



This document provides details for resolving “In Progress” batches when they are encountered at the time of posting.


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When a meal is started, Newton creates an inbound and outbound connection for each serving line. Transactions are communicated between the main machine and POS machines in real time. If there is a communication interruption from a computer crash, power outage, etc., the POS machine will continue to function and save the data locally. It will resume sending data to the main machine when the connection is reestablished. In the event a connection is not established before the end of the meal, pending batches can be sent via removable drive when exiting the serving line, or saved for later submission when the network is once again available.


Below you will find a 3 phase process for handling In Progress batches: 


Phase 1: Attempting Retrieve from Main Machine - Using the Retrieve Function typically resolves the issue.

Phase 2: Restarting and Closing Point of Sale - This process will flush any pending transactions.

Phase 3: Sending Archives - This process will, in the event batches were sent via diskette but not retrieved, recover these batches.



If you experience a network problem and your POS Machine is still functioning, you can still use the POS Machine to make sales. The data will be saved on the POS Machine and later transferred to the Main Machine (see below for more information)


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If Newton POS loses communication with the main machine, when it is shut down it creates an archive file. If the Retrieve function and the Restart process have not sent the batch data, the next step is to send the archived batch file. 

Step 1: Open Newton POS on the POS machine.

  • Once you see the login screen, click Cancel to access the main menu.

(It is not necessary to log in and open the POS line if you are not serving a meal.

Step 2: Select Send Archived Batches from the POS menu. 

Step 3: Select the archive date that needs to be sent and click Open.

  • The file name is the archive date in YYYYMMDD format. 
Step 4: Click Exit Point-Of-Sale to close the program.

POS must be closed for the batch to be sent.

Step 5: If the batch is successfully sent, retrieve batch data (See How to Handle In Progress Batches). 

If communication between the machines is still not available, it may be necessary to manually transfer the batches. See the Manually Transferring Data document for more information.
