x Account History - Customers and their account history. x Accountability Roster by Homeroom - Customers by homeroom, for checking off at POS. x Accountability Roster by Grade - Customers by grade, for checking off at POS. x Adjustment Summary - Shows all adjustments done at the site. This report is also available at the Central Office. x Cards 12 Digit - Information for identification cards. Digits cannot be longer than 12. x Cards 8 Digit - Information for identification cards. Digits cannot be longer than 8. x Customer Account Balance Summary - Customers with account balances. x Customer Account Limits - Customers with entries for daily or weekly spending limits, and customers with credit limits. x Customer List - Customers, showing site, status and grade. x Customer List with Account Balances - Customers with their prepaid breakfast, lunch, and account balances. x Customer List with Ethnicity - Customers with status, account balance, bar code, ethnic code, and additional information. x Customers without Status Data - Customer information except eligibility status. x Customer Totals - Shows all customers by status. x Date of Last Purchase - Shows all customers who have not eaten within the number of days specified. x Duplicate Bar Code - Customers with duplicate bar code numbers, attendance status, and record code. x Labels - Contain customer's name (last, first, mi) and grade. x List Grouped by Homeroom - Customers sorted by their homerooms. x Low Balance Letter - Letters are addressed to parents informing them of their child's low account balance. x Negative Balance Letter - Letters are addressed to parents informing them of their child's negative account balance. x PIN Letter - Letter informing the student of their personal identification number (PIN) and how to use it x Prepayment Summary - All prepayments made for a specified period of time. x Rosters - Customer identification codes in roster format x Zero Balance Letter - Letters addressed to parents informing them of their child's zero account balance. |