The Order Details page allows you to edit orders currently in Released - In Transit status. This page is associated with the Order Search page under the Receive Orders link.
Order #
The Order # field displays the order number.
Delivery Site
The Delivery Site field displays the name of the site where the order will be delivered.
The Source field displays the location the item was shipped from.
Delivery Date
The Delivery Date field displays the date the order was delivered at the site.
The Status field displays the current status of the order.
Receive Date
The Receive Date allows you to enter the date the order is to be received at the delivery site. This field defaults to the current date. This field can be edited depending on district policy.
The Submitted field displays the date the order was submitted.
The Approved field displays the date the order was approved.
The Released field displays the date the order was released.
The Received field displays the date the order was received. The field is grayed out and blank until the order is received.
Receive Order
The Receive Order button submits the order to be received.
Print View
The Print View link allows you to view and print the Order data.
Item ID
The Item ID field displays the item's ID.
Vendor Item Code
The Vendor Item Code displays the item code of the vendor associated with the order.
The Description field displays the description of the item.
Approved Qty | Units
The Approved Qty ǀ Units field displays the approved quantity and units of the order.
Received Qty | Units
Received Qty ǀ Units consists of two fields. The Qty field is a blank field that allows you to enter the received quantity. The Units drop-down list allows you to select the unit of the item received.
Returned Qty | Units
Returned Qty ǀ Units consists of two fields. The Qty field is a blank field that allows you to enter the returned quantity. The Units drop-down list allows you to select the unit of the returned item.
Price displays the price per unit of the item. This field can be edited if the price is incorrect, depending on district policy.
The Total field displays the total price of the item.
Date Received
The Date Received field displays the date the order was received. This field is blank until the order is received.
The Action field allows you to substitute the original item with another item. Clicking the Subst link opens the Substitution page.
Inv. #
Inv. # is a blank field that allows you to enter the invoice number of the order.
Temp (°F)
The Temp (°F) allows you to enter the temperature of the item in Fahrenheit, if the item is HACCP monitored and requires that the temperature is recorded when received.
The CCP field displays any critical control points associated with the item.
The final Total field, under the item list, displays the overall total price of the order.
The Reset button resets all editable values to their default settings.
When resetting, you will be prompted to confirm before resetting the values.
The Cancel button terminates the request to edit the order and returns you back to the Order Search page.
When canceling, you will be prompted to confirm before canceling the order.
The Save button saves all edits made to the current order.
When saving, you will be prompted to confirm before saving the order.