Automatic Ordering - Displays all items available for order even if the needed quantity is 0.
Incomplete Days to Consider when Automatic Ordering - Considers past recipes within XX number of days which have not yet been produced to prevent over-ordering and spoilage.
Grace Period Prior to Delivery Date to Edit Orders - Allows user with Create Orders permissions, but not Edit Order permissions, to edit orders more than the number of specified days before delivery. Leaving the days at 0 disables the permission.
Check for Incomplete Orders at Shutdown - Warns that incomplete orders exist upon attempting to close the program. Users have the choice of reviewing incomplete orders or continuing with program shutdown. 

Physical Inventory
Show Calculated Quantities on Physical Inventory Worksheet - Displays quantities that should be in inventory.
Show Calculated Quantities when Entering Counts - Determines whether or not to show calculated quantities on-hand when entering counts.
Require Physical Inventories every Period - Requires physical inventories to be completed. If inventory has not been completed for a period, a warning box appears when attempting various operations.
Split Counts by Inventory Tag - Displays counts by each inventory tag versus grouping quantities by the catalog number.
Default Count Inventory as-of Date to "Last day of the inventory period" - When starting a new physical inventory, defaults to counting inventory as of the last day of the inventory period. When unchecked, it will default to "Today".
Treat 'blank' Counted Quantity as Zero - Considers any quantity left blank to be zero quantity,

Send Orders on Approve - Allows orders to automatically be sent to the vendor upon approval. If unchecked, orders will only be marked s approved and placed in the appropriate approval queue.
Minimum Order Amount - Considers the order complete once an order reaches the entered minimum purchase order amount required by the vendor (if applicable). The user is warned upon attempting to complete the order if the minimum has not been met, and permission is required for order approval.
Minimum Order Case Count - Considers an order complete once an order reaches the minimum whole case count required by the vendor (if applicable). The user is warned upon attempting to complete the order if the minimum has not been met, and permission is required for order approval.

Screen Layouts

Screen Layouts refer to the "working" tab of the process.

To save or load a screen layout as a site setting, you must first have that screen open in another tab. While it is open, adjust the layout to suit your needs, and then click 'Capture Layout from Open Tab.'

To view the currently stored layout parameter, click 'Apply Layout to Open Tab.'

To reset the stock layout, use the 'Reset Layout' button.


Receiving Screen Layout - Opens the tools to capture, display/apply, and reset the receiving screen layout when the ellipsis icon is clicked. 
Issuing Screen Layout - Opens the tools to capture, display/apply, and reset the issuing screen layout when the ellipsis icon is clicked.
Production Screen Layout - Opens the tools to capture, display/apply, and reset the production screen layout when the ellipsis icon is clicked.
Manufacturing Screen Layout - Opens the tools to capture, display/apply, and reset the manufacturing screen layout when the ellipsis icon is clicked.
Ordering Screen Layout - Opens the tools to capture, display/apply, and reset the ordering screen layout when the ellipsis icon is clicked.
Review and Approve Orders Screen LayoutOpens the tools to capture, display/apply, and reset the review and approve orders screen layout when the ellipsis icon is clicked.
Staged Orders Screen LayoutOpens the tools to capture, display/apply, and reset the staged orders screen layout when the ellipsis icon is clicked.
Fill Orders Screen LayoutOpens the tools to capture, display/apply, and reset the fill orders screen layout when the ellipsis icon is clicked.

 Site Categories

All Site Categories are user-defined and customizable. Once Site Categories have been created, use the drop-down menu to establish custom site categories where applicable.

 Menu Count Types

All Menu Count Types are user-defined and customizable. Once Menu Count Types have been created, place a checkmark in one or more types where applicable.

 Menu Templates

All Menu Templates are user-defined and customizable. Once Menu Templates have been created, place a checkmark in one or more templates where applicable.

 MealViewer Display Groups

Assign MealViewer Menu Groups to display at lines within a particular site. When a MealViewer Display Group is assigned, the digital signage selected will appear for that line. This allows you to determine which menu should appear on a designated serving line.
If you would like the same menu to appear at each serving line, select Default. In the example below, Line 3 will show 3 different menu groups: Hot Line, Asian, and Southwest, while Line 2 will only show the All American Menu Group.

If you have not established custom Display Groups for a site, all menu planning data is sent to MealViewer by default. To control how data is sent to MealViewer, create a Display Group below and select the appropriate Menu Group(s).

 Satellite Setup

Establish Kitchen and Satellite Setup configurations for each meal type if a meal is prepared at another Site location (if applicable).

        Kitchen - Use the drop-down menu to select the kitchen preparing the meals.
        Satellite Configuration - Use the drop-down menu to choose how the satellite location is configured.
              (n/a) - Satellite configurations are not applicable.
              Kitchen Produces Everything - The kitchen incurs all meal expenses/costs.
              Kitchen Manufactures, Satellite Produces - The meal expenses/costs are transferred to the satellite location.
              Custom Satellite Configuration - Configurations vary by District needs.

 Custom Fields

Complete necessary functions (checkmarks, date selection, text entry, etc.) in order to include information on reports (if applicable).

 Ordering Group Configs

Select the checkboxes for the applicable Ordering Groups for the site.

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Site-Specific Setup Screens

Par-Level Orders and Site Storage Layouts can be customized at each site from the Site Maintenance tab.

Par-Level Orders and Site Storage Layouts can also be found in AdministrationMiscellaneousSite Specifics.

Order Par-Levels - Par-Levels can be established for an item by establishing a minimum and maximum quantity/unit. When the quantity on-hand falls below the minimum quantity (if par-levels are selected during the ordering process), the item will automatically be listed on the order and the quantity will be prefilled to at least the maximum quantity. For more information, refer to Site-Specific documentation.

Site Storage Layout - Site Storage Layouts are typically used in warehouses. Establishing layouts assists with filling orders and conducting physical inventory in an efficient manner. For more information, refer to Site-Specific documentation.

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Site Templates

Site templates allow you to establish particular settings to be applied to certain sites.

  1. From the Sites & Categories option, select Site Templates.
  2. Click the Add button to add a new Site Template. You may also choose to modify a template by selecting an existing template. Then, click Edit.
  3. Select to add a new template from scratch or as a copy of the currently selected template. Then, click Ok.
  4. Establish Site Template options. Then, click Save Changes.
    1. Enter a Site Template Description.
    2. Refer to Settings for additional details.

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Site Categories

Site categories allow the user to create different subgroups depending on the type of site (e.g. Schools - Supervisory regions and clusters and types). Site categories are then applied to the site in Sites.

  1. From the Sites & Categories option, select Site Categories.
  2. Establish a new site category by entering a Category Description and Key in the last row with the asterisk *
  3. Click the plus + sign to expand the new site category and add additional item descriptions. Then, click Save Changes.

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Satellite Configurations

Custom satellite configurations allow specific recipes to be added then applied to a Site for preparation. Default satellite configurations are Kitchen Produces Everything and Kitchen Manufactures, Satellite Produces. e.g. A satellite location only prepares salads/salad bar & fruits.

  1. From the Sites & Categories option, select Satellite Configurations.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Establish new satellite configurations. Then, click Save Changes.
    1. Enter a description Name.
    2. Select which recipes should be Prepared by Satellite by placing a checkmark in the appropriate box. You may also unselect a recipe in the Prepared By Kitchen column and it will automatically select the Prepared By Satellite column.

Once Satellite Configurations have been established, they can be applied to a Site.

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Manufacturing Configurations

Custom manufacturing configurations may be added. The default manufacturing configuration is Manufacture Everything.

  1. From the Sites & Categories option, select Manufacturing Configurations.
  2. Enter a manufacturing description in the row with the asterisk *. If the new configuration will be the default configuration, place a checkmark in the Default column. Then, click Save Changes.

Once Satellite Configurations have been established, they must be applied to a recipe. Then, the configuration can be applied to a Site.

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Custom Site Fields

Custom schools fields can be added for use in custom reports/exports. For additional details, please contact Support.

  1. From the Sites & Categories option, select Site Categories. 
  2. Establish Custom Site Field details. Then, click Save Changes.

            Description - Enter a short description of the field.
            Field Name - Enter a field name or field code.
            Data Type - Use the drop-down menu to select the correct data value.
            Full Description - Use the drop-down menu to enter a full description of the field.

Once Site Fields have been established, they can be applied to a Site.

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Named Site Filters

The Named Site Filter allows filters to be created and used throughout the system (order lists, various reports, price contracts, etc.). 

In order to establish a new Named Site Filter, a good understanding of SQL language and queries is necessary in order to create successful expressions.

  1. From the Sites & Categories option, select Named Site Filters.
  2. A list of default system-defined sites is listed. These sites cannot be edited or removed. Click Add New to add a new Named Site Filter.

    All Sites (including system)Includes every site sites within the system.
    All Non-System SitesIncludes everything except system sites designated with a bracket.
    All Internal SitesIncludes sites, warehouses, central kitchens, etc.
    All External SitesIncludes vendors, unmanaged warehouses, etc.
    System SitesIncludes anything designated with a bracket - [corrections], [consumed].

  3. Click on (null) under the Description column. Then, click Edit.
  4. Establish a Site Filter Expression Term. Then, click Ok.

            Site Filter Expression Team - Select a site filter.
                    Specific Site - Use the magnifier icon to select a Specific Site.
                    Site Kind - Use the drop-down menu to select a Site Kind (e.g. System, School, Central Kitchen, Warehouse, Vendor, Unmanaged Site).
                    Site Category - Use the magnifier icon to select a Site Category and sub-category (e.g. School Groups, Supervisor Group, Vendor Group).

  5. Click Insert Operator and select logical orders for the filter.
  6. Repeat Steps 3-5 as necessary. Then, click Save Changes.

Your Named Site Filter should resemble something close to the image below.

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Mass Update

The Mass Updates option allows you to easily apply changes to all sites affected by a change in Site, Site Categories, Satellite Setup, Menu Templates, Menu Count Types, Ordering Group Configs, Allowed Ordering Restrictions, Site Custom Fields, and MealViewer Display Groups.

From the Sites & Categories option, select Mass Update. Then, select which mass update to complete.



Make necessary changes to Site information. Then, click Save Changes.

  • Site Name

  • Site Code

  • Site Kind

  • Export Code

  • Site Template

  • Order Send Method

  • Ordering Group Config 

  • Tax Region

  • Manufacturing Config

  • Address 1

  • Address 2

  • City

  • State 

  • Zip Code
  • Manager's Name

  • Email Address

  • Phone Number

  • Fax Number

  • Inactive 

 Site Categories

Site Categories

Make changes to necessary Site Categories. Then, click Save Changes.

 Satellite Setup

Satellite Setup

Make necessary changes to Satellite Setups. Then, click Save Changes.

  • Breakfast Kitchen

  • Breakfast Satellite Config

  • Lunch Kitchen

  • Lunch Satellite Config

  • Snack Kitchen

  • Snack Satellite Config

  • Supper Kitchen
  • Supper Satellite Config

  • Headstart Kitchen

  • Headstart Satellite Config

  • FFVP Kitchen
  • FFVP Satellite Config

  • Catering Kitchen
  • Catering Satellite Config

 Menu Templates

Menu Templates

  1. Select site filtering options by selecting the Site Filter ellipsis.
  2. Make necessary changes to Menu Templates. Then, click Save Changes.

Menu Templates are user-defined and will vary between Districts.

 Menu Count Types

Menu Count Types

Make necessary changes to Menu Count Types. Then, click Save Changes.

Menu Count Types

Menu Count Types are user-defined and will vary between Districts.

 Ordering Group Configs

Ordering Group Configs

Make necessary changed to Ordering Group Configs. Then, click Save Changes.

Ordering Group Configs

Ordering Groups are user-defined and will vary between Districts.

 Allowed Ordering Restrictions

Allowed Ordering Restrictions

Make necessary changes to Allowed Ordering Restrictions. Then, click Save Changes.

Allowed Ordering Restrictions

Allowed Ordering Restrictions are user-defined and will vary between Districts.

  Site Custom Fields

Site Custom Fields

Make necessary changes to Site Custom Fields. Then, click Save Changes.

Site Custom Fields

Site Custom Fields are user-defined and will vary between Districts.

 MealViewer Display Groups

MealViewer Display Groups

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Site & Categories.
  2. Hover over Mass Update and then select MealViewer Display Groups.

  3. Select the checkbox of the MealViewer Menu Group which is associated with each MealViewer Display Group.

  4. When finished, select Save Changes.

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  • No labels