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Delivery bags allow you to track when groups of applications arrive at the office and track the progress from arrival through scanning. The process takes you through receiving delivery bags, entering counts, editing receiving details, reviewing delivery bags, and scanning batches of applications.
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Once Delivery Bags have been received and scanned, you need to run the Recognition process. During this process, Franklin looks at the handwriting in the required fields and attempts to match it with alphabet (ABC) and numeric (123) characters. In the Home tab, locate and click in the Recognize button. Recognize will validate the applications after they are scanned and prepare them for the scanning verification process (Scanning Q/A). All batches should be selected as a default. If the Select None button is pushed, simply click the Select All button again. To select a single row only, click the row of scanned batch applications you wish to recognize. Next, click the Recognize button in the action tab. When you click the Recognize button, you should see a progression bar as the batch you selected is being prepared for the next process. |
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Since everyone's handwriting is unique, the system will have questions. That's why there's a Scanning Q&A process. This process highlights and zooms in on the questionable information and makes a best guess what it thinks is correct. You need to verify that information or change it so it's correct. "Hot keys" will allow you to breeze through the application process more quickly.
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If the system has a question about name, it will pull up a "fuzzy match" - that is, it recognize some of the information, but would like you to confirm and choose the correct student. Fuzzy matches appear during application processing, adding additional students to an application, or keying an application. Red indicates a mismatch. Green indicates a complete match. |
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Yes. Applications appearing in Application Review are there because an issue has been determined by the system. These applications will not be fully processed and meal benefits will not be awarded until all issues have been cleared up.
The following problems are holding this student's record:
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Once applications are fully processed, letters will automatically be generated by the system. Letters are stored in the print queue waiting for you to release them. Notification letters include: