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Wiki Markup
*Step 1* \- Select +Issue+ from the Quick Launch and the following form will be displayed:

!worddav794006acd4e529cc0d9d352ee5cf1ade.png|height=291,width=358!\\  \\ \\

*Step 2* \- Click the *{+}Transfer{+}* button and the following form will be displayed:



*Step 3* \- Select *{+}Transfer to{+}* and then select the *{+}School{+}* or *{+}Warehouse{+}{*}from the drop down list and click *{+}Ok{+}* and the following form will be displayed:


*Step 4* \- Type in the *{+}Catalog Number{+}* or *{+}Description{+}* and click *{+}Ok{+}*\*.*A list of available items will be displayed.  Choose the desired item and click \*Ok*.

*Step 5* \- Enter the *{+}Unit Quantity{+}* and the *{+}Partial Quantity{+}*.

*Step 6* \- Click the *{+}Transfer Comments{+}* to enter comments and click *{+}Ok{+}* to save the comment.  This comment will print on the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Transfer Ticket{+}{*}{color}.


*Step 7* \- Click the *{+}Remove{+}* button to delete an item from your transfer.


*Step 8* \- Click the *{+}Ok{+}* button.

\\  !worddav3c7bf1b57c018dba1720dbf26364442d.png|height=227,width=424!


*Step 9* \- Click *{+}Ok{+}* to print the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Transfer Ticket{+}{*}{color} and remove the items from inventory.

{info}Be sure to print 2 copies, one for the School sending and one for the School receiving.{info} Also, be sure to {color:#ff0000}{*}sign{*}{color} the Transfer Ticket.