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Cafeteria Templates are used to establish universal setting across all cafeterias. Multiple templates can be created and applied. To modify individual templates, refer to Cafeterias. |
Step 1: From the Administration and Maintenance tab, locate the Cafeteria Setup tab. Then, select Cafeteria Templates.
Step 2: Click the Add button to add a new cafeteria template. Skip to Step 4 to Edit a cafeteria template.
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Establish a new task. Then, click Ok. Action - Start Operating Day
- Start Meal (Breakfast)
- Main Machine (Breakfast)
- Create Line Disks (Breakfast)
- Stop Meal (Breakfast)
- Start meal (Lunch)
- Main Machine (Lunch)
- Create Line Disks (Lunch)
- Stop Meal (Lunch)
- Start Meal (Snack)
- Main Machine (Snack)
- Create Line Disks (Snack)
- Stop Meal (Snack)
- Print Before-Posting Reports
- Post Operating Day
- Print After-Posting Reports
- Check Double Card Usage
- Retrieve Offline Batches
- Enter Incomes and Expenses
- Edit After-School Counts
- User-Defined - Enter a description. Enter a hyperlink if needed. (The link can point to locations offering information or detailed instructions.) Enter any additional comments necessary for those completing the task.
Recurrence - Daily - The task will occur on a daily basis.
- Weekly - The task will occur weekly on the specific day(s) chosen. Choose one or more days by placing a checkmark next to the day of the week.
- Monthly (1) - The item will occur monthly on a chosen day during a specific week of the month (e.g. The 3rd Monday of every month). Choose which week by using the drop-down arrow. Then, choose the day of the week by using the drop-down arrow.
- Monthly (2) - The task will occur on a specific day of the month (e.g. The 12th day of every month). Choose a specific day of the month by using the drop-down arrow.
- Annually - The task will occur annually on a specific day and month (e.g. the 15th of September). Choose a day of the month by using the drop-down arrow. Then, choose the month by using the drop-down arrow.
- One Time - The task will only occur once on the set date. Choose a specific date the task should occur by selecting it from the calendar or entering the date.
Warn on program close if overdue - Prompts a warning when closing Newton that a task has not been completed. ![](
Remove Item - Allows removal of an item from the checklist.
Select which income/expense accounts are available when entering miscellaneous incomes and expenses by checking or unchecking items.
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