Wiki Markup |
{info}It is important to remember that a meal must be planned before it can be Produced.{info}
Meals can be planned by clicking the *{+}Menu Planning{+}* button on the quick launch.
*{+}Produced & Planned Fonts and Colors{+}*
* *BOLD* text - Fully produced (every recipe under the meal is produced)
* *{_}Italics{_}* text - Partially produced (at least one recipe, but not all, have been produced)
* Normal text -- None have been produced
* Green background -- the meal has been planned
* Yellow background -- the currently selected day
h1. View the Calendar by the Day, Week or Month
Click the *{+}View{+}* menu selection at the top of the screen and click the desired view.
h1. Enter Meal Planning Counts
*Step 1* \- Select the{*}{+}Serving Type{+}* (Breakfast, Lunch, Or Snack).
*Step 2* \- Double click on a *{+}Serving Day{+}* and the *{+}Meal Planning{+}* form will appear where the *{+}Planned Counts{+}* can be entered.
{warning}The *{+}Swap{+}* buttons at the bottom of the screen are very confusing. It is much easier to add and remove recipes and menus, which will be explained below.{warning}
*Step 3* \- Make sure that the{*}{+}Serving Date{+}{*}and *{+}Serving Type (meal)+* are correct.
*Step 4* \- Click on the *{+}Menu{+}* to plan and the row will be highlighted in yellow.
*Step 5* \- In the *{+}Menu{+}* section at the top, enter the number of *{+}Meals{+}* you plan to serve for each *{+}Menu{+}* and each *{+}Serving Group{+}*.
{info}Under *Utilities >Warehouse Settings*, if you have the box checked to *{+}Automatically Apply Menu Counts To The Recipe Counts When Planning{+}* all of the recipe counts are prefilled in the *{+}Recipe{+}* section at the bottom with the quantity entered in the *{+}Menu{+}* section at the top. If you have this setting unchecked, the recipe counts in the bottom section are *not* prefilled. This is a personal setting for each user.{info}
*Step 6* \- You *{+}must click Ok{+}* to save the planned counts.
{warning}If you click the *{+}Cancel{+}* button or the *X* in the upper right corner, your changes *will not be saved*\!{warning}
{warning}If the *{+}Recipe{+}* section at the bottom of the screen is *{+}empty{+}*, it means you have selected the *+(Add Menu)+* row in the top *{+}Menu{+}* section at the top. Simply select a *{+}Menu{+}* and the bottom will be populated with the recipes on the selected menu.{warning}\\
*Step 7* \- Once you click the *{+}Ok{+}* button after entering the planned counts, the *{+}Calendar{+}* view will be displayed. Notice the days that have planned counts will have a {color:#00b050}{*}{+}green{+}{*}{color} background (e.g. 07/13/2011 and 07/14/2011). The currently selected day will have a {color:yellow}{*}{+}yellow{+}{*}{color} background (e.g. 07/28/2011). You *{+}must{+}* click *Ok* again on this screen to save the planned counts.
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{warning}If you click the *{+}Cancel{+}* button or the *X* in the upper right corner, you will receive the following warning message:{warning}
\\ !worddavd28f4a625e413981e03b2f555b1949b6.png|height=163,width=443!\\
h1. Add a Menu to a Day
*Step 1* \- To add a menu, click on the blank row in the *{+}Menu{+}* section at the top and type over *+(Add Menu)+* with the *{+}Name{+}* of the new menu you wish to add.
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For example, if you want to add the *French Bread Pizza*, you should only type the word *Pizza* and press the *{+}Enter{+}* key. Typing only a single word or a few characters will display a list of all the menus matching the characters typed and will allow you to choose which pizza menu you wish to add.
{note}Fewer characters are often better than trying to get the spelling of the menu exactly the way it was put into the system.{note}
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*Step 2* \- Select the *{+}Menu{+}* that you wish to add and click the *{+}Ok{+}* button. The menu selected will be added to your list.
{warning}If the *{+}Recipe{+}* section at the bottom of the screen is *{+}empty{+}*, you have selected the *+(Add Menu)+* row in the top *{+}Menu{+}* section. Simply select a *{+}Menu{+}* and the bottom will be populated with the recipes on the selected menu.{warning}\\ !worddav2f8a8ee219933a8db3aa097fde80cb9b.png|height=219,width=309!\\
*Step 3* \- Click *{+}Ok{+}* to save the changes.\\
h1. Add a Recipe to a Day
*Step 1* \- Select the *{+}Menu{+}* in the top Menu Section. Scroll to the bottom of the *{+}Recipe{+}* section and click on the blank row in the *{+}Recipe{+}* section at the bottom and type over *+<New Recipe>+* with the *{+}Name{+}* of the new recipe you wish to add.
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For example, if you want to add the "*Fruit Cocktail*", you should only type the word "*Fruit*" and press the *{+}Enter{+}* key. Typing only a single word or a few characters will display a list of all recipes matching the characters typed and will allow you to choose which fruit recipe you wish to add.
{note}Fewer characters are often better than trying to get the spelling of the recipe exactly the way it was put into the system.{note}
*Step 2* \- Select the *{+}Recipe{+}* that you wish to add and click the *{+}Ok{+}* button. The recipe selected will be added to the list.
{warning}If the *{+}Recipe{+}* section at the bottom of the screen is *{+}empty{+}*, you have selected the *+(Add Menu)+* row in the top *{+}Menu{+}* section. Simply select a *{+}Menu{+}* and the bottom will be populated with the recipes on the selected menu.{warning}\\ !worddav2f8a8ee219933a8db3aa097fde80cb9b.png|height=219,width=309!\\
*Step 3* \- Click *{+}Ok{+}* to save the changes.
h1. Remove a Menu from a Day
*Step 1* \- *{+}Right{+}* click on the menu that you wish to remove. The *{+}Remove{+}* button is displayed containing the *{+}Menu{+}* that will be removed.
*Step 2* \- *{+}Left{+}* click"*{+}Remove{+}* _{+}Menu Name{+}_" box.
* If the *{+}Planned Counts{+}* for this menu are all zeros, the menu will be removed from the list immediately.
* If the *{+}Planned Counts{+}* were previously entered and saved for this menu, a {color:#ff0000}{*}{+}red{+}{*}{color} line will be drawn through the menu.
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*Step 3* \- You may *{+}Undelete{+}* a menu that has the {color:#ff0000}{*}{+}red{+}{*}{color} line drawn through it by *{+}Right{+}* clicking again and selecting the *{+}Un-Delete{+}* button.
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*Step 4* \- Click the *{+}Ok{+}* button to save your changes.
*Step 5* \- The *{+}Calendar Menu{+}* screen will be displayed. Click *{+}Ok{+}* again to permanently save your changes.
{info}Once the changes have been saved on the *{+}Calendar Menu{+}*, you cannot *{+}Un-Delete{+}* menus. You must add a new menu as described in the *{+}Add a Menu to a Day{+}* section in this manual.{info}
h1. Remove a Recipe from a Day
*Step 1* \- *{+}Right{+}* click on the *{+}Recipe{+}* that you wish to *{+}Remove{+}* and a box will be displayed right below the recipe that was selected.
*Step 2* \- *{+}Left{+}* click on the box *{+}Remove{+}* _{+}Recipe Name{+}_.
* If there the *{+}Planned Counts{+}* for this recipe are all zeros, the recipe will be removed immediately.
* If the *{+}Planned Counts{+}* were previously entered and saved for this recipe, a {color:#ff0000}{*}{+}red{+}{*}{color} line will be drawn through the recipe.
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*Step 3* \- You may *{+}Undelete{+}* a recipe that has the red line drawn through it by *{+}Right{+}* clicking again and selecting the *{+}Un-Delete{+}* recipe button.
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*Step 4* \- Click the *{+}Ok{+}* button to save your changes.
*Step 5* \- The *{+}Calendar Menu{+}* screen will be displayed. Click *{+}Ok{+}* again to permanently save your changes.
{info}Once the changes have been saved on the *{+}Calendar Menu{+}* screen, you cannot un-delete recipes. You must add a new recipe as described in the *{+}Add a Recipe to a Day{+}* section in this manual.{info}
h1. Clone Menu Planned Counts
When a menu has planning counts, you can *{+}Clone{+}* (Copy) the planned counts to all future serve dates that contain the same menu.
*Step 1* \- Select the *{+}Menu{+}* from the calendar.
*Step 2* \- Click *{+}Clone Menu Planning Counts{+}* button.
*Step 3* \- Select the *{+}Date Range{+}* (from and to) to clone the counts forward in the menu.
*Step 4* \- If the new meal counts should overwrite previously planned meals, click the *{+}Overwrite Manual Planning{+}* box.
*Step 5* \- Click *{+}Ok{+}* to copy the counts of this menu to subsequent days where this *exact* menu is listed on the calendar.\\ \\
h1. Export Calendar Menu to Microsoft Word
This report may be printed before *{+}Meal Planning{+}* has been completed and exported to *{+}Microsoft Word{+}* where *pictures* and *graphics* can be added.
*Step 1* \- Select *{+}Reports > Production > Meal Planning List{+}* and the following form will be displayed:
*Step 2* \- Click *{+}Ok{+}*. Once the report is displayed on the screen, click the *{+}Envelope Icon{+}* !worddav64cc6cc65a50e2dfd4fd031edf2f4060.png|height=24,width=23! at the top left of the screen.
*Step 3* \- The following form will be displayed:
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* Select *Word for Windows document* for the *{+}Format{+}*.
* Select *Disk File* for the *{+}Destination{+}*.
*Step 4* \- Click the *{+}Ok{+}* button and the following form will be displayed:
* Choose the *{+}Folder{+}* where you wish to *save* the file.
* Type the name that you wish to give the file in the *{+}File Name{+}* box.
* Click the *{+}Save{+}* button to save the file.
{info}The above screen example may be different depending on your version of Windows. For more information or assistance with saving files and using Microsoft Word, please contact the Central Office.{info}
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