The Cashier Select Page allows you to select and modify cashier information that has already been created, or create a new cashier.
Select a Cashier
To select existing cashier information, click on either the cashier's name or ID. These fields are underlined to note something occurs when you click on them. Once you have made your selection you will be brought to the Cashier Update page .
Cashier Name
The Cashier Name Field reflects both the first and last name of the cashier.
Cashier ID
The Cashier ID Field notes the identification number of the cashier. This is the number the cashier uses to sign-on at the Point of Sale terminal.
POS Display
The POS Display is what is displayed on the Point of Sale screen once the cashier has signed-on. This is usually the cashier's first name or nickname. The Point of Sale usually displays "Ready (followed by what is entered in the POS Display Field).
Add Button
The Add button allows you to enter the new cashier information. Once you select this button, you are
brought to a blank Cashier Update page where you can enter brand new information on a new cashier.
Cancel Button
Selecting the Cancel button returns you to the WebSMARTT Home page .