Navigating and Searching Confluence
Documentation about MCS Software is available in Confluence. Additional navigation information is included in each knowledge base overview page.
- Log in to the Customer Connect.
- Click on the SUPPORT tab at the top of the window.
- From the drop-down menu, select ARTICLES.
- Click on VIEW MCS KNOWLEDGE CENTER to be directed to the Confluence landing page.
- Choose the space of the documentation you would like to view. (For this example, the Newton knowledge base has been chosen.)
To begin navigation of a space, click on the Page link in the left-hand navigation panel. Then, select the page you are looking for by clicking on a title or expanding parent pages.
We've Made Things Easier for You
We've added Space Shortcuts for you to quickly navigate to some of the more fruequwntly used topics.
MCS Confluence Homepage
You may navigate back ot the main Confleunce landing page by clicking the Confluence logo.
- Navigation of the manuals can be accomplished through links, the sidebar, or the breadcrumb trail. The page you select appears to the right of the navigation sidebar.
- Expandable Details - Some sections of the documentation are expandable to provide added detail while saving space. Click on the arrow or link next to the arrow to expand/collapse details.
- Table of Contents - The table of contents provides links to sections in the page to allow for quick navigation and access of information.Additionally, Return to Top functionality redirects you to the Table of Contents at the top of the page.
- Additional Links - Additional links are provided in the documentation. The links are to additional pages within the Franklin Manual, other reference material in the Knowledge Base, external websites, and email contacts.
- Search - There are various ways to search within Confluence.Â
Global Site Search - You may use the magnifier icon in the left-most sidepanel panel to conduct a search across the entire Confluence instance. Once you click the magnifier icon, the panel will expand. Simply type your search term in and pres Enter. This will generate a broad list of all available keywords throughout all spaces. e.g. Menus would return suggestions where "menus" appears in the entire instance with suggestions in the Newton, Edison, and the General Knowledge Center spaces.
Specific Space Search - You may use the space search, located at the top of every manual page to enter keywords and return suggestions specific to the space/manual in which you are conducting the search. e.g. Serving Line will return suggestions where "serving line" appears in the Newton manual.
- Expandable Details - Some sections of the documentation are expandable to provide added detail while saving space. Click on the arrow or link next to the arrow to expand/collapse details.
Advanced Searching
For more advances searches, Confluence, like many search engines, utilizes Boolean logic. Boolean searches are conducted through Boolean operators such as AND, OR, and NOT to limit, widen, or define your search. They combine words/phrases for logical relationships and retrieve those results.
Confluence terms are pulled from a dictionary (bundled in Confluence) and words are mined from within the content system.
Performing a Full Search
- Click in the magnifier icon in the left-most sidepanel.
- Enter you search term.
- You may choose an item from the list of suggestion or press Enter to view a more detailed list of search results.
- If you pressed Enter, from the Search screen, locate the item you are looking for and click on the title to open the page.
OR Search
Enter terms with OR between them.
OR must be in capital letters.
AND Search
Enter terms with AND between them.
AND must be typed in capital letters.
NOT Search
Enter terms with NOT between them.
NOT must be typed in capital letters.
Grouping Search
Grouping searches combine terms such as AND, OR, and NOT in one statement for results.
In the example below, the search must contain "Franklin" and can contain "task" or "operations."
Title Search
Search results only occur throughout titles and not the body of the entire space.
Enter the word Title: and type the text for the title you are searching.