The Needs Analysis page generates a needs analysis for all menu plans and production schedules from the start date to the selected thru date for a specified site. Needs analysis is used for perpetual inventory. The report analyzes WebSMARTT ordering due-in, committed and on-hand inventory quantities. This reports what items are needed to fulfill item ingredients for the selected date range.
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The Site field is a drop-down lists that allows you to select which site you want to conduct a needs analysis.
Start Date
The start date defaults to the current date you want to conduct a needs analysis.
Thru Date
The thru date is the ending date you want to conduct a needs analysis. Click the Thru Date field to open a calendar box and select the appropriate date.
Run Needs Analysis
The Run Needs Analysis button generates a needs analysis for all menu plans and production schedules of the selected site from today's date to the selected date.
Once the needs analysis is completed, a spreadsheet of items needed to be ordered to fulfill menu plan and production schedule projections is displayed.
Print Icon
The Print icon prints the needs analysis for all menu plans and production schedules from the start date to
the selected thru date of the selected site displayed.
The Date field displays the dates for all menu plans and production schedules from the start date to the selected thru date of the selected site is displayed.
Need Date
The Need Date for all menu plans and production schedules of the selected site is displayed.
Qty Requested MP
The Quantity of Requested Menu Plans of the selected site is displayed.
Qty Requested PS
The Quantity of Requested Production Schedules of the selected site is displayed.
Qty On Hand
The Quantity On Hand for all menu plans and production schedules of the selected site is displayed.
Qty On Order
The Quantity On Order for all menu plans and production schedules of the selected site is displayed.
Qty Committed
The Quantity Committed for all menu plans and production schedules of the selected site is displayed.
Qty to Order
The Quantity To Order for all menu plans and production schedules of the selected site is displayed.
Item ID
The Item ID for each item for all menu plans and production schedules of the selected site is displayed.
The description for each item for all menu plans and production schedules of the selected site is displayed.
The type of unit for each item for all menu plans and production schedules of the selected site is displayed.