Planned Tab

Planned Tab

When this tab is active, you can enter the projected feeding figure and enter any notes about the day. In the event the meal was not served, (for example, if there was a snow day), you can mark the menu as Inactive.

Menu Plan Info Section

This field specifies the site that this menu plan applies to.

This is the scheduled date of the menu plan.

Feeding Figure
Enter the feeding figure projection for the menu plan here. The feeding figure may be calculated from the site's average daily participation, if it is set in Preferences.

Menu Type
This states the type of menu plan.

School Menu Description
The field contains a description of the menu plan. If the menu plan was published from a template or a cycle, the description will be populated during publishing.

You can enter notes about the menu plan here.

Menu Plan Items
This section lists all of the items included in this menu plan.

Add Menu Item
To add a menu item, use the search field below the Menu Plan Items list. in the Item ID/Description field, enter all or part of an item's ID or description, and then click the Search button. If an exact match is found, it will be added to the Menu Plan Items list. If there are multiple results from the search, select the item you want to add to the menu plan.

Item ID
This field contains the item ID of each menu plan item.

This field contains the description of each menu plan item.

Meal Component
The meal component of each menu plan item is displayed here.

Portion Qty | Unit
This field contains the portion size and measurement unit of each menu plan item.

Cycle Day Serving History
This will display the serving history of each menu plan item for the last number of times the cycle day was served. The amount of cycle day history shown is determined by the number of days, if any, specified in Preferences.

Meal Qty
Enter the projected quantity of each menu plan item.

Note: This field may be pre-populated based on average daily participation or previous cycle history.

Ala Carte Qty
The projected ala carte quantity of each menu plan item.

Deleting Items
You can use the red X to the right to delete ad hoc menu plan items.

Know As You Go
Use Know As You Go to monitor nutrients and costs as you update your menu plan.

Nutrient Standards
The Nutrient Standards button tracks the nutrients of a meal as you make changes to the forecast, compares the nutrients to the USDA recommended daily allowances and highlights nutrients that don't meet USDA recommendation.

Meal Pattern Analysis
The Meal Pattern Analysis button evaluates meal component contributions found in reimbursable meals offered in your menu cycle and compares them with USDA daily meal patterns.

Nutrients by Item
The Nutrients by Item button allows you to create a list that shows nutrients for each item in the menu plan. You can choose to view this report either in the Report Viewer or as a PDF.

Menu Plan Change Reasons
When editing a menu plan, you may want record the change in menu plan items to reflect the cause of the menu plan change. For example, if you happen to be low on stock of one item and replace it with another item, WebSMARTT allows for recording that menu change reason.

Note: This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, go to the Preferences page on the Setup pane. Enable the option Track Menu Plan Changes and click Save Preferences.

If enabled, when you add an item to a menu plan, a pop-up message will appear to ask if the change was due to a particular reason. Click No to add the item without a designated reason. Click Yes if you need to record the reason for the menu plan change.

Use the Change Reason drop-down menu to select the reason for the menu plan change. The options in this menu are created and maintained on the Menu Plan Change Reasons page. Use the Notes field to enter any additional information relevant to the change. When you have recorded the change reason, click OK.

After recording the change reason, any menu plan items added with a change reason will have a note to right of their entry. This note displays its Menu Plan Change Reason when you hover your cursor over it. Click the note to edit or remove change reason.

After clicking a note, use the Change Reason drop-down menu and Notes field to edit the change reason. To delete the change reason, click Delete.

Reimbursable Meals
This section displays the reimbursable meals that are found based on the items being offered in the meal session's menu plan. Reimbursable meals are used for Meal Pattern Analysis. Reimbursable meals can be defined using the Reimbursable Meals link under Setup.

Add Reimbursable Meal
In addition to adding items individually, you can also add all the items from a reimbursable meal at once by using the Add Reimbursable Meal search field. Type the name of the reimbursable meal; when the reimbursable meal appears in the results below the field, click the meal name. The meal will appear in the Reimbursable Meals pane, and all of the items that make up the reimbursable meal will be added in the above list of items.

To save your changes and return to edit the menu plan later, click Save.

Planning Complete
When you are done planning this meal, click the Planning Complete button to advance to the Generating Orders tab.

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