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The Student Reports guide is provided to take the report processor through daily operations of creating reports. Student reports contain student data information and may contain application data. The Student Reports section allows you to create Direct Certification Summary, Eligibility Details, Eligibility Summary, Households with Benefits Differences, Master Student List, Percent of Enrollment, and Prior-Year Status Comparison reports. |
From the Reports tab, locate and click on Student Reports. You may choose to print or export the report. After you have finished printing or exporting, click Close Print Preview.
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The following Student Reports now have the ability to "Run for each school in the school filter." This allows the report to be run separately for each school while grouping the entire District together in one file for ease of printing and distribution. - Eligibility Details
- Eligibility Summary
- Master Student List
- Percent of Enrollment
- Prior-Year Status Comparison
Direct Certification SummaryThe Direct Certification Summary report summarizes DC information by the school and the source of a student's DC status.
- From the Reports tab,
- locate Student Reports. Then, select Direct Certification Summary.
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Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.
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You may choose to include students added after the selected date if they were enrolled by the selected date. |
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| Eligibility Details |
| Eligibility Details |
Eligibility DetailsThe Eligibility Details report produces a list of students who qualify for Direct Certification, Free (income/SNAP), Prior-Year Free, Reduced and who have No Application on file.
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| Step 1: Click on Eligibility Details located in the Student Reports. |
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Step 2: Set the Eligibility Details you wish to be included in the report.
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Step 3: Once you have completed setting Eligibility Details options, click Ok to generate the Eligibility Details report.
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Choose the appropriate action to print or export the report.
- From the Reports tab, locate Student Reports. Then, select Eligibility Details.
Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.
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You can choose to use Current Identification Info and/or to Include students added after the set date if they were enrolled by the set date. |
- School Filter - Select All Schools or a specific school or category by clicking the search
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- Group Records By - To group records, use the dropdown menu and select how to group records. You may also choose to subgroup records and insert pagebreaks between groups.
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- Sort By - Choose to sort records by Description,Free Count, Eligible Count, or Student Count.
- Options - Select additional eligibility options.
- Use Eligibility after Grace Period
- Use Eligibility after Prior-Year Expiration
- Display Coded Eligibilities
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| Eligibility Summary |
| Eligibility Summary |
Eligibility SummaryThe Eligibility Summary produces a simple report of the number of students who are determined to be free, reduced, or paying and the eligibility reasons.
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| Step 1: Click on Eligibility Summary located in the Student Reports. |
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Step 2: Set the Eligibility Summary details you wish to be included in the report.
- Historical Data Options
- Report Current Data
- Report As-Of Date
- From the Reports tab, locate Student Reports. Then, select Eligibility Summary.
Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.
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You may choose to include students added after the selected date if they were enrolled by the |
- School Filter - Select All Schools or a specific school or category by clicking the search
Image Removed icon.
- Group Records By - To group records, use the dropdown menu and select how to group records. You may also choose to subgroup records and insert pagebreaks between groups.
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- Sort By - Choose to sort records by Description, Free Count, Eligible Count, or Student Count.
- Options - Select additional eligibility options.
- Use Eligibility after Grace Period
- Use Eligibility after Prior-Year Expiration
- Display Coded Eligibilities
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Step 3: Once you have completed setting Eligibility Summary options, click Ok to generate the Eligibility Summary report.
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Choose the appropriate action to print or export the report.
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| Households Benefit Diff |
| Households Benefit Diff |
Households with Benefits DifferencesThe Households with Benefits Differences produces a report of any student who has information resulting in conflicting eligibility status.
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| Step 1: Click on Households with Benefits Differences located in the Student Reports. |
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| Step 2: Set the Household with Benefits Differences details you wish to be included in the report. - Household Matching Criteria
- Application
- DC Sibling Attachment
- Household Key
- Fill Address
- Partial Address
- Head-of-Household name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Eligibility Format
- Meal Benefits Status ID
- Meal Benefits Status Description
- Full Meal Benefits Status
- Eligibility ID
- Eligibility Description
- Full Eligibility
- None (Hidden)
- Options
- Only include households with categorically free students
- Include inactive students
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Step 3: Once you have completed setting Households with Benefits Differences options, click Ok to generate the Households with Benefits Differences report.
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Choose the appropriate action to print or export the report.
- From the Reports tab, locate Student Reports. Then, select Households with Benefits Differences.
- Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.
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| Master Student List |
| Master Student List |
Master Student ListThe Master Student List report shows the eligibility status of every student.
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| Step 1: Click on Master Student List located in the Student Reports. |
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Step 2: Set the Master Student List details you wish to be included in the report.
- School Filter - Select All Schools or a specific school or category by clicking the search
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- Group Records By - To group records, use the dropdown menu and select how to group records. You may also choose to subgroup records and insert pagebreaks between groups.
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- Sort By - Choose to sort records by Student Number, Name, Grade, or Homeroom.
- Options - Select additional eligibility options.
- Show Last Name, First Name
- Include Inactive
- Eligibility Format
- Meal Benefits Status ID
- Meal Benefits Status Description
- Full Meal Benefits Status
- Eligibility ID
- Eligibility Description
- Full Eligibility
- None(Hidden)
- Historical Date Options
- Report Current Date
- Report As-Of Date
- From the Reports tab, locate Student Reports. Then, select Master Student List.
Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.
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You can choose to Use Current Identification Info and/or Include students added after the set date if they were enrolled by the set date. |
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Step 3: Once you have completed setting Master Student List options, click Ok to generate the Master Student List report.
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Choose the appropriate action to print or export the report.
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| Percent of Enrollment |
| Percent of Enrollment |
Percent of EnrollmentThe Percent of Enrollment report breaks down student eligibility by percentage.
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| Step 1: Click on Percent of Enrollment located in the Student Reports. |
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| Step 2: Set the Percent of Enrollment details you wish to be included in the report. - Historical Date Options
- Report Current Date
- Report As-Of Date
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You can choose to Use Current Identification Info and/or Include students added after the set date if they were enrolled by the set date. |
- School Filter - Select All Schools or a specific school or category by clicking the search
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- Sort By - Choose to sort records by Student Number, School Name, or Percent of Free and Reduced.
- Options - Select additional eligibility options.
- Use Eligibility after Grace Period
- Use Eligibility after Prior-Year Expiration
- Exclude Students Born Before - If you choose to select this option, enter a date.
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Step 3: Once you have completed setting Percent of Enrollment options, click Ok to generate the Percent of Enrollment report.
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Choose the appropriate action to print or export the report.
- From the Reports tab, locate Student Reports. Then, select Percent of Enrollment.
Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.
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| Prior Year Status Compare |
| Prior Year Status Compare |
Prior-Year Status ComparisonThe Prior-Year Status Comparison report compares each student's status from the prior school year and the current year.
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| Step 1: Click on Prior-Year Status Comparison located in the Student Reports. |
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- From the Reports tab, locate Student Reports. Then, select Prior-Year Status Comparison
- Comparison Type
- All Students
- All Students with Prior-Year Status
- All Students with a Different Status than the Prior-Year
- All Students with a Better Status than the Prior-Year
- All Students with a Worse Status than the Prior-Year
- Only show students with applications processed in date range - If you choose to select this option, enter a date range.
- School Filter - Select All Schools or a specific school or category by clicking the search
Image Removed icon.
- Eligibility Format
- Meal Benefits Status ID
- Meal Benefits Status Description
- Full Meal Benefits Status
- Eligibility ID
- Eligibility Description
- Full Eligibility
- None (Hidden)
- Group Records By - To group records, use the dropdown menu and select how to group records. You may also choose to subgroup records and insert pagebreaks between groups.
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- Sort By Choose to sort records by Student Name or Process Date.
- Options - Select additional eligibility options.
- Use Eligibility After Grace-Period
- Include Inactive
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Step 3: Once you have completed setting Prior-Year Status Comparison options, click Ok to generate the Prior-Year Status Comparison report.
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- Establish report criteria. Then, click Ok.
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