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Newton End of Year Instructions -




2024 School Year


The following document will guide you through the End of Year procedure for Newton.




Stop! You must complete End of Year processes in DataCenter before running End of Year in the other systems.

Please read the following document in its entirety before attempting the End of Year procedure.



Microsoft Task Scheduler

MCS Software


recommends disabling ALL scheduled jobs in the Microsoft Task Scheduler, especially enrollment system updates,


before running the End of Year process. Please confirm this is complete


before proceeding further. You should consider re-enabling scheduled jobs when you initiate the Beginning of Year process. For more information, refer to the Beginning of Year documentation.

Table of Contents


Frequently Asked Questions

(tick) When should I run my End of Year?
The Newton End of Year process is recommended after the school year ends.

(tick) Do I need to be running run a particular version to perform an End of Year?
Version number 615.0.0 or higher is recommended.

(tick) Are there any other considerations for running an End of Year?

  • If your District participates in the summer feeding program, you may wish to wait until that session has been completed before running your End-of-Year process. If you run End of Year before you are finished with Summer Feeding, you will need to re-select the Summer Feeding setting checkbox in Newton.

  • The End of Year in DataCenter is recommended before running End of Year in Newton. The Enable End-of-Year Process


  •  checkbox in


  • last year’s DataCenter database (found under 


  • Admin → District Setup) must be


  • selected to run the End of Year in Newton.


  • (info) This should already be enabled in last year's DataCenter database if you have completed End of Year in DataCenter.

  • It is normal to see critical alerts once the End of Year process has been completed. This occurs because the system's Scheduled Jobs have not yet been completed for the new database.  The critical alerts will clear once the scheduled jobs have been completed (typically at midnight), or you may choose to manually run Scheduled Jobs after you have completed the end-of-year processes.

(tick) Are there are measures I need to take if I use MySchoolBucks (MSB)?
No. It is not necessary to perform any functions in MySchoolBucks for the End of Year/Beginning of Year process in Newton. However, after running End of Year in Newton, it may take up to 30 minutes for old transactions to be cleared from the system.

(tick) What should I do if I am unsure how to proceed?
In the event If you have any questions or are unsure how to proceed before or during this process, it is recommended that you contact your districtDistrict's point of contact (POC) for this application. If the districtDistrict's POC has questions or needs assistance, they should contact MCS  Support for assistance.

Remove Inactive Items

Step 1 - Login to Newton
Step 2 - Open the Items Section

Locate and click the Administration and Maintenance tab, click the Item menu, then select the Items option.

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  Step 3 - Remove Inactive Items




Review System Settings for Preventing Automatic Deletion of Students with Balances

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, select System Settings.

  2. Click on the DataCenter tab and determine if you would like to "Prevent automatic deletion for students with balances." By default, this checkbox is not selected. Click Ok to save changes.
    (info) If students have been deleted from DataCenter but have a positive or negative balance in Newton, they will be marked 'Inactive' and remain in Newton as long as a balance remains.

    (warning) This option does not overwrite clearing negative or positive balances at the End of Year options. If you select to clear positive or negative balances, the system will clear your selected choice(s). You may always access the Prior-Year database and run an account statement for the student(s) to review balances.
    ⛔ This action may bloat the database as students with any balances remain in the system until their balance reaches 0. Additional students with balances will be added at the next End of Year process.

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Remove Inactive Items

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, locate Item in the ribbon. Then, select Items.

  2. Place a checkmark in the Inactive column next to the item to be removed.


  • Click Ok to save the changes. 

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Inactiviate Menus

Step 1 - Open the Menus Section

Locate and click the Administration and Maintenance tab, click the Menu menu, then choose the Menus option.

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Step 2 - Select the Inactive Menus


  1. Then, click Save & Close.


Deactivate Menus


If you remove any menus, be sure to check Admin & Maintenance Menu → Menu Configurations to make sure that valid breakfast and lunch menus exist.

  1. From the Admin & Maintenance tab, locate Menu in the ribbon.  Then, select Menus.

  2. Select the menu that needs to be deactivated from the list and click Edit.


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    In the Edit Menu window, check the Inactive box


  1. . Then, click Save & Close.


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    The menu should now be marked as inactive.

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  • Click Close.


Run the End of Year Process

Step 1 - Open the End of Year Process


  1. From the Utilities tab,


  1. locate Advanced in the ribbon. Then, select End of Year


  1. .

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  1. Establish End of Year


  1. criteria. 

    1. Clear Negative Balances -


    1. This option changes all negative balances


    1. to a zero balance. The student will start the new year with a zero balance.

    2. Clear Positive Balances -


    1. This option changes all balances that are positive or greater than zero to a zero balance. The student will start the new year with a zero balance.

    2. Clear


    1. district-wide see-manager comments - Clears all See-Manager comments in the District.

    2. Perform housekeeping - This item should remain selected unless the District is instructed to deselect this by an MCS Support Representative. MCS remote authorization


    1. must be obtained to continue without selecting this option.


  1. When you have completed any changes, you must check the box verifying you have read the end-of-year instructions


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Step 3 - Start the Process
  • Click Ok to initiate the End of Year process.
  • You will see a number of processes running.

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  • You will be notified when End of Year is complete. Click OK. Newton will now exit.


  1. . Note that there is no undo available once these processes have been completed. Click Ok.

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  2. You will see several processes running while End of Year attempts to complete.

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  3. Once the End of Year process has been completed, a window will appear notifying you if the process was successful. Click Ok to exit the program.

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The End of Year processes for Newton are now complete, and you are ready to start the new school year.
With the continued synchronizations with DataCenter, all newly enrolled students and updates to student accounts will continue to


populate the Newton POS system automatically.