The Vendor Sites screen allows you to map WebSMARTT sites to vendor customer numbers. To configure how vendors relate to sites, from the Vendor Export page, select Vendor Sites. 1.
- Select a site from the Site drop-down menu.
- Select the desired vendor from the Vendors drop-down menu.
- Under Site Vendor Number, enter the ID number used to associate your site with the vendor.
- Click Save.
If you need to change any previously entered information on this page, click Edit next to the entry that needs to be changed. Select the correct site, correct the vendor, and adjust the site vendor number if needed. When finished, click the Save link next to the entry. To undo any changes, click the Undo arrow to the right of the Save link.
To delete an entry on the list, click the red X to the right of the entry.
Site 10 Site Name• Vendor Name Site Vendor Number
1 166 ·HullHouse Association- vii Sysco vlle22999 S_ave (iJ
TechC1667 Acad Of C mmun cation &. Cristina Foods 63111 Sl!lS £1
lli!S £12030 Academy for Global Salton MILK 63011
Citizensh p
£!ill £12030 Academy for Global Salton PAPER 6·3011
Citizensh p
£12030 Academy forGlobal Salton PAPER 2 63011 Edit
Cit zensh p
2030 109760 £1Academy for Global 'Nhitney Foods Edit
Cit zensh p PRODUCE
1001CHARTER HS - Ace
Alpha Baking 60119 Edit £1
CHARTER HS- Ace1001 ACE TECHNICAL Salton M LK 66291 Edit £1
lli!S £11001 ACE TECHNICAL Salton PAPE.R 66291
lli!S £11001 ACE TECHNICAL Salton PAPER 2 66291
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