Versions Compared


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Add Server Role

  1. Add Server Role “Web Web Server(IIS).
  2. Under .NET Framework 4.5 Features.:
    1. Add ASP.NET 4.5.
    2. CF Services: Add Http activation.
  3. Under Web Server Role (IIS), locate Role Services.
  4. Add Application Development/ASP.NET 4.5. This automatically adds:
    • .NET Extensibility 4.5
    • ISAPI Extensions
    • ISAPI Filters
  5. Install DotNetCore Windows server Hosting.
  6. Execute net stop was /y followed by net start w3svc from a command prompt.
  7. Remove Default Web Site in IIS Manager.
  8. Create a folder c:\Artemis.
  9. Create a folder c:\Artemis\logs.

Create a New Website

  1. In IIS Manager, create a new website.
    Site name = “Artemis” Artemis
    Physical Path = “cc:\Artemis”Artemis
    Hostname: blank. 
  2. Edit the new Artemis App Pool.
  3. Change .NET CLR version to No Managed Code.
  4. Extract contents of to c:\Artemis.
  5. Paste onto desktop.
  6. Right-click and select Extract All.


    Files will be extracted to this folder: c:\Artemis

  7. Click Extract.
  8. Edit c:\Artemis\appsettings.json (with notepadNotepad)
    1. Under Application Settings, set “WebRoot” to appropriate URL to whcih which you will be binding.
    2. Set RequireHttps to true if "True" if you will be using HTTPS. Leave it false if you will be If using HTTP, leave it "False."

    3. Change LogFilename to LogFilename to c:\\artemis\\logs\\log-{Date}.txt.


      Note the double backslashes. This is a JSON file, so backslashes have to be escaped like this.

    4. Under ConnectionStrings, change connection string for “Artemis” to the appropriate connection string to connect to your SQL Server. Trusted_Connection=True” should  should be left in there if you will be connecting to SQL Server using an Application Pool in IIS that is mapped as a login in SQL Server.  If you will be using SQL Auth, use User Id=myUsernamePassword=: myPassword instead of “Trusted_Connection=True;”


  1. Start the Artemis website.


    If the website was already running, first stop it.

  2. Browse to http://localhost/sysadmin/Login and login with the initialtinf Username and Password provided by Support.
    1. If you have already created a BLANK Artemis database when you setup your connection string, you will get an error “Invalid object name ‘INFO’” .  Click Initialize Database.
    2. If you do not have a blank database created, you will get an error indicating that it cannot connect to the database.  Click Create Database to create one.
  3. After creating/initializing your database, click Upgrade Database.  You will be prompted for an HPS user account to be the first super-user of the new database. 
  4. If you want to change the sysadmin username or password, click Compute New Password hash and follow the prompts.  You will be given a new password hash. Copy that the value, paste it into appsettings.json, and restart the website for it to take effect.
  5. Logout of the sysadmin area using Logout button.
  6. Use the Login button on the main webroot.  You will be redirected to Heartland SSO page. 
  7. Login Log in using your HPS credentials.


    Login credintials must be the username you entered above as the initial super-user, but you don’t need the HPS\ prefix or anything, just login as you normally would any Heartland SSO site.

District Maintenance

  1. Go to District Maintenance.
  2. Add New. 
    1. Enter a District Name
    1. . e.g.
    “Pasco County Schools”.  Enter an integration id,
    1. Hometown County Schools
    2. Enter an Integration ID. e.g.

    “pasco_fl”.  The integration id
    1. Hometown_US 


      The Integration ID will act as the

    “user id”
    1. “User ID” for

    Newton to
    1. communicate with Artemis.

    2. Click

    “Add New”
    1. Add New.

    1. The success message will

    1. inform you that a new district was created and

    tell you
    1. provide the the new integration password.

      Copy this down. 
    1. Note

      Note the information.  You will need this password for communication with Artemis.


      If you miss

    1. the message, use the Change Integration Password button to generate a new one

    .  You will need this password for Newton to communicate with Artemis
    1. .

  3. Under External Users, click “Add User” Add User.
  4. Create a username for Vendnovation Service to use. 








    Role should be

    “Vending API” (there

    Vending API. There are no other choices at this time



  5. Click Add User.
  6. Again, the

    The confirmation message will


    inform you of the new user’s password.

      Copy it down. 


    Note the information.  You will need this password for communication with Artemis.


    If you miss


    the message,


     click the new user name and use the

    “Rotate Password” button

    Rotate Password button to generate a new one.

At this point Artemis is setup and ready to gois now complete

If Aretmis is used in conjunction with Vendovation, you will need to follow the next steps to setup the Vendnovation Service wedge.
