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title | Overview |
Cafeteria Templates are used to establish universal setting across all cafeterias. Multiple templates can be created and applied. To modify individual templates, refer to Cafeterias. |
Step 1: From the Administration and Maintenance tab, locate the Cafeteria Setup tab. Then, select Cafeteria Templates.
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Step 2: Click the Add button to add a new cafeteria template. Skip to Step 4 to Edit a cafeteria template.
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Step 3: Choose to add a new cafeteria template from scratch or as copy of a current cafeteria template. Then, click Ok.
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Description - Enter a description of the template.
POSID Assignment
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title | POSID Assignment - Click here to view POSID Assignment setup options. |
- POSID Assignment - Select the method of assigning POS IDs.
- District Assigned
- Grade-Range
- Student Number
- SIS Data
- Legacy System
- Random
- Last Part of Student Number
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- Last Part of Student Number for POSIDs - Set the amount of digits used from the student number.
- POSID Assignment Range Minimum - Enter the minimum number used for POSIDs when randomly assigned.
- POSID Assignment Range Maximum - Enter the maximum number used for POSIDs when randomly assigned.
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title | Miscellaneous - Click here to view Miscellaneous setup options. |
- Offline Data Path - Enter the path used when the network is unavailable. The District can use alternative options such as a floppy disk or jump drive to store data.
- Regular Subscription Expiration Dates - Enter the default number of days a regular subscription remains valid (0 = never expires).
- Guest Subscription Expiration Dates - Enter the default number of days a guest subscription remains valid (0 = never expires).
- Include Letters for automatic feeder rules customers - Determine whether or not to include letters to POS customers who are subscribed to a cafeteria using automatic feeder rules.
- Include Letters for feeder group customers - Determine whether or not to include letters to POS customers who are subscribed to a cafeteria using feeder groups.
- Include Letters for regular subscribers - Determine whether or not to include letters to POS customers who are subscribed to a cafeteria using manual subscriptions.
- Estimate Cost per Labor Hour - Enter the amount to multiply labor hours when estimating a cost for the profit and loss report.
- Default to Print Receipts - Determine whether or not to print a receipt preview when entering a correction, payment, or refund from POS customer maintenance.
Serving Line
title | Serving Line - Click here to view Serving Line setup options. |
- Base Year
- Second + Year
- Second + Year (assume at cost)
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- Provision 2 Lunch Mode - Use the drop-down arrow to choose the provision 2 mode (if any) in which to operate lunch. (The same options are available as in Provision 2 Breakfast Mode.)
- Barcode Lookup Mode - Use the drop-down arrow to determine the search field when a barcode is scanned.
- Student Number
- SIS Data
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- Barcode Regex Pattern - Enter a regular expression (javascript/ECMA) pattern to search for and replace with the Barcode Regex Replacement string when scanning barcode data on the serving line.
- Barcode Regex Replacement - Enter a regular expression (javascript/ECMA) replacement string to replace every occurrence of the Barcode Regex Pattern found when scanning barcode data on the serving line.
- Manager Password - Enter the password or password prefix for manager overrides on the serving line.
- Manager Password Type - Use the drop-down arrow to select the method used when calculating the daily password for manager overrides on the serving line.
- Manager Password Only
- Password + Day of Month
- Password + Day of Month + Day of Week
- Use Login Credentials
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- Include Inactives on Serving Line Days - Enter the number of days after a POS customer becomes inactive to continue to be included on the serving line (0 = never include inactives).
- Maximum number of offer-vs-serve itemized meals - Determine how to limit the number of offer vs. serve meals sold to a customer by clicking the drop-down arrow.
- One Per Transaction
- One Per Meal
- No Limit
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- Account balance change Polling Interval - Enter the number of minutes to wait between polling the central office server for account balance changes (used as a failsafe in case the real-time UDP notification from the agent is not working). Set to 0 to disable polling.
- Fingerprint Threshold - Set and adjust the fingerprint threshold so aid in false acceptance issues. Setting a higher value will lower the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) for fingerprint scanning. Setting a lower value will decrease the False Rejection rate (FRR). A value of 45 typically works well for GrFinger. A value of 25 typically works well for AFIS. A value of 0 will use the default for whichever recognition engine you use.
- Fingerprint Rotational Tolerance - Set the maximum number of degree (0 to 180) to allow a fingerprint to be rotated when identifying customers on the serving line. Specifying a higher value may decrease performance and increase False Acceptance Rate (FAR). Specifying a lower value may increase the False Rejection Rate (FRR). 180 is a typical value.
- Allocate Overpayments to Reimbursable Only - By default, allocated overpayments are applied to reimbursable meals only instead of unallocated cash. This can be overridden on a per-customer basis.
- Require Cash for Student a lá carte Sales - Require cash to be tendered by students when purchasing a lá carte items. If this is checked, the corresponding customer-level setting is ignored. If unchecked, the customer-level setting is honored.
- Require Cash for Adult a lá carte Sales - Require cash to be tendered by adults when purchasing a lá carte items. If this is checked, the corresponding customer-level setting is ignored. If unchecked, the customer-level setting is honored.
- Allow Biometric Enrollment when Not Specified - Select whether or not to allow biometric enrollment on students whose 'Allow Biometric Enrollment' option is not specified. Note that enrollment is always allowed on adults who have not specified an option.
- Allow Main-Machine to Operate Independently - Select whether or not to allow Newton main machine to continue operating independently of the main machine serving line. Enabling this option will allow users to press Alt-Tab to switch back and forth between the serving line and the main machine operating modes. Disabling this option will cause Newton to display 'Application Paused' and prompt to return to the serving line if the user attempts to switch between applications.
Attendance Factor
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title | Attendance Factor - Click here to view Attendance Factor setup options. |
- Use Attendance Factor when Posting - Determine whether to use attendance factors instead of manually entering attendance when posting.
- Attendance Factor - Set the attendance factor to use for the cafeteria or school.
title | Posting - Click here to view Posting options. |
- Multi-Day Deposits - Determine whether the cafeteria makes bank deposits for multiple operating days.
- Blind Deposits - Determine whether the cafeteria makes blind deposits (entering a deposit amount before being able to review daily reports).
- Require Labor Hours when Posting - Determine whether the cafeteria is required to enter labor hours when posting an operating day.
- Require Deposit Slip Number when Posting - Determine whether the cafeteria is required to enter a deposit slip number when posting an operating day.
- Manual Meal Count Fields - Determine which manual meal count fields to enable when posting.
- Select All
- PV2 Breakfast
- PV2 Lunch
- PV2 Snack
- Headstart Breakfast
- Headstart Lunch
- Headstart Snack
- Free Snacks
- Special Milk Count
- Supper Count
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- Maximum Posting Variance - Set the maximum amount of variance allowed when posting.
- County/Parish - Enter the county/parish location of the cafeteria.
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title | Charges - Click here to view Charges setting options. |
- Default Maximum Charge Balance (Free Students) - Enter the maximum charge balance a free student may have, unless set manually on a per-customer basis.
- Default Maximum Charge Balance (Reduced Students) - Enter the maximum charge balance a reduced student may have, unless set manually on a per-customer basis.
- Default Maximum Charge Balance (Paying Students) - Enter the maximum charge balance a paying student may have, unless set manually on a per-customer basis.
- Default Maximum Charge Balance (Adults) - Enter the maximum charge balance an adult may have, unless set manually on a per-customer basis.
- Disallow Charges for Students - Select charge types not allowed for students. This is in addition to any per-customer disallowed charge types that may be defined.
- Select All
- Breakfast Reimbursable
- Breakfast a lá carte
- Breakfast At Cost
- Lunch Reimbursable
- Lunch a lá carte
- Lunch at Cost
- Snack Immeasurable
- Snack a lá carte
- Snack at Cost
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- Disallow Charges for Adult - Select charge types not allowed for adults. This is in addition to any per-customer disallowed charge types that may be defined. (The same options are available as in Disallow Charges for Students.)
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Choose which reports will be included in the Before Posting and After Posting Reports by checking or unchecking boxes.
Before Posting Reports
Line Details
Meal Summary
Initial Summary
Adjustment Details
Amount Tendered
Double Card Usage
Function Key Sales
Cash Drawer Report
Reimbursable Meals Served
Void and Edit Comments
Multiple Transactions per Meal
At-Cost Meals
After Posting Reports
Line Details
Meal Summary
Initial Summary
Adjustment Details
Amount Tendered
Daily Recap
Double Card Usage
Function Key Sales
Cash Drawer Report
Reimbursable Meals Served
Void and Edit Comments
Bank Deposit
Federal Edit Check
Multiple Transactions per Meal
At-Cost Meals
Participation by Grade
Items Sold by Category
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The Checklist assists in scheduling, monitoring, and completion of normal daily tasks. The system will place a checkmark next to each task as it is completed.
Edit Item - Allows adjustments to be made to a task.
Add Item - Allows new tasks to be added to the checklist.
Establish a new task. Then, click Ok.
- Start Operating Day
- Start Meal (Breakfast)
- Main Machine (Breakfast)
- Create Line Disks (Breakfast)
- Stop Meal (Breakfast)
- Start meal (Lunch)
- Main Machine (Lunch)
- Create Line Disks (Lunch)
- Stop Meal (Lunch)
- Start Meal (Snack)
- Main Machine (Snack)
- Create Line Disks (Snack)
- Stop Meal (Snack)
- Print Before-Posting Reports
- Post Operating Day
- Print After-Posting Reports
- Check Double Card Usage
- Retrieve Offline Batches
- Enter Incomes and Expenses
- Edit After-School Counts
- User-Defined - Enter a description. Enter a hyperlink if needed. (The link can point to locations offering information or detailed instructions.) Enter any additional comments necessary for those completing the task.
- Daily - The task will occur on a daily basis.
- Weekly - The task will occur weekly on the specific day(s) chosen. Choose one or more days by placing a checkmark next to the day of the week.
- Monthly (1) - The item will occur monthly on a chosen day during a specific week of the month (e.g. The 3rd Monday of every month). Choose which week by using the drop-down arrow. Then, choose the day of the week by using the drop-down arrow.
- Monthly (2) - The task will occur on a specific day of the month (e.g. The 12th day of every month). Choose a specific day of the month by using the drop-down arrow.
- Annually - The task will occur annually on a specific day and month (e.g. the 15th of September). Choose a day of the month by using the drop-down arrow. Then, choose the month by using the drop-down arrow.
- One Time - The task will only occur once on the set date. Choose a specific date the task should occur by selecting it from the calendar or entering the date.
Warn on program close if overdue - Prompts a warning when closing Newton that a task has not been completed.
Overview |
Cafeteria Templates are used to establish universal settings across all cafeterias. Multiple templates can be created and applied. To modify individual templates, refer to Cafeterias. |
From the Admin & Maintenance tab, locate the Cafeteria Setup tab. Then, select Cafeteria Templates.
Click the Add button to add a new cafeteria template. Skip to Step 4 to Edit a cafeteria template.
Image AddedChoose to add a new cafeteria template from scratch or as a copy of a current cafeteria template. Then, click Ok.
Image AddedIn the Edit Cafeteria Template window, click on each tab to configure cafeteria template settings. Click the expansion links for each setting section for more details.
Description - Enter a description of the template.
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POSID Assignment - Use the drop-down menu to select the method of assigning POS IDs (District Assigned, Grade-Range, Student Number, SIS Data, Legacy System, Random, Last Part of Student Number). Last Part of Student Number for POSIDs - Set the number of digits used from the student number. POSID Assignment Range Minimum - Enter the minimum number used for POSIDs when randomly assigned. POSID Assignment Range Maximum - Enter the maximum number used for POSIDs when randomly assigned.
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Offline Data Path - Enter the path used when the network is unavailable. The District can use alternative options such as a floppy disk or jump drive to store data. Regular Subscription Expiration Days - Enter the default number of days a regular subscription remains valid (0 = never expires). Guest Subscription Expiration Days - Enter the default number of days a guest subscription remains valid (0 = never expires). Include Letters for automatic feeder rules customers - Determine whether or not to include letters to POS customers who are subscribed to a cafeteria using automatic feeder rules. Include Letters for feeder group customers - Determine whether or not to include letters to POS customers who are subscribed to a cafeteria using feeder groups. Include Letters for regular subscribers - Determine whether or not to include letters to POS customers who are subscribed to a cafeteria using manual subscriptions. Estimate Cost per Labor Hour - Enter the amount to multiply labor hours by when estimating a cost for the profit and loss report. Default to Print Receipts - Determine whether or not to print a receipt preview when entering a correction, payment, or refund from POS customer maintenance.
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Use Attendance Factor when Posting - Determine whether to use attendance factors instead of manually entering attendance when posting (Yes, No, Prompt). Attendance Factor - Set the attendance factor to use for the cafeteria or school.
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Multi-Day Deposits - Determine whether the cafeteria makes bank deposits for multiple operating days. Blind Deposits - Determine whether the cafeteria makes blind deposits (entering a deposit amount before being able to review daily reports). Require Labor Hours when Posting - Determine whether the cafeteria is required to enter labor hours when posting an operating day. Require Deposit Slip Number when Posting - Determine whether the cafeteria is required to enter a deposit slip number when posting an operating day. Manual Meal Count Fields - Determine which manual meal count fields to enable when posting ( (Select All), PV2 Breakfast, PV2 Lunch, Headstart Supper, Headstart Breakfast, Headstart Lunch, Headstart Snack, Free Snacks, Special Milk Count, Free Suppers). Other Meal Enrollment Fields - Determine which additional meal count fields to enable when posting by placing a checkmark in each applicable option ( (Select All), Snack, Supper). Maximum Posting Variance - Set the maximum amount of variance allowed when posting. Require Misc Counts when Posting - Determine whether miscellaneous counts are required when posting.
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Barcode Lookup Mode - Use the drop-down arrow to determine the search field when a barcode is scanned (POSID, Student Number, SIS Data). Barcode Regex Pattern - Enter a regular expression (JavaScript/ECMA) pattern to search for and replace with the Barcode Regex Replacement string when scanning barcode data on the serving line. Barcode Regex Replacement - Enter a regular expression (JavaScript/ECMA) replacement string to replace every occurrence of the Barcode Regex Pattern found when scanning barcode data on the serving line. Manager Password - Enter the password or password prefix for manager overrides on the serving line. Manager Password Type - Use the drop-down arrow to select the method used when calculating the daily password for manager overrides on the serving line (Manual Password Only, Password + Day of Month, Password + Day of Month + Day of Week, Use Login Credentials). Include Inactives on Serving Line Days - Enter the number of days after a POS customer becomes inactive to continue to be included on the serving line (0 = never include inactive customers). Vending Fraud Threshold - Enter the maximum amount of stored-account balance usage from vending machines allowed for a given student on a given operating day. e.g. Limit is $10. Daphne uses her POSID and PIN to purchase items from a vending machine. Once the limit in purchases has been reached for one day, the account will be disabled for potentially fraudulent activity. PIN Definition - Use the drop-down menu to select a PIN definition (Use PIN field, Use DOB (mmddyy) as PIN, Use PIN if defined, otherwise DOB (mmddyy) ). Maximum number of offer-vs-serve itemized meals - Determine how to limit the number of offer vs. serve meals sold to a customer by clicking the drop-down arrow (One Per Transaction, One Per Meal, No Limit). Adult offer-versus-serve itemized meals - Use the drop-down menu to determine if adult offer-vs-serve meals are itemized (Do not itemize, Itemize (default price) ). Student second-meal offer-vs-serve itemized meals - Use the drop-down menu to determine if second offer-vs-serve student meals are itemized (Do not itemize, Itemize (default price) ). Adult second-meal offer-vs-serve itemized meals - Use the drop-down menu to determine if second offer-vs-serve adult meals are itemized (Do not itemize, Itemize (default price) ). Account balance change Polling Interval - Enter the number of minutes to wait between polling the central office server for account balance changes (used as a failsafe in case the real-time UDP notification from the agent is not working). Set to 0 to disable polling. Fingerprint Threshold - Set and adjust the fingerprint threshold so aid in false acceptance issues. Setting a higher value will lower the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) for fingerprint scanning. Setting a lower value will decrease the False Rejection rate (FRR). A value of 45 typically works well for GrFinger. A value of 25 typically works well for AFIS. A value of 0 will use the default for whichever recognition engine you use. Fingerprint Rotational Tolerance - Set the maximum number of degree (0 to 180) to allow a fingerprint to be rotated when identifying customers on the serving line. Specifying a higher value may decrease performance and increase False Acceptance Rate (FAR). Specifying a lower value may increase the False Rejection Rate (FRR). 180 is a typical value. Allocate Overpayments to Reimbursable Only - By default, allocated overpayments are applied to reimbursable meals only instead of unallocated cash. This can be overridden on a per-customer basis. Require Cash for Student à la carte Sales - Require cash to be tendered by students when purchasing à la carte items. If this is checked, the corresponding customer-level setting is ignored. If unchecked, the customer-level setting is honored. Require Cash for Adult à la carte Sales - Require cash to be tendered by adults when purchasing à la carte items. If this is checked, the corresponding customer-level setting is ignored. If unchecked, the customer-level setting is honored. Allow Biometric Enrollment when Not Specified - Select whether or not to allow biometric enrollment on students whose 'Allow Biometric Enrollment' option is not specified. Note that enrollment is always allowed on adults who have not specified an option. Allow Main-Machine to Operate Independently - Select whether or not to allow Newton main machine to continue operating independently of the main machine serving line. Enabling this option will allow users to press Alt-Tab to switch back and forth between the serving line and the main machine operating modes. Disabling this option will cause Newton to display 'Application Paused' and prompt to return to the serving line if the user attempts to switch between applications.
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Default Maximum Charge Balance (Free Students) - Enter the maximum charge balance a free student may have unless set manually on a per-customer basis. Default Maximum Charge Balance (Reduced Students) - Enter the maximum charge balance a reduced student may have unless set manually on a per-customer basis. Default Maximum Charge Balance (Paying Students) - Enter the maximum charge balance a paying student may have unless set manually on a per-customer basis. Default Maximum Charge Balance (Adults) - Enter the maximum charge balance an adult may have unless set manually on a per-customer basis. Disallow Charges for Students - Select charge types not allowed for students. This is in addition to any per-customer disallowed charge types that may be defined ( (Select All), BreakfastReimbursable, BreakfastAlaCarte, BreakfastAtCost, LunchReimbursable, LunchAlaCarte, LunchAtCost, SnackReimbursable, SnackAlaCarte, SnackAtCost, SupperReimbursable, SuperAlaCarte, SupperAtCost). Disallow Charges for Adult - Select charge types not allowed for adults. This is in addition to any per-customer disallowed charge types that may be defined ( (Select All), BreakfastReimbursable, BreakfastAlaCarte, BreakfastAtCost, LunchReimbursable, LunchAlaCarte, LunchAtCost, SnackReimbursable, SnackAlaCarte, SnackAtCost, SupperReimbursable, SuperAlaCarte, SupperAtCost).
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Daily Reports
Choose which reports will be included in the Before Posting and After Posting Reports by checking or unchecking boxes.
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The Checklist assists in scheduling, monitoring, and completion of normal daily tasks. The system will place a checkmark next to each task as it is completed.
Edit Item - Allows adjustments to be made to a task.
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title | Add Item - Allows new tasks to be added to the checklist. |
At-Cost Meals The link can point to locations offering information or detailed instructions. Image Added Action - Use the drop-down menu to select an action. Actions with * in the list below require additional setup. Click the gear icon to setup required actions. Recurrence - Select how often the checklist item should reoccur. Warn on program close if overdue - Place a checkmark in the box to warn when a task is incomplete.
Remove Item - Allows removal of an item from the checklist.
Move Up/Down - Changes the order in which a task appears on the list by selecting a task and clicking the
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Grade POSID Ranges
Allows a minimum and maximum POSID range to be established for each grade by clicking in a column and entering a value.
Note |
Grades are established in DataCenter. |
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Misc School Counts
Select which Miscellaneous School Counts will be visible on the posting screen for cafeterias by checking or unchecking items.
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Misc Posting Cash
Select which Miscellaneous Posting Cash Accounts will be visible on the posting screen by checking or unchecking items.
Note |
In order to choose a miscellaneous posting cash account, it must first be established in |
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/Expense Accounts
Select which income/expense accounts are available when entering miscellaneous incomes and expenses by checking or unchecking items.
Note |
In order to choose from accounts, incomes and expenses must first be established in |
→ Income/Expense Accounts. |
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