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!worddavcf99fa671316b4f42473d133ae69cde2.png|height=22,width=52!The Participation Events page allows you to specify events that impact school meal participation so that they may be tracked when reviewing menu plans.

Add.edit.and dc:tcte p. rtJctpetJOn C"Venta.
01 Ui! £1"""" Ev-tHam• 0.-«riptlotlo R!:!l;ul,.s Hoto
Ev.c;..,atlon Students ere evacuated temporarily during scheduled
02 Reloc.ati n of Students Studen ts ere reloc.sted to another s.chool. Uil £1
03 Fire SChool, kitchen or celeti!!Oe has e fire·. flli1 £1
··04 Flood School,kitchen or cafetoHia has e flood. Edit £1
05 Gu IA.ak School or ldtcho.n has a gas. loak. £1
School b hozti ng on event ere one or more meal ,;es,ions
0& Hostln g Modia I Stu dont Evont may bo c;u"Kol led or sos.slon timo is ;ad)ustod; or vislt*ng Edit £1
students are fQ<t dur nO; ftli! or more meal seuiOfts.
Schools a.-. do:od, s rl l ue ot m eal se:sion bm e.s :aret
07 Inclement Woathor 41djustod duo to heavy snow. heavy t411n,heatlndox 01bovo Edit £1
'JOcF, hunic:a,e or tropicalstOf"m.
OS Uil £109 Ho Drinkni g Wter Schoolhas no dl1nktng wa ter. ··
Kki hen Equipment Malfunct on M jOf' kitchen equipment ls not ..orktng nd ffocts food
J)reP r•t on.
10 rto Electricity Schoolor kitchen has no el ectricity for food prop..ration. £1
11 rfo Gas Kitchen hes no gas for food preparation Uil £1
13 w £112 rto Hot Wet Kitchen has no hot water for food l)araUon and cleanul). flli1 £1
ffo Runnni g Water Kitchen has no running water for food prepar llon .and cl4!!anup.
14 Prlm ry school Edit £1
J)rindp<31 Of' admni i.str.,tor has de'Cmed •s.oft or hardlockdo<wn
$8:<40• &Kk·UI)

for s fety reasons.
Kitchen hes sewsge b.sckup \oolhich affe-cts food preparation and cl•.anup.
flli1 £1
f!li! £1
meals.17 Tfll) Schoolor odas.s(es) ere on a fiedl trip end did not request Edit £1
18 Othe' Uil £1

Adding an Event
To add an event, click the Add button near the bottom of the page.

After clicking Add, blank fields will display at the bottom of the list of events. Enter a Code, Name, and Description for the event. Checking the Requires Note option will make it so that, when recording the event, additional notes will be requested. To undo the changes made to the events list, click the Undo button.
When finished creating the event, click Save .

After clicking Save, the new event will appear on the list.
Editing an Event
To edit an event, click Edit next to the event you would like to change. The process of editing an event is virtually identical to adding an event.

Deleting an Event
To delete an event, click the Red X next to the event you would like to remove. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes to delete the event.

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