By the end of Section 3: Application Processing training, the user should be able to:
- Know which part/parts of delivery bag scanning apply to your District
- Successfully scan an application
- Define and complete the recognition process
- Complete scanning Q&A
- Define what is meant by "fuzzy match"
- Know which "hot keys" will speed the process
- Edit applications in application review
- Explain why an application may be "Held for Review"
- Correct issues
- Save changes and complete the application process
- Print notification letters
Fun Fact
MCS Software was the first software vendor in the nation to scan handwritten applications that could be interpreted by the software.
Delivery bags allow you to track when groups of applications arrive at the office and track the progress from arrival through scanning. The process takes you through receiving delivery bags, entering counts, editing receiving details, reviewing delivery bags, and scanning batches of applications.
- From the Home tab, locate the Scanned Applications ribbon and click on Scan.
- Choose the correct operation suitable for your role in the District.
- Scan New Delivery Bag (most common) - Allows the user to scan items received in order to begin the application process.
- Receive Delivery Bag - Mainly used by lrager Districts who have designate personnel for receipt, counts and scanning.
- Enter Counts - Mainly used for larger Districts once a delivery bag has been received.
- Scan Delivery Bag Contents - Mainly used for larger Districts once a delivery bag has been received and counts have been entered.
The Delivery Bag Receiving Information window will appear. Once you have entered the necessary information, click Ok.
Many districts choose to simply click the Ok button; however, this process can be useful for tracking and auditing information.
- Reference Code - An identifier used by the system to track the delivery bag. This is typically a pre-printed ID on the outside of the delivery bag.
- Received Date - The Received Date should be the date the main office receives the bag. Received Date defaults to the current day and can by modified by clicking on the ellipses and selecting another date.
- Sent By - Enter the name of the person who delivered the delivery bag to main office.
- Sent Date - This should be the date the delivery bag was sent from the school. Sent Date defaults to the current day and can by modified by clicking on the ellipses and selecting another date.
- From School - To keep track of delivery bags received from individual schools, use the magnifying glass to select a different school.
- From Location Code - School location codes may be used instead of or with the From School field.
- Reported App Count - Used to track the number of applications reported by the school.
- Reported Supporting Document Count - Used to report if additional supporting documentation is included with applications.
- The Delivery Bag Counts window will appear. Separate applications from supporting documentation. Count the number of applications or supporting documents and load them in the scanner. Once you have entered the necessary information, click Ok.
- In the Applications section, complete the necessary fields.
- Scannable Apps - The number of applications to be scanned in a delivery bag (Required)
- Batch Count - Enter the total batch count (including scannable, unrecognizable, rejected, and discarded applications).
- Unrecognizable Apps - Applications that are not able to pass the recognition process can still be included in a delivery bag. (e.g. red ink or light pencil)
- Rejected Apps - Applications that will not be scanned. (e.g. a previous year application)
- Discarded Apps - A torn or duplicate application that will not be scanned.
- SNAP/TANF/DC Letters - Used to track supporting SNAP, TANF, or Direct Certification letters that accompany a completed application.
- Other Documents - Used to track additional supporting documents. (e.g. Legal paperwork stating a student is emancipated or a list of students who are recognized as homeless.)
In the Supporting Documents section, complete the necessary fields.
This feature is for tracking purposes only. You cannot scan supporting documents with applications. Supporting documents must be scanned on a separate scanner that has not been configured for application scanning.
- In the Informational section, you may choose to enter if the bag was sorted by date received or homeroom.
- In the Applications section, complete the necessary fields.
- The Scan Batch window will appear. This allows you to change the page count, but the field is prefilled from the Delivery Bag Counts window in the scannable applications field. The Scan Form options can be changed as well, but is defaulted to the last used setup. Only districts with multiple scan form setups may need to adjust this. Once you have entered the necessary information, click Ok.
- The batch scanning speedometer window will appear. Note the left speedometer indicated the number of applications scanned and the right speedometer indicates the number of scans processed. During the processing of scanned applications, applications are identified as valid or invalid and, if necessary, rotated correctly for Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR - which identifies handwriting).
- After applications have been scanned, you should see a Scan Complete window. Click Ok.
- The Paper Delivery Bag Contents tab will appear. The Delivery Bag ID should reference the number on the outside of your delivery bag (if you use this method). Scannable Apps should reflect the number of items you scanned. If all images have scanned in successfully, you will see a green check mark in the Images Ok column.
You can view the images scanned by double-clicking the check mark and then clicking on an image file in the next window.
Once Delivery Bags have been received and scanned, you need to run the Recognition process. During this process, Franklin looks at the handwriting in the required fields and attempts to match it with alphabet (ABC) and numeric (123) characters.
In the Home tab, locate and click in the Recognize button. Recognize will validate the applications after they are scanned and prepare them for the scanning verification process (Scanning Q/A).
All batches should be selected as a default. If the Select None button is pushed, simply click the Select All button again. To select a single row only, click the row of scanned batch applications you wish to recognize. Next, click the Recognize button in the action tab.
When you click the Recognize button, you should see a progression bar as the batch you selected is being prepared for the next process.