The Nutrient Standards page allows you to view the most recent dietary specifications to ensure menu plans adopt current USDA specifications. Minimum and maximum calaries, saturated fat, and sodium are
!worddavbd27605d532b16be696b51ba8b0b9e84.png|height=48,width=276! displayed for lunch by specific grade ranges. Nutr nt Standards
Min | Mox | Min | Mox | Min | Mox | Min | Mox | Min | Mox | Min | Mox | Min | Mox | Min | Mox |
350 | soo | 400 | sso | 400 | soo | 450 | 600 | 550 | 650 | 600 | 700 | 600 | 650 | ?SO | 850 |
| 10 |
| 10 |
| 10 |
| 10 |
| 10 |
| 10 |
| 10 |
| 10 |
| 540 |
| 600 |
| S40 |
| 640 |
| 1230 |
| 1360 |
| 1230 |
| 14 20 |
| 485 |
| 535 |
| 485 |
| 570 |
| 935 |
| L03S |
| 935 |
| 1080 |
K·S6·8 K·8 9·1 2 K·S 6·8K·8 9·1 2
Calories (kcals) Saturated Fat•
('tb of total ulorles)
Sodium • •
(mg) Sodium""- " (mg)
•L.fts th«J m«K
""Less t"""' or uM to max.Nurnent stM!tJM'ds for sodium tffPresent ZOJ4 tM;« requirements.
"• "WSS ri'IMI or «lU.,tO fN)t.Nt.'tfJOflt StM'idNtlS for Sod/IJm ,..,,_er"( lOJ 7 t¥gt f«lUircn"entJ.