Manufacturing is the process of combining the raw ingredients of a recipe in order to create a new item in inventory.
Manufacturing Groups
Manufacturing Groups are used to control which sites are allowed to manufacture a specific recipe. Commonly, these groups are named after the site type that will be manufacturing the recipe (Example: Central Kitchen, Bakery, Satellite Kitchens, etc.)
Perform the following steps to create a manufacturing group:
- Locate and select the Admin & Maintenance Tab and select Recipes and Menus. Then, select Manufacturing Groups.
- Enter the name of the Manufacturing Group on the last blank line marked with an asterisk *.
- Click Save Changes.
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Manufacturing Configs
Manufacturing Configs are built up of Manufacturing Groups. The manufacturing configuration is what gets assigned to a site like a Central Kitchen or Satellite Kitchen.
Create Manufacturing Configs
Perform the following steps to create a Manufacturing Config:
- Locate and select the Admin & Maintenance Tab and select Sites and Categories. Then, select Manufacturing Configurations
- Enter the name of the Manufacturing Configuration on the last blank line marked with an asterisk *.
- Select the checkboxes to define each Manufacturing Configuration.
- Click Save Changes.
Assign Manufacturing Configs
Perform the following steps to assign a Manufacturing Config:
- Locate and select the Admin & Maintenance Tab and select Sites and Categories. Then, select Sites.
- Double-click on a site to select the site.
- From the Main tab, locate the Manufacturing Configs drop-down menu and select a Manufacturing Config.
- Select Save Changes.
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Creating a Recipe
Once the Manufacturing Group and Configs have been created and assigned, a recipe must be associated with the item that it manufactures. The below instructions will show the process of creating a recipe from scratch.
To create a manufactured item from scratch, start by creating a recipe to associate to the manufactured item first.
- Locate and select the Admin & Maintenance Tab and select Recipes and Menus. Then, select Recipes.
- Click Add Recipe.
- Select As a new blank recipe, then click Ok.
Establish all recipe components. Then, click Save Changes.
Associating a Manufactured Item
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Checking a Manufactured Item for Accuracy
If a new item was created while working on the Yield & Serving Sizes tab of the associated recipe, that item should be checked for accuracy via the item-specifics tab.
- Locate and select the Admin & Maintenance Tab and select Items and Catalog Numbers. Then, select Items.
- Find the Manufactured Item you would like to check. Double-click on the item.
- Click on the Item-Specifics tab of the recipe. Here, you can verify that the primary unit and case size of the item matches the Yield and Serving Sizes tab of the associated recipe.
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Internal Order Lists
An internal order list will need to be created or modified if the manufactured item will be ordered from one internal site to another (Example: School to Central Kitchen or Parent Satellite).
How to create/modify an Internal Order List
- From the Ordering & Price Contracts option, select Internal Order Lists.
- Click Add New.
- Establish Internal Order List details. Then, click Add Item or Filter.
- Description - Enter a description of the order list.
- Fulfilled by Site - Use the magnifier icon to select which site will fulfill requested orders.
- Receivable To - Use the magnifier icon to select a Named Site Filter.
Add items by clicking the ellipsis and searching for a Specific Catalog Number or Item filters by using the drop-down menu. Then, click Ok.
- Establish Internal Order List settings for each Item Filter. Then, click Save Changes.
- Availability - Use the drop-down menu to select Availability of an item.
- Not Available - The item/filter is not available for ordering on this internal ordering list. This setting does not override item availability from other internal order lists.
- Only On-Hand Inventory - The item/filter can only be ordered if inventory is physically on-hand at the site from which you are ordering. This is useful for allowing schools to use up the existing inventory on-hand at the warehouse, but prevents the warehouse from ordering more of the product, even if it is still available on a price contract.
On-Hand or Orderable Inventory - The item/filter can only be ordered if inventory is physically on-hand at the site you are ordering from or if the site you are ordering from can order more of the item - either from a price contract or another internal order list.
- Always Available - This item/filer can always be ordered, regardless of stock levels. This is often used in situations where the Central Kitchen can manufacture an item or obtain it from sources other than ordering it directly; however, schools need to be able to order the item from the kitchen regardless of whether it is currently on-hand.
- (no change) - The item/filter will not affect the availability of the item. This is useful for affecting the "Allow Broken Case" of certain items without interfering with the availability specified by other rules in the same ordering list.
- Allow Broken Cases - Place a checkmark in Allowed Broken Case if partial units can be ordered for an item.
- Priority - Use the drop-down menu to select a priority level (Low, Normal, High).
(Optional) Click the Test button and select a specific site. Then, click Ok.
- Review internal order lists for the selected site. Click Close when you are done.
*You may notice that some items do not appear on the internal order list for a selected site. This means the site can never order this item, but is allowed to order a similar item. The reason for this could be the difference between Elementary and High School portion sizing.
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Ordering Categories, Groups, and Configs
If the manufactured item is going to be ordered by an internal site, the appropriate ordering category must be assigned to the manufactured item. Additionally, an ordering group and configuration must be created and assigned to that school. The ordering group must have the ordering category assigned to the manufactured item as one of the Allowed Ordering Categories.
Ordering Categories
Ordering categories should be established before establishing ordering groups. Categories are established during item setup for easier ordering processes.
- From the Ordering & Price Contracts option, select Ordering Categories.
- Scroll to the bottom of the list and click in the cell next to the asterisk * or click Jump to New Row to add a new ordering category. Then, click Save Changes.
Ordering Groups
Ordering groups allow you to establish ordering categories and site filters. Additionally, you can control order approval levels.
- From the Ordering & Price Contracts option, select Ordering Groups.
- Establish ordering group options next to the asterisk *. Then, click Save Changes.
- Description - Enter a description of the ordering group.
- Allowed Ordering Categories - Use the drop-down menu to select one or more established ordering categories by placing a checkmark in the box(es). Then, click Ok.
- Order From Named Site Filter - Use the drop-down menu to select the site in which the order is placed.
- Approval Mode - Use the drop-down menu to select how orders are approved.
- Site - The site manager/cafeteria operator must review and approve the order.
- Central Office - Central office staff or area supervisors must review and approve the order.
- Automatic - No approval process is necessary. The order automatically sends (to internal sites such as other schools, central kitchen, warehouse).
Ordering Group Configs
Ordering Group Configurations represents the cycle of ordering a Site should follow by determining a delivery date, par levels, orders to be filled, planning date and the length of time planning should occur. Configurations are then applied to a site.
- From the Ordering & Price Contracts option, select Ordering Group Configs.
- Click Add New to add a new configuration or select an existing configuration and click Edit.
- If adding a new configuration, you must select if you would like to create a new configuration As a copy of Default or New Config from Scratch.
Establish ordering group configurations. Then, click Save Changes.
- Description - Enter a description for the ordering group configuration.
Ordering Group - Click Add to create a new ordering group. Select from the list of ordering groups. Then, click Ok.
Delivery Date - Click on the ellipsis to establish delivery date details. Then, click Ok.
Number of Days after Today - Enter the number of days after today for the order to be delivered. Then, establish What Kind of Days.
Work Days (M-F) - Select to receive a delivery XX number of work days from today
Calendar Days - Select to receive a delivery XX number of calendar days from today.
Specific Day of the Week - Use the drop-down menu to select a specific day of the week. Then, establish a Week Determination.
- Consider Par Levels - Place a checkmark in the box if par levels should be considered during ordering.
Consider Orders to Fill - Place a checkmark in the box if fulfillment of orders should be considered during ordering.
Orders Start Date - Click on the ellipsis to establish order start date details. Then, click Ok.
Select how the default orders start date should be calculated - Use the drop-down menu to select a relative order start date. Then, establish additional date options.
Relative to Today
Relative to Delivery Date
Number of Days after today - Enter the number of days after the relative day to establish ordering. Then, establish What kind of Days.
Work Days (M-F) - Select to receive an order XX number of work days from today/delivery date.
Calendar Days - Select to receive an order XX number of calendar days from today.
Specific Day of the Week - Use the drop-down menu to select a specific day of the week. Then, establish a Week Determination.
The next [Day] at least XX days after [today or delivery date]
[Day] of next week
[Day] of the week after next
On the XX [Day] of the Month
Orders Length - Click on the ellipsis to establish order length details. Then, click Ok.
Select how the length of the orders range should be calculated - Establish the length of order ranges.
Week Day (M-F) Count for XX
Number of days/weeks/months
Calendar Day Count for XX Number of days/weeks/months
Week Count for XX Number of days/weeks/months
Month Count for XX Number of days/weeks/months
Through Day of week
Through XX day of month
- Consider Planning - Place a checkmark in the box if planned meals should be considered during ordering.
Planning Start Date - Click on the ellipsis to establish planning start date details. Then, click Ok.
Select how the default planning start date should be calculated - Use the drop-down menu to select a relative planning start date. Then, establish additional date options.
Relative to Today
Relative to Delivery Date
Number of Days after today/delivery date - Enter the number of days after the relative day to establish planning. Then, establish What kind of Days.
Work Days (M-F) - Select to receive an order XX number of work days from today/delivery date.
Calendar Days - Select to plan an order XX number of calendar days from today.
Specific Day of the Week - Use the drop-down menu to select a specific day of the week. Then, establish a Week Determination.
The Day at least XX days after today
Day of next week
Day of the week after next
On the XX Day of the Month
Planning Length - Click on the ellipsis to establish planning length details. Then, click Ok.
Select how the length of the planning range should be calculated - Establish the length of planning ranges.
Week Day (M-F) Count for XX Number of days/weeks/months
Calendar Day Count for XX Number of days/weeks/months
Week Count for XX Number of days/weeks/months
Month Count for XX Number of days/weeks/months
Through Day of week
Through XX day of month
- Planning Meals - Use the drop-down menu to select one or more meal types to consider planning for ordering
- Show All Available Items - If you would like all available items to appear during ordering, place a checkmark in the box.
If a new ordering group and config have been created, make sure to assign the ordering config to the school who will be doing the ordering. Perform the following steps:
- From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Sites and Categories. Then, select Mass Update and choose Ordering Group Configs from the drop-down menu.
- Check off the ordering config next to the school it should be assigned to.
- Click Save Changes.
Manufactured Item Testing