MCS Software

MCS Software


This page houses information about tools in the MCS Software ribbon. MCS Software has built-in tools to assist Districts in passing and receiving information efficiently.  

Check for Upgrades

If upgrades are available, there will be an upgrade notification in the bottom right-hand corner of the window.

Plugin Upgrades

Plugin Upgrades are also displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the window; however, they are imported in a different manner. For details, click here.

  1. From the Utilities tab, locate and click on Check for Upgrades.
  2. If an upgrade is available, a Continue window will appear informing you as upgrade is available. Click Yes to continue with the upgrade.
  3. You must restart Edison in order for changes to take place. Click Ok to continue. You may need to close Edison completely in order for changes to take place.

Send Data to Tech

At times, you may have trouble with your software. In order for MCS Software to troubleshoot some issues, you can Send Data to Tech. This allows an MCS Support staff to pull the data from your District and replicate the issue for further action.

Data can only be sent to Tech from the Server.

  1. From the Utilities tab, click the Send Data to Tech button.
  2. In the Send data to tech window, select the Database Backup. You may also send additional files by clicking on the ellipsis button and selecting files from your local drive.

    Log Files

    Log Files provide a history of actions executed by a database. These files are useful to assist MCS Support in narrowing down reported problems.
    By default, log files are included when sending Data to Tech. You may unselect the checkbox if you do not wish to send log files with your database.

Once the transfer is complete, inform your MCS Support caseworker or submit a case if you have not yet done so.

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Customer Portal

The Customer Portal button allows you to quickly access the Portal tools. Portal tools include the ability to create a new sales request, browse documentation, create a new support case, browse the knowledge base, create/browse ideas, download access certain software downloads, search/browse solutions, and update contact information.

  1. From the Utilities tab, click the Customer Portal button.
  2. You will be redirected to the Customer Portal login page. Click on the button named Click Here To Login on the page.
  3. Enter your Username and Password. Then. click Login. If you do not have a username and password, contact Support.

Complete any necessary tasks.

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Remote Assistance

The Remote Assistance button allows you to have an MCS representative remotely connect to your computer, if necessary.

  1. From the Utilities tab, click the Remote Assistance button. 

    Webex requires an Operating System of Windows Vista or greater or Mac 10.6 or greater.

  2. Type the meeting number you received from your Support agent. Then, click Join.

  3. You will be prompted by a series of processes that need to run in order for a connection to occur.

    Webex requires your computer to have JavaScript and Cookies enabled. Active X should be enabled and unblocked for Microsoft Internet Explorer (recommended).
    If you receive any type of notification or pop-up in regards to Java or Active X, please select Run, Yes, Install, or any other similar answer which is provided.

  4. The Allow Desktop Control prompt will ask you for permission to let the MCS Support Agent see and control your screen. Selecting the Grant permission for all actions during this session without prompting again checkbox will allow the MCS Support Agent to freely transfer files and click around your screen without prompting you for permission more than once. Click Ok to continue.

  5. Once all installation processes have completed, you will see a Remote Support window with a chat option. If you are not the phone, you can type messages to your MCS Support Agent. You may also cancel the Webex by selecting Leave Session or the red X.

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News and Announcements

The News and Announcement button allows you to view important announcements sent to you by MCS Software.

  1. From the Utilities tab, click the News and Announcements button.
  2. News and Announcement (similar upon login) will appear.
    1. Click the Read More link to review further information.
    2. If you no longer wish to have the announcement show upon login, place a checkmark in the Mark as Read box.
    3. If you wish to subscribe to the RSS feeds, click the link at the bottom of the window.
    4. Click Close when you are done reading announcements.

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