Panel |
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title | Overview |
System Settings is where the client will set the parameters that will be utilized throughout the system. |
Info |
For the initial setup, please use the Setup Checklist to record when each section is complete. |
Opening System Settings
This procedure is used to access all processes in the System Settings section.
From the Admin and Maintenance tab, select System Settings.
Note |
For changes in multiple areas click Apply after completing modifications in each tab. Clicking Ok will save changes and close the window. |
Anchor |
| District Info |
| District Info |
District Info
The District Information Section is where you tell the system about your District.
Select the District Info tab to enter District information.
District Name - Your District Name will be auto-filled when you select your District from the list next to District ID. You may edit the name after you have selected your District from the list.
District Code/District ID - The abbreviated code and the numeric identifier for your District (Not editable). Click the ellipsis icon and select your District from the list.
Address Line 1 - District's mailing address.
Address Line 2 - District's mailing address continued or P.O. Box.
City - District's city.
State - District's state.
Zip Code - District's zip code.
HSS District ID -District's HSS ID.
NCES District ID - District's NCES ID.
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The Miscellaneous section contains information that does not fall under the other categories.
Select the Miscellaneous tab to enter miscellaneous setup information.
Note |
title | Backup Path Relative to Client |
Some users may not have a backup path relative to client due to rights established by the District. |
Note |
title | Backup Path Relative to Server |
If a network path is used, be sure the SQL server user log in being utilized has the appropriate permissions to write to the chosen network location. |
Warning |
title | Max Parallel Database Connections |
Increasing the number of connections may improve performance on some processes, but may also increase the load on the SQL server. |
Info |
title | News and Announcements |
News and Announcements can be blocked for individual roles by revoking their permissions to News and Announcements under Administration and Maintenance → Security → Permissions. |
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The Reports section allows you to set a default Confidentiality Statement and custom Headers that will appear in all reports.
Select the Reports tab to establish appropriate reports options.
Note |
Delete text in the Report Titles that will not be used. |
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Anchor |
| App Processing |
| App Processing |
Application Processing
The Application Processing section allows you to configure how applications are handled in the system.
Select the Application Processing tab to establish appropriate application processing options.
Expand |
title | Case Number Validation Rules Configurations |
Alpha-Numeric and Numeric Case Number Configurations - Click the gear icon to the left of the drop-down menu.
- Establish Minimum Length, Maximum Length, and Alternate Length (0 for no alternate length). Then, click Ok.
Regular Expression Case Number Configurations - Click the gear icon to the left of the drop-down menu.
Establish a JavaScript Regular Expression and determine if the expression is Case Sensitive. Note |
title | JavaScript Regular Expression |
| The JavaScript Regular Expression statement entered should also be the Regular Expression statement used in your Free & Reduced and Point of Sale software in order to ensure information is properly communicated across all systems. |
Enter a number of different expressions in the Test cell and click Test to ensure the expression entered is correct. You should enter valid and non-valid possibilities when testing. Then, click Ok. RegExp | Expected Input/Result | Test Expression/Result *Green - Match, Red - Non-Match | ^[0-9]{9}$ | A case number must contain exactly 9 numeric characters | 123456789 |
| 12345678a | ^A[0-9]{5,7} | A case number must begin with "A" and contain 5-7 numeric characters | A12345 |
| 123456 |
| A12345678 |
Expand |
title | Recipient Name Regular Expression Validator |
- Click the gear icon to the left of the drop-down menu.
Establish a JavaScript Regular Expression. Enter a number of different expressions in the Test cell and click Test to ensure the expression entered is correct. You should enter valid and non-valid possibilities when testing. Then, click Ok.
RegExp | Expected Input/Result | Test Expression/Result *Green - Match, Red - Non-Match | [A-Za-z].*[A-Za-z].*[A-Za-z] | A recipient name must contain a minimum of 3 alpha characters | FNE |
| Franklin N Edison |
| F E | | A recipient name must contain a minimum of 3 alpha characters in a row | Lin Ma |
| Li Ma | [A-Za-z]{2}.*( |,).*[A-Za-z]{2} | A recipient name must contain at least 2 alpha characters, a required space, and at least 2 alpha characters | Jun Wu |
| JunWu |
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Application Review
This section allows you to configure the application review process. Application types can be set for a review hold and various review tolerances can be adjusted depending on the District's needs.
Select the Application Review tab to establish application review options.
Info |
title | Application Reference Number |
When editing, the user would be unable to make changes to the reference number if selected. The reference number is always read-only for online applications. |
Hold Applications for Review - Place a checkmark in the boxes to select when applications should automatically be held for review. Click in the box to deselect defaults.
Hold Annual Income - Use the drop-down menu to select how to handle applications with annual income (When Only Annual Income Exists, When Any Annual Income Exists, Do not hold annual income for review).
High Member Totals - Holds the application if the household is equal to/above XX persons.
High Total Income - Holds the application if the total household income exceeds XX $/yr.
Second Application too Soon - Holds the application if a second application is received within XX days of the first application.
High Zero-Income Count - Holds the application if the amount of zero-income applicants is equal to/above XX applications.
Confident Match Rules - Use the drop-down menu to select which rules are considered confident during a fuzzy match ( (Select All), Low Second Score, Exact Birthdate, Exact School).
Confident Match High Score - The high score must be above the set number for a fuzzy match to be considered confident.
Confident Match Low Schore - The second highest score must be below the set number for a fuzzy match to be considered confident.
Application Reference Number - Select to make the reference number read-only.
Automatically enter Edit-Mode when no students have been processed yet - Select to automatically toggle to Edit Mode during Application Review (without prompting for comments) if none of the students on the application have been processed.
Auto-Accept Ignorable Problems for DC Students - Ignorable problems (such as incomplete, suspicious income, etc.) will not cause the application to be held if the student is Directly Certified.
Automatic Review Queue Rules - Click the ellipsis icon to enter a User-Defined Formula to establish custom Automatic Review Queue Rules.
Note |
title | Automatic Review Queue Rules |
Knowledge of SQL language is required in order to define formulas. Contact someone familiar with SQL language or your IT department to assist you if you choose to utilize this function.
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The scanning section allows you to set options utilized when scanning in applications.
Select the Scanning tab to establish appropriate scanning options.
Info |
title | Recognize Numeric-Only |
When selecting to recognize the Student ID or Case Numbers as Numeric-Only, the accuracy of numeric values increases; however, it prevents the system from recognizing alpha characters. This may not be ideal for every District as some require alpha characters. |
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The Email section allows you to configure your email settings. Contact your IT department for SMTP setup details.
Select the Email tab to establish appropriate email options.
Note |
title | Basic Authentication Mode |
You may wish to contact your IT department to establish a separate email account for notification emails. |
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Anchor |
| Custom Strings |
| Custom Strings |
Custom Strings
Custom Strings allows a District to modify/customize up to 30 user-defined information release fields to be used in conjunction with paper and online applications.
Select the Custom Strings tab to establish appropriate user-defined data.
Click the arrow > to expand a section. Next, click in the correct column of Custom Text and enter text, Then, click Apply to save changes.
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Anchor |
| MosaicIntegration |
| MosaicIntegration |
Mosaic Integration
The Mosaic Integration section allows you to configure communication methods between Mosaic Front of House (FoH) and MSA Client. SFTP details are provided by Mosaic Support.
Expand |
title | Additional Setup for Mosaic Integration |
In order for Mosaic FOH and MySchoolApps Client to function smoothly, additional setup is necessary. Establish Student Data Imports- From the Administration and Maintenance tab, locate Miscellaneous Setup. Then, select Student Importers.
- In the Student Importer Maintenance window, click Add.
- Select Mosaic Hosted from the list. Then, click Ok.
![]( - Setup Student Importer details. Then, click Configure.
![]( - By default, the student data file name has been pre-filled. If the filename differs, enter the new filename provided by Mosaic Support and click Ok.
- Click Ok in the Setup Student Importer window.
- If you would like to run the import file now, select the Mosaic Student Importer task and click Run Now. Otherwise, click Close.
Establish Exports- From the Administration and Maintenance tab, locate Advanced Setup. Then, select Exports.
- Click Add New.
- Select Mosaic Hosted from the list. Then, click Ok.
![]( - Enter an export Description. Then, click Setup.
![]( By default, the Remote Filename Pattern file name has been pre-filled. If the filename differs, enter the new filename provided by Mosaic Support and click Ok. ![](
- Click Ok in the Confire Export window.
- You should now see your export.
Create a Scheduled Job to Import Student Data Info |
| When establishing scheduled jobs, you should setup the Agent Mode Schedule to export and sync in conjunction of your Mosaic scheduled job. |
- From the Administration and Maintenance tab, locate Advanced Setup. Then, select Scheduled Jobs.
- Click Add.
Establish Scheduled Job information. Then, click Add Task. Description - Enter a description of the new Scheduled Job. Expected Period - Enter the Expected Period that the work schedule should be performed. Inactive - Select this option to make the Scheduled Job Inactive. Agent Mode Schedule - Use the drop-down menu to establish a frequency and complete details in order for the process(es) to be executed without using the Windows Task Scheduler.
- Select Import Student Data from the list. Then, click Ok.
Image Modified - Select Mosaic Student Data or the task name created during imports above. Then, click Ok.
Image Modified
- In the Edit Scheduled Job window, click Ok.
Image Modified
- You may wish to run the job now. Select the Mosaic Student Import job and click Run Now.
![]( - Select where the scheduled job should run. Mosaic FOH Cloud users will select On the server. Mosaic FOH On-Premise users will select On this workstation.
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