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*{+}Production{+}* is the process of preparing food on recipes listed on the menu, withdrawing items from inventory counts, creating leftovers, and printing required State and Federal reports.
\\ *{+}Important information to remember:+*
* A *meal* must be *planned* before it can be produced.
* *Items* must have inventory *quantities* to be produced. This prevents you from having negative inventory balances.
* If you have *substituted* an item in a recipe:
** You must *{+}Remove{+}* the item from the *{+}Recipe{+}* on the *{+}Production{+}* screen.
** *{+}Add{+}* the item you substituted to the *{+}Recipe{+}* on the *{+}Production{+}* screen.
* Review the setting in {color:#000099}{*}{+}Utilities > Warehouse Options{+}{*}{color} to be sure the software will perform as expected. Please refer to *Setup Your School Information* at the beginning of this manual.
* You can *{+}Produce{+}* meals,*{+}Print{+}* your *{+}Recipes{+}* and *{+}Menu Pull Sheets{+}* (withdrawal) ahead of time.
* On the day of service,you can edit your work, entering your meal counts and leftovers before checking your production report for accuracy.
* Once the meal has been *{+}produced{+}*, the food will be *{+}removed{+}* from your inventory and *{+}leftovers{+}* will be placed in the inventory.
h1. Production Reports
Reports that are commonly printed *{+}before{+}* Meal Production are as follows:
* Menu Pull Sheet
* Menu Production Worksheets
* Recipe Instructions
* Production Guide
Reports that are commonly printed *{+}after{+}* Meal Production are as follows:
* Production Report
* Daily Food Cost
*{+}To Print Production Reports:+*
*Step 1* \- Click on the *{+}Production Report{+}* button from *{+}Quick Launch{+}* and the following form will be displayed:
{info}The print button in on the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Quick Launch{+}{*}{color} will print the same reports as the Print button on the Production screen (discussed below).{info}\\
*Step 2* \- Select the desired report and click the *{+}Ok{+}* button and a form similar to the one below will displayed, depending on the report selected.
*Step 3* \- Select the desired options, and click the *{+}View{+}* or *{+}Ok{+}* button to print the report. Click the *View* button if you want *{+}to return to this screen{+}* to print other {color:#000099}{*}{+}Production Reports.+{*}{color} If this is the only meal needed for printing, click *{+}Ok{+}* to print the report. You will *not* be returned to this screen.
All reports will print the screen first as shown below:
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Click the *{+}Printer{+}* icon to print the report to paper.
Click the *{+}Arrow Keys{+}* to scroll move through pages.
Click the *{+}Binoculars{+}{*}icon to search for words.
Drag the *{+}Scroll Bar{+}* to move up and down.
\\ !worddav907cb55b9398dd796dd070bd74a6f1a2.png|border=1,width=31,height=25! Click the *{+}Tree View{+}* to jump to groupings.
h1. Prepare to Produce
Before producing meals, it is typical to review meal counts and print reports the morning of preparation.
*Step 1* \- Select the *{+}Production{+}* button from the *{+}Quick Launch{+}* and the following screen will be displayed:
*Step 2* \- Select the *{+}Serving Date{+}* to be produced.
*Step 3* \- Click the *{+}Meal Type{+}* button (Breakfast, Lunch, or Snack) to be produced and then the bottom section will be filled with the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Meals To Produce{+}{*}{color} (recipes on the meal).
{info}The Status column's *{+}folder{+}* will be *{+}yellow{+}* when the recipe has been produced and *{+}white{+}* when the recipe has *{+}not{+}* been produced.{info}
*Step 4* \- Click the *{+}Meal Planning{+}* button to change planning counts for the date shown. Planned counts may also be entered in the *{+}Calendar View{+}* as shown in the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Planning{+}{*}{color} section of this manual. Entering the planned counts from the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Production{+}{*}{color} screen works the exact same way as entering from the calendar view.
{info}The *{+}Menu Planning{+}* button in the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Production{+}{*}{color} screen was designed to make quick changes. It allows you add and remove menus, recipes, and change your planned counts. It loads faster than {color:#000099}{*}{+}Meal Planning{+}{*}{color} because it is loading just one day at a time. Use this button to make adjustments to the menu because of delivery, weather or staffing issues. For more information on making changes to the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Meal Planning{+}{*}{color} screen, please refer to that section in this manual.{info}
*Step 5* \- Select the *{+}Recipe{+}* and click the *{+}Produce{+}* button and the following form will be displayed. Notice the *{+}Recipe Name{+}* in the {color:#000099}{*}title bar{*}{color}.
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*Step 6* \- If necessary, click and change the *{+}Prepared{+}* counts.
{info}If you change the prepared counts, click the *{+}Recalculate Estimated Quantity{+}* button to have the recipe rescale. This will change the *{+}Unit Quantity{+}* needed to prepare the recipe. {info}
*Step 7* \- Click *{+}Ok{+}* to save the changes.
*Step 8* \- Repeat steps 5 thru 6 until all recipes have been changed.
*Step 9* \- Click the *{+}Print{+}* button and select the *{+}Menu Production Worksheet.+* Use this to show your kitchen staff what and how much to prepare.
{info}The print button in Production shows the same as the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Production Report{+}{*}{color} button on the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Quick Launch{+}{*}{color} screen. It was added here for your convenience.{info}
h1. How to Use and Read the Menu Production Worksheet
Post the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Menu Production Worksheet{+}{*}{color} in the Kitchen as a guide for daily production. You will need a menu production worksheet for *each meal prepared*.
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*Step 1* \- In the *{+}Recipe Description{+}* column, hand-write person's *name* that is responsible for the production of this recipe and any specific instructions.
*Step 2* \- The *{+}Item Description{+}* and *{+}Units To Pull{+}* shows the amount to be prepared based on the "planned" counts.
{info}Remember, when you first start using the program, there could be mistakes in the recipe. It is the manager's responsibility to verify the correct amount to prepare. Recipe errors should be reported to your Supervisor {color:#ff0000}{*}as soon as possible{*}{color}.{info}
*Step 3* \- In the *{+}Actual Amounts Used{+}* column, hand-write the amount *pulled* to prepare the recipe. The kitchen staff may have used different inventory items or amounts than listed in the *{+}Units to Pull{+}* column.
*Step 4* \- When the meal service is complete, hand-write the leftovers in the *{+}Leftover Servings{+}* column. It is best to have this in servings and describe what was done with the food. Was it *{_}discarded{_}*? Do you plan use it on a serving date in the *{_}future{_}*? Will you put it the freezer for *{_}future{_}* use?
*Step 5* \- *{+}Physical Count{+}* \- After meal production is complete and before keying in production, count the remaining inventory in the storeroom, cooler, or freezer. When you are in production, you should compare physical count written here to the computer inventory count.
{info}If this is done daily, the end of the month inventory will always balance. Each day you are comparing physical inventory counts with what is listed in the software.{info}\\
_When this form has been completed, you are ready to do_ *{_}Production{_}{*}_\!_
h1. {pagebreak}Produce Recipes
*Step 1* \- Select the *{+}Production{+}* button from the *{+}Quick Launch{+}* and the following screen will be displayed:
*Step 2* \- Select the *{+}Serving Date{+}* to be produced.
*Step 3* \- Click the *{+}Meal Type{+}* button (Breakfast, Lunch, or Snack) to be produced and then the bottom section will be filled with the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Meals To Produce{+}{*}{color} (recipes on the meal).
{info}The Status column's *{+}folder{+}* will be *{+}yellow{+}* when the recipe has been produced and *{+}white{+}* when the recipe has *{+}not{+}* been produced.{info}
*Step 4* \- Click the *{+}Produce{+}* button and the following form will be displayed with all recipes scaled based on planned counts.
\\ {color:#000099}{*}{+}Top Section -- Applicable Serving Records{+}{*}{color}:The top section displays the *menu* for each *{+}age group{+}* or *{+}serving size{+}*. All of the counts in this section can be changed except the planned counts.
{info}To change planned counts, you must close this screen and click the *{+}Meal Planning{+}* button.{info}
\\ {color:#000099}{*}{+}Middle Section -- Production Components{+}{*}{color}{color:#000099}:{color} The middle section displays each *item* listed on the *recipe* designated by the +Central Office+.
| *Source* | *{+}Issue{+}* \- The item will be pulled from your Inventory on-hand balance. \\
*{+}Leftover{+}* -- The time will be pulled from leftovers. |
| *Item Description* | You may see the same catalog number listed *twice*. This is because the item has two different *brands* or *packing* information. |
| *Brand* | The item may be listed twice if there are 2 different brands. |
| *Unit Description* | The description of the item. |
| *Partial Qty* | This is the *amount* that can be *pulled* from a *broken* case. |
| *Partial Unit* | The *unit* of the partial quantity that can be pulled from a *broken* case. |
| *Total Qty Used* | The total of the unit description plus the partial unit. The *total* amount to *pull*. |
| *Discarded* | When *leftovers* are displayed and *cannot be used*, select this Discarded. This will print on the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Production Report{+}{*}{color} on the *day* it was discarded. |
| *Quantity Remaining* | What remains *after* the amount item is *pulled*. |
{info}When Quantity Remaining values remaining are shown in {color:#ff0000}{*}red{*}{color}, this is a negative value. This screen will not close as long as there are negative values. The software will not allow you to use what you do not have.{info}
{info}The program will suggest using leftovers first only when they were planned to be used. This will be discussed in more detail in the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Leftover{+}{*}{color} section of this manual.{info}
\\ {color:#000099}{*}{+}Bottom Section -- Production Components{+}{*}{color}: The bottom section is used to record leftovers.
*Step 5* \- Click on the *{+}Unit Quantity Used{+}* or the *{+}Partial Quantity Used{+}* to change the amount you are pulling from inventory
* If you are using *{+}exactly{+}* what is displayed on all items and there are no leftovers, then click the *{+}Ok{+}* button. There is nothing else to do.
* If you need to change the amount being used, there are several ways this can be done.
Lettuce Salad Mix comes packed in 5 lb bags, with 4 bags in a case. That equals a total of *{+}20{+}* lbs.
Type *26* in the *{+}Partial Used{+}* and press the *{+}Enter{+}* key
The screen will change the *Quantity Used* to one case containing four pounds, one 5 lb, and one single pound. Notice the *{+}Quantity Remaining{+}* is now red because you only had 25 lbs in inventory, so attempting to use 26 lbs would not be allowed. You could also have type *1 slash 1* in the *{+}Quantity Used{+}*.
Ground beef comes packed in 10 lbs, with 4 in a case.
Type *12* in the *{+}Partial Used{+}* and press the *{+}Enter{+}* key.
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Since the whole case was *not* used, the screen will show *zero* case,*one10* lb., and *2* single lbs were used. You could have also typed *slash 1* in the *{+}Quantity Used{+}* and *2* in the *{+}Partial Used{+}*.
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{info}When there is nothing listed in the Partial Unit column, you can only use the whole portion of the Unit Description.{info}
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h1. Adding Items and Leftovers
*Step 1* \- Click the *{+}Add{+}* button to add from *{+}Inventory{+}* or *{+}Leftovers{+}*.
The following form will be displayed:
*Step 2* \- Click *{+}From Leftovers{+}* and choose a receipt that was previously produced and placed in your leftover inventory.
*Step 3* \- To manually add an item that was not originally listed in the recipe, click *{+}From Inventory{+}* and click Ok to choose from current inventory on-hand and the following form will be displayed. Type the *{+}item name{+}* or *{+}description{+}* and press *{+}Ok{+}* to select the item you wish to add.
!worddav2ea5815a70f1eff568236d3fd62fd7b8.png|height=455,width=608!\\ {info}When adding items, notice that there may be {color:#ff0000}{*}{+}more than one{+}{*}{color} item with the same description. {info}
* Be careful to the select the right brand for the item.
* Many items are available in both purchased and commodity.
{info}When items are leftovers are added that were not listed on the original recipe, the program will *{+}only suggest you issue one{+}*. Be sure to change the *{+}Quantity Use{+}* or *{+}Partial Use{+}* after adding items and leftovers.{info}
h1. Remove an Ingredient from a Recipe
*Step 1* \- Click on the recipe ingredient that you wish to remove. A *{+}dark black line{+}* will be drawn around the Item Description.Click the *Remove* button.
A {color:#ff0000}{*}{+}red line{+}{*}{color}will be drawn through the item that you selected.
{info}The item will *not* be removed until you click the *{+}Ok{+}* button, but once you hit the *{+}Remove{+}* button, you must click the *{+}Add{+}* button you put the item back on the recipe.{info}
h1. Recording Leftovers
*Step 1* \- The bottom section of the Production Record form is used to record your leftovers.Enter the *{+}Portion Quantity{+}* leftover.
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*Step 2* \- If you *do not* know the serving date that you plan to use the leftovers in the future, click the *Ok* button to *{+}save{+}* your Production counts. You will be returned to the Production screen. Notice that the folder is yellow for all recipes that have been produced. Repeat steps 1 through 11 for all recipes on the menu.
*Step 3* \- If you know the serving date that you plan to use the leftover, click on the button:
*Step 4* \- The following form will be displayed. Enter the *{+}Week{+}* you plan to serve the leftover by clicking *{+}More{+}* button next to the date, choose the *{+}Serving Date{+}*, and the *{+}Meal Type{+}* and the calendar menus will be listed one week at a time.
*Step 5* \- The Click on the *{+}Recipe{+}* under the *{+}Menu{+}* where you plan to use the leftovers and click the *{+}Ok{+}* button.
{info}You must choose a Recipe. You will {color:#ff0000}{*}{+}not{+}{*}{color} be able to click *{+}Ok{+}* when you are choose a *{+}Menu{+}*. Menu names have a *darker* gray background. *{+}Recipe{+}* names are slightly *indented* below the menu.{info}
{info}On the day that you are planning to use the leftover, the production form for the recipe chosen will automatically contain the leftover and the *{+}planned{+}* counts will be *{_}reduced{_}* by the portions of leftovers. In other words, *{+}leftovers{+}* will be used {color:#ff0000}{*}{+}first{+}{*}{color}.{info}
*Step 6* \- Click the *Ok* button to *{+}save{+}* your Production counts. You will be returned to the Production screen. Notice that the folder is yellow for all recipes that have been produced. Repeat steps 1 through 11 for all recipes on the menu.
h1. Production - Meal Counts
When all of the recipes have been produced, all of the folders will be *yellow*.
*Meal Counts* are *{+}not{+}* current pulled in from the POS software. Print the following reports from the *{+}MCS Point of Sale{+}* program to obtain Serving Counts to be entered.
* Daily Recap Report
* Total Served by Grade Report
* Meal Summary Report
*Step 1* \- Click on the *{+}Meal Counts{+}* button and the following form will be displayed:
*Step 2* \- Enter the number of *{+}Meals Served{+}* in the yellow blocks and click the *{+}Ok{+}* button. These counts will be printed at the *top* of the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Production Report{+}{*}{color}.
If the planned meals need to be changed, click in the white boxes. A message warning will be displayed about changing planned counts, click *{+}OK{+}* and change the planned counts.
Some districts enter the extra sales values in *{+}Extra Item Sales{+}*. This value is divided by a *{+}Meal Equivalent Factor{+}* and *{+}The Number of Meals{+}* is added to the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Production Report{+}{*}{color}.
h1. Printing After Production and Food Cost Reports
*Step 1* \- Click the *{+}Print{+}* button and the following form will be displayed. Select the *{+}Production Report{+}* and click the *{+}Ok{+}* button. The production report can also be printed from the Quick Launch.
*Step 2* \- Select the *{+}Production Report{+}* and click the *{+}Ok{+}* button. The production report can also be printed from the *{+}Quick Launch{+}*.
*Step 3* \- Select the *{+}Daily Food Cost Report{+}* and click the *{+}Ok{+}* button. The production report can also be print from the *{+}Quick Launch{+}*.
{info}It is best to print the *{+}Daily Food Cost Report{+}* after ALL meals have been produced for the day, since each time it prints, it will include {color:#ff0000}{*}all{*}{color} produced meals for that given date.{info}
h1. Production -- A Quick Guide
*Step 1* \- From the *{+}Quick Launch{+}* click *{+}Production{+}{*}*.*
*Step 2* \- Select the *{+}Serving Date{+}* and the *{+}Meal{+}*.
*Step 3* \- If the menu changed, click the *Meal Planning* button \- on the {color:#0000ff}*<New Recipe>*{color} line add a new recipe, and/or right click on an existing recipe to remove a recipe.
*Step 4* \- If the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Menu Production Worksheet{+}{*}{color} has not been printed, click *{+}Print{+}* and select the Menu Production Worksheet. Post this for the food service technicians to record food used and leftover portions.
*Step 5* \- After Meal Service and POS are completed, then begin production.
*Step 6* \- Use the Menu Worksheet, which has been completed by the service technicians to produce meals. Select the *{+}Production{+}* button from the *{+}Quick Launch{+}*.
*Step 7* \- Select the *{+}Recipe{+}* and click *{+}Produce{+}*, and enter the *{+}Quantity{+}* and *{+}Partial Quantity{+}* used. This will issue food from inventory.
*Step 8* \- After you enter the Quantity Used, check the *Quantity Remaining*. This should be the same as the physical count remaining that was noted on the Menu {color:#000099}{*}{+}Production Worksheet{+}{*}{color}.
*Step 9* \- Click the *{+}Add{+}* button to add *additional* items or *substitution* items, and add *leftovers* from a previously produced recipe.
*Step 10* \- Complete the *{+}Applicable Serving Records{+}* (offer vs serve portion of the Production report) section at the top by entering the number of servings of *{+}prepared{+}*, *{+}un-served{+}*, *{+}extra sales{+}*, *{+}seconds{+}*, etc. If there are counts typed in *{+}Un-Served{+}*, then type that number again in the *{+}Leftovers Produced{+}* section. The leftovers can be planned for future use or discarded. Repeat Steps 1 - 10 until finished with all of the recipes.
*Step 11* \- When all of the recipes have been produced, click *{+}Meal Counts{+}* to enter the number of meals served. The white boxes are the planned meal counts. The yellow are the served meal counts.
*Step 12* \- Print the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Production Report{+}{*}{color} and the {color:#000099}{*}{+}Daily Food Cost Report{+}{*}{color}. Double check that all items used in production are listed on the report and that they all have the correct quantity used.
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