The Menu Thresholds page allows you to set threshold day for the Menu Plan of each site. You can search for, edit and delete the menu threshold days for the selected site. Each site must have a menu plan threshold.
The Site field is a drop-down lists that allows you to select which site you want to set a menu planning threshold.
The Search button locates for the site selected in the Site field.
Search Results
The name of the site is displayed.
The number of menu planning threshold days for planning is displayed. This is the number of days before the serving day the user should modify the published menu plan.
Example: If a planning threshold is set to 45 days, you will not be allowed to enter data into the planning section of the menu plan until the Menu Plan date is within 45 days of today. A threshold of 0 (zero) indicates there is no threshold. A threshold of 1 (one) will allow you to enter data the day of the Menu Plan date or any day after the Menu Plan date.
Generating Orders
The number of production schedule threshold days for generating the orders is displayed. This is the number of days before the serving days the user should create an order for the menu plan.
The number of menu planning threshold days for preparing is displayed. This is the number of days before the serving day the user should prepare their food, such as five days for a Central Kitchen, or one day for a Prep Site.
The number of menu planning threshold days for serving is displayed. This is the number of days before a serving day the user should enter their serving number.
Updating Inventory
The number of menu planning threshold days for updating the inventory is displayed. This is the number of days after a serving day the user should remove items from inventory.
No Update
The number of menu planning threshold days for no updates is displayed. If a day is entered, the user is restricted from entering information in WebSMARTT before or after the actual threshold is reached.
Example: If 0 is entered, the menu plan should be editable at all times. If a number greater than 0 is entered, menu plans are editable until it is within that number of days before the menu plan date.
The Edit link allows you to edit menu planning threshold days for the selected site.
The Delete link allows you to delete the menu planning threshold values for the selected site.
The Cancel button terminates the request to set threshold days for menu planning for each site and returns you back to the Menu Planning and Production homepage.
Add Threshold
The Add Threshold button allows you to add threshold days for menu planning for a new site. The Add Threshold button will be grayed out if all sites are already set up.
Editing Thresholds
Click the Edit button to change thresholds.
The number of menu planning threshold days for planning is now editable. You can now enter the number of threshold days you want for planning.
The number of menu planning threshold days for preparing is now editable. You can now enter the number of threshold days you want for preparing.
The number of menu planning threshold days for serving is now editable. You can now enter the number of threshold days you want for serving.
Updating Inventory
The number of menu planning threshold days for updating the inventory is now editable. You can now enter the number of threshold days you want for updating the inventory.
No Update
The number of menu planning threshold days for no updates is now editable. You can now enter the number of threshold days you want for no updates.
The Update link allows you to update the edited menu planning threshold days for the selected site.
Undo Arrow
The Undo link allows you to undo any changes made to the menu planning threshold days for the selected site.