The Utilities Menu allows you to do many things, including changing your password, backup the database, import employees, reassign PINs and export your data. Change Password If you wish to change your password, this button allows you to easily do so. ![](https://documents.mcssoftware.net/images/icons/emoticons/information.png) | You must know your current password to change it. If you have lost or forgotten your password, ASK ROBINa supervisor can change it for you. |
- Click Change Password.
- The following window will appear.
![](https://documents.mcssoftware.net/download/attachments/4980968/changepassword2.png?version=1&modificationDate=1358785405136) - Simply type in your old password in the Old Password box. Then, type your new password in the New Password box. Finally, retype your new password in the Confirm Password box. If your old password is correct and your new password is identical in both boxes, you will have changed your password.
![](https://documents.mcssoftware.net/images/icons/emoticons/forbidden.png) | Avoid using passwords that are easily guessed such as your name, 12345 or the word "password." This password functions as a lock making sure your data is safe and accurate. |
Backup DatabaseThis button allows you to easily and quickly backup your information to a local computer. ![](https://documents.mcssoftware.net/images/icons/emoticons/information.png) | You should back up your database at least weekly, if not daily. This backup is your life raft should the unexpected happen–lighting strike, power surge, natural disaster–and one of your terminals goes down. It's one of the best habits you can have. |
- Click the Backup Database button.
![](https://documents.mcssoftware.net/download/attachments/4980968/backupdatabase.png?version=1&modificationDate=1358786627781) - The following screen will appear. Your backup location should already appear in the XXX window. If it does, click ok and your data will be backed up.
![](https://documents.mcssoftware.net/download/attachments/4980968/backupdatabase2.png?version=1&modificationDate=1358786814934) - . If the Backup Path isn't specified, or is incorrect, click the small button below the X and to the right of the Backup Path box.
![](https://documents.mcssoftware.net/download/attachments/4980968/backupdatabase3.png?version=1&modificationDate=1358787232245) - Once you click this button, you will be able to select the location of your database to complete your backup.
This section gives in-depth information about importing batches of employees into MCS Time Keeper. It can be a bit overwhelming if you do not have a strong background in XML and databases. MCS advises having your local Tech Support manage the imports.
Reassign PINsMCS Time Keeper gives supervisors the ability to reassign PINs in certain instances. The three settings for PINs, found in the Administration and Maintenance–>System Settings -->Time Keeper Tab are Random, Employee Number and Manual. In order for you to reassign PINs, the setting must be set at manual. ![](https://mcssoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/527177/systemsetupPIN.png?version=1&modificationDate=1361819927581&cacheVersion=1&api=v2)
Once you are sure that the setting is Random, you may proceed. - Click the Reassign PINs button.
![](https://mcssoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/527177/reassignpinsbutton.png?version=1&modificationDate=1361820111923&cacheVersion=1&api=v2) - The following window will appear.
![](https://mcssoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/527177/reassignpins.png?version=1&modificationDate=1361820044535&cacheVersion=1&api=v2) You will see a window that asks you if you wish to reassign PINs to everyone or just the employees without PINs.
![](https://mcssoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/527177/reassignpins2.png?version=2&modificationDate=1361820341356&cacheVersion=1&api=v2) Warning |
Be very careful. If you reassign ALL PINs, everyone will have a new PIN to learn. This can create problems. It is suggested that you only assign missing PINs. |
Click OK and the database will be updated after a minute or so.
Export DataThis button allows a user to run a Data Export. To set up the Export, a supervisor must first access the XXX button under the Administration and Maintenance Tab. - Click the Export button.
![](https://mcssoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/527177/exportdatabutton.png?version=1&modificationDate=1361988128293&cacheVersion=1&api=v2) - The following window will appear. The number of Data Exports seen will depend on how many have been created by supervisors. In this case, there is one, New Export.
![](https://mcssoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/527177/exportdatawindow.png?version=2&modificationDate=1362067549074&cacheVersion=1&api=v2) - Select the Data Export you wish to perform and click Run.
- Depending on the Export, you may see the following window asking you to narrow the export by date. If so, select the date and click Ok.
![](https://mcssoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/527177/datasetcriteria.png?version=1&modificationDate=1361988418854&cacheVersion=1&api=v2) - Once you click Ok, you will see the following window. Be patient. The report may take a few minutes to generate.
Image Added - You will see a progress bar move as the export is created. Once it is complete, the window will close, leaving you at the Dataset Criteria window. Your export will have been saved in the specified location. The export was successful!