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 The Miscellaneous Setup section demonstrates how to configure the various features provided in Newton.

Opening Miscellaneous Setup

This procedure is used to access all processes in the Miscellaneous Setup section.

Locate and click on the Admin & Maintenance tab. Next, click on the Miscellaneous Setup option.


You can establish school-specific settings (including schools that are not associated with a cafeteria) from the School Maintenance screen. The School Export Code (if applicable) will allow claims to be exported in order to be uploaded for processing. 

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select  Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Schools.
  2. Establish School Maintenance settings. Click Ok to save changes.

    Area Eligible

    When selecting At-Risk or PV2, students are run through the serving line and a sale is run for each student. The first meal is free while the second is "at cost".

    When selecting At-Risk (assume at cost) or PV2 (assume at cost), the assumption is students are not run through the serving line. They grab plates and go. Any identified students who are rung up are assumed to be purchasing second meals only and are, therefore, sold meals  "at cost".

    1. School Number - The number associated with the school. (Not editable)
    2. School Name - The name of the school. (Not editable)
    3. Inactive - Place a checkmark in the box is a school is no longer active.
    4. Export Code - School-specific code provided by the state.
    5. State Code - District specific code provided by the state.
    6. Email Address - Primary email address for the school.
    7. Exclude from Claim - Place a checkmark for the appropriate school if it is to be excluded from the claim process.
    8. Breakfast Area Eligible - Use the drop-down menu to select an area eligible setting: None, PV2 Base Year, PV2 Second+Year, PV2 Second+Year (assume at cost), CEP, CEP (assume at cost). 
    9. Lunch Area Eligible - Use the drop-down menu to select an area eligible setting: NonePV2 Base YearPV2 Second+YearPV2 Second+Year (assume at cost)CEPCEP (assume at cost).
    10. Snack Area Eligible - Use the drop-down menu to select an area eligible setting: NoneAt-Risk, At-Risk (assume at cost).
    11. Supper Area Eligible - Use the drop-down menu to select an area eligible setting: (NoneAt-RiskAt-Risk (assume at cost).
    12. CEP % Identified - Percentage of CEP identified in the school. (Not editable)
    13. Custom School Fields - Custom-defined fields are established in Administration and Maintenance  Miscellaneous Setup  Custom School Fields and to be used in reports.

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Custom School Fields

Custom school fields have been added and are used in custom reports/exports. For additional assistance, please contact Support.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Custom School Fields.
  2. Establish School Field details. Then, click Ok.

Data Type: String

By selecting String, custom text can be entered.

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Provision 2 Base Year

Provision 2 Base Year allows schools to establish claim percentages for qualifying schools and meals. Percentages are broken down by school, meal, and month and may vary. Newton allows you to review those percentages for accuracy.

Provision 2 Base Year

If Provision 2 Base Year percentages are incorrect, you will need to make changes in DataCenter. (Admin → MaintenancePV2 Base Years)

  1. From the Admin and Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Provision 2 Base Year.
  2. Review Provision 2 Base Year percentages. 

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Feeder Groups

Feeder Groups differ from Feeder Schools. Feeder Groups allow customized groups to be created and separate reports to be run to show the number of meals served depending on District needs. e.g. A high school establishes a feeder group for when an 8th grade class visits for the day and are fed at that location.

Applying Feeder Groups to Select Cafeterias

Once a customized Feeder Group has been established, each affected cafeteria must be changed in Cafeteria Setup → Cafeterias → Feeder Groups to reflect the correct Feeder Group.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Feeder Groups.
  2. Enter a new Feeder Group by clicking in the Description column next to the asterisk *. Then. click Ok.

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Grade Groups

The Grade Groups option allows Grade Groups to be created and Mapping Templates to be established. The Participation by Grade-Group report (similar to the Participation by Grade report) can then be run. The report will allow meal costs to be broken down depending on setup. e.g. A school in the District is established as Kindergarten through 5th grade. The grade group option allows the report to break down meal costs for elementary and middle school students.

Applying Grade Groups to Schools

Once a customized Grade Group has been established, each affected cafeteria must be changed in Cafeteria Setup → Cafeterias → Schools → Grade Group Mapping to reflect the correct Grade Group.

From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Grade Groups.

Grade Groups

  1. Select Grade Groups from the Grade Groups menu.
  2. Create Grade Group categories by selecting the line with the asterisk and entering a grade group name. Then, click Save.

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Grade Group Mapping Templates

  1. Select Grade Group Mapping Templates from the Grade Groups menu.
  2. Create Grade Group Mapping Templates by selecting the Default or adding a new description in line with the asterisk * and entering in a grade mapping name. In each Grade column, click in the cell and use the drop-down menu to select a Grade Group. Click Ok when you have established all grade groups.

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Track Configs

Track Configs allow year-round schools to define when school sessions are out for break periods for reporting purposes.

Track Establishment

Tracks must be established in DataCenter prior to configuration in Newton.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Track Configs.
  2. To create a new track, click the Add button.

    Editing a Track

    To edit an existing track, select the row and click the Edit button.

  3. Select how you want to establish new track configurations. Then, click Ok.
     - From scratch
     - As a copy of the currently selected track configuration
  4. Complete track configurations. Then, click Ok.
    1. Enter a description.
    2. In the row with the asterisk *, enter the start date for the students out of session.
    3. Enter the end date for students out of session.

Enter additional dates in the row with the asterisk * if more than one session break occurs in a track. Click Apply after each date ranges if establishing more than one.

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POS Groups

By default, POS Groups are established by Homeroom and Grade. The POS Groups option allows admin to establish customized POS groups.

Applying POS Groups to POS Customers

Once a customized POS Group has been established, each student record must have the POS Customer Type modified to reflect the correct POS Group.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose POS Groups.
  2. Use the drop-down arrow to select a cafeteria. Then, click Ok.
  3. Enter a new POS Group by clicking in the Description column next to the asterisk *. Then. click Ok.

Additional Options

  • Clear - The Clear button allows you to keep the POS Group while clearing all student associations.
    a. Select the POS Group you would like to clear from the list.
    b. Click Clear.
    c. If a POS Group is in use (POS Customers have been assigned), a notification warning will appear. Click Yes to continue clearing all customers from the selected POS Group.
    d. A confirmation window will appear once the process is complete.

  • Delete - The Delete button allows you to easily remove a POS Group.
    a. Select the POS Group you would like to delete from the list.
    b. Click Delete.
    c. If a POS Group is in use (POS Customers have been assigned), a notification warning will appear. Click Yes to continue deleting the POS Group.
    d. Click Ok in the POS Group Maintenance window when you are done to save changes.

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Mass Update POS Groups/Homerooms

The Mass Update POS Groups/Homerooms tool allows you to quickly perform mass updates to POS Groups and Homerooms to a selected school.

  1. From the Admin and Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Mass Update POS Groups/Homerooms.
  2. Use the drop-down menu to select a specific cafeteria. Then, click Ok.

     Search Button - Access Advanced Search Filters

    The advanced search button allows you to narrow search results by cafeteria description.

    To return to the Select a Cafeteria drop-down window, click Browse.
    1. Enter a keyword or description in the Description search filter, then click Refresh.
    2. Select the cafeteria from the screen. Then, click Ok.


  3. You have two options when utilizing the mass updater feature. You may edit information within the window or use the Mass Update wizard. When you are done, click Ok.
    1. Modify information within the Mass Updater POS Groups/Homeroom window.
      1. Modify information for each student.
        1. Homeroom Override - Correct the student's homeroom by entering text in the Homeroom Override column.
        2. POS Group - Use the drop-down menu in the POS Group column to select the correct POS Group for the student.
    2. Modify information with a wizard.
      1. Click Group Update from the tab at the top of the window.
      2. In the welcome window, click Next to begin the process.
      3. Select which mass update you wish to perform. Then, click Next.
        1. POS Groups - Use the drop-down menu to select a POS Group.
        2. Homerooms - Enter the new homeroom.
      4. Click Add POS Customers to select customers for POS updates.
      5. Use the Search tool by entering information and clicking Refresh.
      6. Place a checkmark by each customer you wish to update by clicking in the box. Then, click Ok.
      7. Repeat Steps v-vi until you have selected all customers in which updates are needed.
      8. Review the list of customers to ensure the correct ones are selected. Then, click Next.

        The Current Homeroom and Current POS Group columns will appear blank or as (none) unless a previous override has been performed for a selected customer.

      9. Click Finish to complete the process.

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In the Letters section, you can change the verbiage of letters, add signatures, and District logos.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Letters.
  2. Click on the Custom Layouts button. This will allow you to customize your letter layout.

    Creating and Customizing Letters

    For more information on how to create and adjust letter templates, click on the links below to visit DevExpress. Please note that some topics may not apply; however, these tutorials and documentation should give you a better understanding to designing reports.

    Video tutorials: DevExpress Reporting

    Documentation: End User Report Designer Online Help

  3. Select a Report Name or the layout description marked as default and click Edit Layout.
  4. Edit the letter layout in the Report Designer. You can rearrange, delete, or add to the template.

    Editing the Letter Body

    The Letter Body is established in Step 6.

     Report Designer Details - View details to assist with the Report Designer.

    OpenAllows you to search for and open another file
    SaveSaves the report within the system
    Save AllSaves all reports currently being edited
    CutRemoves the text or image and saves it to clipboard for pasting
    CopyCopies text or an image while maintaining the original
    PasteAllows text or an image from the clipboard to be added from a previous action
    UndoAllows undoing a previous action
    RedoAllows redoing of a previous action
    LabelAllows text to be entered or multiple fields to be added in one area
    Check BoxInserts a checkbox
    Text BoxAllows text to be inserted
    Picture BoxAllows an image to be inserted
    TableAllows a table to be inserted and completed
    LineAllows lines to be placed for separation purposes
    ShapeAllows a shape to be inserted
    GraphAllows a graph to be inserted if proper data is available and established
    Font NameDetermines the font style
    Font SizeDetermines the size of the font
    Font EmphasisUsed for bold, italic, underline
    Font ColorDetermines the color of the text
    HighlightAllows highlighting of words, sentences, or paragraphs
    Text alignmentChoose between left-aligned, centered, right-aligned, or justified

    1. The Report Explorer tab shows the band and band details. Click the arrow (>) to expand the areas.
    2. Locate and click on the Field List tab.
    3. Choose from the list of Field Parameters you would like to include in your letter by left mouse clicking on the parameter and dragging it onto the letter template. If you choose to insert First Name, Last Name, Student Number in the body of your letter, you should do so here and not in the "Group and Sort" tab.
    4. Once you are done creating your letter, click the Save icon. Then, click the red X in the upper right-hand corner of the window to close the Report Designer.
  5. Click the X on the Edit Report Layout Overrides tab to return to the Letter Maintenance window.
  6. Add or edit letter bodies.
    1. Click Add New Letter Type to create a new letter.
    2. To edit an existing letter, click the plus sign + on a letter description to choose which letter language to edit. Then, click the Edit Letter Body or the Edit Letter Email button.
  7. Edit the letter body. Then, click Ok to save changes.
    1. Add a new description.
    2. Use the drop-down menu to select a layout.
    3. Change font type, size, style, alignment, and color.
    4. Add, delete, or change letter body text.
  8. Insert fields from the available list.

    Available Data Fields (Fields listed below may vary depending on letter type.)
    • CheckNumber
    • CheckDate
    • CheckAmount
    • DistrictFeeAmount
    • BankFeeAmount
    • FeeAmount
    • AdjustmentDate
    • AdjustmentComments
    • StudentNumber
    • FullName
    • POSID
    • FirstName
    • MiddleInitial
    • LastName
    • Suffix
    • NickName
    • Address
    • Address2
    • City
    • State
    • ZipCode
    • Grade
    • Homeroom
    • BalanceTotal
    • BalanceUnallocated
    • BalanceReimbursableOnly
    • AmountOwedToPrincipal
    • BalanceIncludingAmountOwedToPrincipal
    • Phone1
    • Phone2
    • Fax
    • EmailAddress
    • Birthdate
    • LanguageID
    • Track
    • CustomerCategoryID
    • CustomerCategoryDescription
    • FR_StatusDate
    • FR_CustomerCategoryID
    • FR_CustomerCategory_Description
    • FutureChangeDate
    • FutureCustomerCategory
    • IsStudent
    • Cafeteria_Description
    • Cafeteria_SiteCode
    • Cafeteria_Name
    • Cafeteria_Address1
    • Cafeteria_Address2
    • Cafeteria_City
    • Cafeteria_State
    • Cafeteria_ZipCode
    • Cafeteria_ManagerName
    • Cafeteria_PhoneNumber
    • LetterSignerName
    • LetterSignerTitle
    • Todays_Date
    • User_Defined_Text
    • EstimatedBreakfastCount
    • EstimatedLunchCount
    • EstimatedSnackCount
    • BreakfastPrice
    • LunchPrice
    • SnackPrice
    • EstimatedBreakfastCost
    • EstimatedLunchCost
    • EstimatedSnackCost
    • EstimatedMealCost
    • EstimatedAmountToPay

    Preview of Edit Letter Body:


The User_Defined_Text field allows you to add customized text to the letter when running letters from Reports and Letters.

Preview of Edit Letter Email:

You may need to update your SMTP Server if it does not support sending HTML formatting.

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A Language Maintenance screen has been added for enabling other languages to be used when creating letters.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Languages.
  2. Enable languages for letters by unchecking the selected language in the Inactive column. Then, click Ok.
  3. Select the correct letter and language to edit in Letters.

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Customer Categories

The Custom Customer Category Codes allows you to modify category codes. Some reports can then be printed to include the category codes established. The codes help to protect the identity of customers. 

Multiple steps are required to ensure customer categories function properly. For complete details in establishing allergens and allergies for alerts, refer Newton 3.5 Release Notes.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Customer Categories.
  2. Click into the Code column next to the description and change the code. Then, click your Enter key on your keyboard.

    Codes may be up to three (3) character in length. A numeric or alpha character may be used.

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Offer-vs-Serve allows you to establish settings at the Item and Menu level and apply the factors to Cafeterias. You may choose to use the default settings or establish new settings. Default settings as based on USDA regulations. OVS Requirements must first be established and then applied to mapping templates before they can be applied at the Cafeteria level (Administration and Maintenance → Cafeteria Setup → Cafeteria Schools  OVS Req. Mapping).

From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Offer-vs-Serve.

OVS Requirements

Offer versus Serve Requirements allows you to separate different meal components and allows extra meal components to be established. However, it is the District's responsibility to comply with USDA standards in order to meet requirements for claim purposes. 

  1. Select OVS Requirements from the Offer-vs-Serve menu.
  2. Establish new requirements in the last row with the asterisk. Then, click Ok.
    1. Description - Enter a requirement description.
    2. Min Food Items - Enter the number of minimum food items the child must take.
    3. Max Food Items - Enter the maximum number of food items the child is allowed to take.
    4. Min Fruit - Use the drop-down menu to select the minimum fruit portion.
    5. Max Fruit - Use the drop-down menu to select the maximum fruit portion.
    6. Min Vegetables - Use the drop-down menu to select the minimum vegetable portion.
    7. Max Vegetable - Use the drop-down menu to select the maximum vegetable portion.
    8. Min Grain - Use the drop-down menu to select the minimum grain portion.
    9. Max Grain - Use the drop-down menu to select the maximum grain portion.
    10. Min Meat - Use the drop-down menu to select the minimum meat portion.
    11. Max Meat - Use the drop-down menu to select the maximum meat portion.
    12. Min Fruit/Vegetable Portion - Use the drop-down menu to select the minimum fruit/vegetable portion. This requirement combines the fruit/and vegetable portions as one meal component allowing meal requirements to meet these requirements if other requirements are met. Check USDA and local regulations for more guidance.

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OVS Mapping Templates

  1. Select OVS Mapping Templates from the Offer-vs-Serve menu.
  2. Select Add to add a new mapping template.
  3. Establish mapping template details. Then, click Ok.
    1. Description - Enter a description for the new mapping template.
    2. Default Requirements - Use the drop-down menu to establish default requirements for Breakfast and Lunch.
    3. Grade Mappings - Click Add Grade and select a grade from the list. Next, click Ok. Then, use the drop-down menu to select a Breakfast Requirement and Lunch Requirement as it applies to the selected grade. Repeat the process for additional grades.
    4. When finished, click Ok.

You should now see the new mapping template.

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Supervisor Alerts

Supervisor Alerts can be established in order to alert Cafeteria Operators, Area Supervisors, and Main Office Administrators of arising issues depending on the level of permissions granted to a role or group. Some alerts have the ability to request overrides in order to complete processes. 

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Supervisor Alerts.
  2. In the Setup Supervisor Alerts window, click Add

    Supervisor Alerts are limited to seven options. Not all alerts are configurable.

  3. Choose from the list of new supervisor alerts. Then, click Ok.
  4. Establish criteria for alerts. Then, click Ok.

     Deposit Variance - Establishes an allowed difference/variance of amounts between the total cost of meals sold and the total of money collected on the serving line.

     If a variance is larger than the amount allowed, it will be reported as a supervisor alert warning.

    Double Card Usage - Detects if a customer has been served two meals on the same day. (Not editable)
    Edit-Check Warnings - The edit-check warning establishes an alert when enrollment and meals served conflict for a Federal Edit check. (Not editable) 
    Hasn't Posted Yet - If a cafeteria has not yet posted meal counts for an operating day, an alert will be sent to the main office or Area Supervisor. (Not editable)

     High Charges - Establishes a maximum dollar value of charges allowed.

     Choose charge limit behavior

    • Entire cafeteria charge limit - Establishes a maximum charge limit for all customers combined.
    • Charge limit per customer (includes all active customers) - Establishes a high-end maximum charge limit for each individual customer at the level of the Central Office for reporting purposes.


    • Charge Limit - Established a set amount of maximum charges.
    • Include positive balances

     Individual High Charges - Establishes a maximum charge limit for each individual customer at a school and references charge limits in Cafeteria Settings.

     Suspicious Labor Hours - Looks at the standard deviation from the allowed mean on a per cafeteria - per meal basis from the start of school year to present.

    Did You Know?

    Standard deviation is a measure used to calculate a variation/dispersion of a set of numerical data values. A deviation close to 0 is ideal and indicates complied data remains close to the mean/expected value of the data set. 

    How does it work? 
    If the deviation is set at 1 and labor hours for a cafeteria typically total 13 for a lunch meal. an alert will be generated if 11 or 15 labor hours are reported. An alert will not be generated if labor hours are reported as 12, 13, or 14.

  5. After you have established Supervisor Alerts, click Ok.

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Work-Log Types

The Work-Log section allows for the tracking of specific actions that occur when working with customers, creating a record of the customer's history.

  1. From the Admin and Maintenance tab, locate Miscellaneous Setup. Then, select Work-Log Types.
  2. Set the following options for the different Work Logs. New Work Logs can be added in the blank space next to the asterisk * (typically the last row). Then, click Save Changes.
    1. Description - Enter a work-log description.
    2. Section - System sections have been imported from DataCenter. For new work-logs, enter General.
    3. Flash Comments Tab Header - Select a Flash Comments Tab Header option from the drop-down menu - AlwaysWhen Comments ExistNever. When a comment is present, the Comments icon will flash.
    4. Comment Prompt - Select a Comment Prompt option from the drop-down menu - PromptRequiredDo Not Prompt.

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 In order to run accurate claim reports, Claim Periods and Reimbursement Rates first need to be established.

 From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Claims.

Claim Periods

Claim Periods allows you to establish periods for the upcoming school year for reporting purposes.

Prior to establishing Claim Periods, Reimbursement Rates must first be established.

  1. Select Claim Periods from the Claims menu.
  2. Establish claim periods. Then, click Ok.
    1. Enter a start date.
    2. Enter an ending date.
    3. Locked - Once a claim report has been processed, you may lock the period by clicking in the box. This blocks anyone from modifying previous claims. If a modification is necessary, an authorized user may unlock the claim.
    4. Use the drop-down menu in the Reimbursement-Rate Period and choose a school year.
    5. You can continue to enter claim periods or click the Auto-Fill button to complete setting up periods through the end of the established school year.

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Reimbursement Rates

Reimbursement Rates allow you to establish the federal and, if applicable, state reimbursement rates for claim reporting.

  1. Select Reimbursement Rates from the Claims menu.
  2. Establish a new school year and enter reimbursement rates. Then, click Ok.
    1. Next to the asterisk * in the Description column, enter the new school year.
    2. Enter school year rates as provided to you. State reimbursement rates do not apply to all states. Please check with your state agency for rates.

 Use the "Tab" button on your keyboard to move to the next column.

Available Reimbursement Rate Programs
  • Federal Breakfast Free
  • Federal Severe-Need Breakfast Free
  • Federal Breakfast Reduced
  • Federal Severe-Need Breakfast Reduced
  • Federal Breakfast Full-Paying
  • Federal Breakfast State-Reimbursed-Reduced
  • Federal Headstart Breakfast
  • Federal Lunch Free (Se11+Se4)
  • Federal Lunch Reduced (Se11+Se4)
  • Federal Lunch Full-Paying (Se4)
  • Federal Lunch State-Reimbursed-Reduced
  • Federal Headstart Lunch
  • Federal Snack Free
  • Federal Snack Reduced
  • Federal Snack Full-Paying
  • Federal Snack State-Reimbursed-Reduced
  • Federal Headstart Snack
  • Federal Special Milk
  • Federal Supper Free
  • Federal Supper Reduced
  • Federal Supper Full-Paying
  • Federal Supper State Reimbursed-Reduced
  • Federal Headstart Supper
  • State Breakfast Free
  • State Severe-Need Breakfast Free
  • State Breakfast Reduced
  • State Severe-Need Breakfast Reduced
  • State Breakfast Full-Paying
  • State Breakfast State-Reimbursed-Reduced
  • State Headstart Breakfast
  • State Lunch Free (Se11+Se4)
  • State Lunch Reduced (Se11+Se4)
  • State Lunch Full-Paying (Se4)
  • State Lunch State-Reimbursed-Reduced
  • State Headstart Lunch
  • State Snack Free
  • State Snack Reduced
  • State Snack Full-Paying
  • State Snack State-Reimbursed-Reduced
  • State Headstart Snack
  • State Special Milk
  • State Supper Free
  • State Supper Reduced
  • State Supper Full-Paying
  • State Supper State-Reimbursed-Reduced
  • State Headstart Supper

Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the window to view more Reimbursement Rate Periods.

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Income/Expense Accounts

The Income and Expense Accounts allow you to establish criteria for the Profit/Loss Report. Each cafeteria must first determine what items to include as incomes and expenses.

Applying Income and Expense Accounts to Select Cafeterias

Once income and expense accounts have been established, each affected cafeteria must be changed in Cafeteria Setup → Cafeterias → Income/Expense Accounts to reflect which incomes and expenses to include.

Including Labor Hours with Income and Expenses

If you choose to include labor hours as an expense, it is highly recommended you require labor hours when posting at the end of the day. To establish required labor hours, each affected cafeteria must be changed in Cafeteria Setup → Cafeterias → Settings → Posting Require Labor Hours when Posting.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Income/Expense Accounts.
  2. Complete income and expense account setups. Then, click Ok.
    1. Enter a new description in line with the asterisk *.
    2. Use the drop-down arrow under Account Type to select if the description is revenue or an expense.
    3. If a description is no longer in use, check the Inactive box.

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Misc School Counts

Miscellaneous School Counts are established for full cost meals in which the cafeteria receives reimbursement. e.g. A school prepares meals for a local detention center. The meals prepared are not considered eligible for federal or state reimbursement. However, at the end of the month, the school prints out a report for reimbursement costs.

Applying Misc School Counts to Cafeterias

Once Misc School Counts have been established, each affected cafeteria must be changed in Cafeteria Setup → Cafeterias → Misc School Counts to reflect which counts are available when posting.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Misc School Counts.
  2. Complete Miscellaneous School Count options. Then, click Ok.
    1. Edit an existing description by clicking in the description cell or enter a new description in line with the asterisk *.
    2. Edit an existing Key code or enter a new Key code.
    3. Use the drop-down arrow under WinFSCA User Account to select the account established in WinFSCA (if applicable). 
    4. If a description is no longer in use, check the Inactive box.

After a Miscellaneous School Count has been established and has a non-zero value from any previous posting day, you will only be able to make changes to the counts' descriptions and inactive check boxes.

During Posting, if a Miscellaneous School Count that has been activated and has a non-zero value exists, the count description should be updated to include "(inactive)". You may make changes to existing inactive counts, e.g. "Emergency Meal Free" would be displayed as "Emergency Meal Free (inactive)".

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Misc Posting Cash

Miscellaneous Posting Cash is established when splitting income with a 3rd party (vendor, catering).

Applying Misc Posting Cash to Cafeterias

Once Misc Posting Cash has been established, each affected cafeteria must be changed in Cafeteria Setup → Cafeterias → Misc Posting Cash to reflect which accounts are available when posting.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Misc Posting Cash.
  2. Complete Miscellaneous Posting Income and Expenses options. Then, click Ok.
    1. Edit an existing description by clicking in the description cell or enter a new description in line with the asterisk *.
    2. Edit an existing Key code or enter a new Key code.
    3. Select how the miscellaneous posting affects the deposit by using the drop-down menu.
       - None
       - Positive
       - Negative 
    4. Use the drop-down menu under Report to WinFSCA to select the account type established in WinFSCA (if applicable). 
       - None
       - MiscExpensesProducts
       - MiscExpensesServices
       - MiscIncome
       - CateringIncome
       - ContractIncome
       - AdditionalTaxableSales 
    5. If a description is taxable, check the Taxable box.
    6. Select the account type.
       - (n/a)
       - Expense
       - Revenue 
    7. If a description is no longer in use, check the Inactive box.

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The Allergy System adds the ability to specify allergens on items and customer allergies. It also provides the appropriate warning on the serving line. 

Multiple steps are required to ensure the allergen and allergy system function properly. For complete details in establishing allergens and allergies for alerts, refer to the Allergen System space in Newton 3.5 Release Notes.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Allergens.
  2. The most common allergens are listed. To add additional allergens to the list, scroll to the bottom of the window and click on the asterisk * to enter a new allergen. Click Ok when you are done entering new allergens.

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Special Diets

Special Diets allows you to establish a special diet description and link a POS Item associated with the diet. Special Diets may then be applied to a customer triggering alerts on the POS Serving Line.

Special Diets and POS Items

You may wish to create one or more Special Diet POS Items in the system. You should create these POS Items prior to creating Special Diets in Miscellaneous Setup.


If you choose to create Special Diet POS Items, don't forget to add them to your Menus and Menu Overrides.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select Miscellaneous Setup. Then, choose Special Diets.
  2. Establish Special Diet criteria. Then, click Ok.
    1. Description - Enter a description of the special diet.
    2. POS Item - Use the drop-down menu to select the POS Item associated with the Special Diet.


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