Edison Poway

Download the Plugin

You must first download the plugin through the customer portal.

  1. Login to the customer portal.
  2. Locate and select the Downloads link in the system.
  3. Locate and click on the EdisonĀ folder.
  4. Locate and click on theĀ PluginsĀ folder.
  5. Locate and click on theĀ Poway_Upgrade_X_X_X_XXXXX.zipĀ file to download. Take note of the downloaded location.

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Load the External Plugin

  1. LoginĀ to Edison.
  2. Select theĀ Administration tab.
  3. Click onĀ MiscellaneousĀ and chooseĀ External Plugins.
  4. ClickĀ Add.
  5. Locate and select theĀ Poway_Upgrade_X_X_X_XXXXX.zipĀ plugin file from your local or network drive. Then, clickĀ Open.
  6. A notification window will appear. ClickĀ OKĀ to install the plugin.
  7. After processes have run, notice the plugin status isĀ Not loaded. ClickĀ Close.
  8. You must restart Edison for changes to take effect. ClickĀ OKĀ and close the program.
  9. After restarting Edison, access external plugins to ensure the status has changed to loaded.

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Run Reports

From theĀ Reports tab, select the District report(s) you would like to run.

Inventory ReportsProduction ReportsOther Reports
  • Poway Food Transport Record Report
  • Poway Production Report
  • Poway Daily Cost Analysis
  • Poway Food Cost Index
  • Poway Non-Program Foods Sales
  • Poway Raw Food Cost

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