Versions Compared
Version | Old Version 5 | New Version 6 |
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Order Discrepancies
If all quantities have not been fulfilled, an Order Fulfillment box will appear notifying you that not all items have been accounted for and you must decide how to handle discrepancies.
- Take note of the discrepancy between the Open Ordered Quantity and the Fulfilled Quantity columns.
- Disposition - Use the drop-down menu to select how to handle the discrepancy.
- Backorder - Places the item on backorder for future fulfillment.
- Close - Closes the item ordered even if quantities have not been met.
- After you have completed discrepancy details, click Ok.
Note |
If you have made an error and have completed filling all order quantities, click Cancel and make necessary changes. |
Step 6: Close the Edit Issuing Record tab.
Anchor Edit Order Edit Order
Edit Order Quantities
Edit Order | |
Edit Order |
Step 1: From the Review Orders tab, select and order. Then, click Edit Order Quantities.
Step 2:
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